Chapter 2

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The next day Andy stayed home. Star was very happy. He and the band all agreeed that they needed a break from the studio for a little while since they had been working almost full time since Warped Tour had ended. 

He and Star were in the kitchen. Star was sitting at the island watching Andy burn pancakes. " Andy, stop burning all the damn pancakes," she laughed.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it. It's not as easy as it looks, ya know," he said looking over his shoulder at her. 

Star laughed shaking her head. She stood up and walked over to Andy," You're a terrible cook." 

"Hey, I'm trying my best," he said in his defense.

Star took the spatula out of his hand, and took over. Andy went and sat at the island to watch.

Star laughed," Andy, who did you live without me?" 

Andy sat up straight and laughed," The microwave." 

"Are you serious?" Star asked looking at him,

Andy nodded," My cooking skills are that limited." 

Star laughed and rolled her eyes," Well, then I guess I'll had to teach you some things." 

Andy laughed," What would I ever do without you?" 

"I have no idea," Star laughed flipping a pancake over in the pan.

Star finished cooking the pancakes, and they ate in the living room on the couch watching TV. By ablout 2:00 the dished were all sitting on the coffee table, and Star was fast asleep with her head laying in Andy's lap.

Andy looked down at her, and carefully moved her hair out of her beautiful face. He was, in fact, still in love with her. However, he tried his best to hide the strong feelings he had for her. He did not want to ruin their friendship, or make things between them awkward.

He laid a hand on her shoulder, and gently shook her body to wake her up. "Star?" he whispered.

She opened her eyes, and groaned.

Andy laughed," Wake-up it's already past 2 o'clock." 

"So?" she groaned closing her eyes again.

Andy laughed," Do you want to go to the store with me?" 


"Becasue we need something to eat for tonight, and we're out of ice cream."

Star groaned," Carry me?"

Andy moved her head, and stood up," Where am I supposed to carry you to?"

Star shrugged," I don't care just carry me." 

Andy laughed and picked her up bridal style. He walked upstairs to her bedroom, so she could get ready to go to the store. He sat her on the bed, and she laughed," Thank you." 

Andy laughed," Yeah, yeah, yeah, now go get ready so we can go." He left the room, and Star began getting ready.

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