A/n i dont really like to write violence but heres some mention of violence and our sad bean Yuuri, sorry ):
Yuuri Katsuki
The next day, i run home crying after school and avoid everyone around me who looks at me.
I run into the onsen, then run down the hall to my room before slamming and locking the door shut to flop onto my bed and cry really hard into my pillow, my whole body feeling nothing but pain. JJ had beaten me up and now i'm in my room sobbing my eyes out while ignoring everything around me. Thank god i'm home alone and my door is locked.
I pick up my phone reluctantly with a sniffle.
IceKing: Yuuri! Phichit said you ran home crying but didnt tell me why, are you okay?!
IceKing: Please pick up, Yuuri... I'm really scared right now...
IceKing: I'm worried about you...
Katsudon.Lover: I'm fine.
IceKing: Obviously you're not if you're running home crying!
Katsudon.Lover: You see... Theres this guy at my school, his name's JJ....
Katsudon.Lover: He's a huge jerk and our schools bully... He beats me up almost daily because i wear girl clothes...
Katsudon.Lover: Today, he pulled my hair, punched me, kicked me, and he even made bruises on my arms and legs. He gave me a black eye and spat nasty words at me...
IceKing: I'm going to kill that bastard. Yuuri, i'm so sorry... Is there anything i can do to help you feel better?
Katsudon.Lover: Could you maybe call me..? i wanna hear your voice...
IceKing: Of course. Anything for you, Yuuri. Whats your number?
Katsudon.Lover: xxx-xxx-xxxx
I waited a few minutes before an unknown number appears on my screen, calling me. I sniffle before picking it up shakily.
"H-hello?", i ask nervously.
"Yuuri? Its Viktor..", a thick Russian accent says and my heart starts racing.
"O-oh hi V-viktor..", i rub at my sore eye before deciding to get out of bed to get some ice or frozen peas for my eye.
"Do you always stutter?", he asks, seeming to be interested.
"U-usually... S-sorry if it b-bugs you..", i say, feeling tears threaten to fall once again before grabbing the peas and going back to my room to lock and shut the door.
"No no no! not at all! Its quite cute, actually.", i can just hear him grinning.
"S-so?", i ask nervously, not really sure what to say.
"Are you feeling alright, Yuuri? I'm here for you.", he seems so concerned.
"I-i-i...", tears start to fall and next thing i know, i'm sobbing heavily.
"Yuuri, shh, shhh, its ok, baby. I'm right here."
"I-i.... I d-dont w-want to l-live an-anymore, Viktor...", i manage to say through my sobs.
"Yuuri dont say that... I wish i could be there to hug you, tell you that everything is alright, and just hold you close to me forever."
"Stay close to me, Yuuri."
I knew it was too early to tell since we had only met not that long ago, but it was at this moment that i knew.
I have fallen for Viktor Nikiforov.
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