[a/n hahaha what if i killed yuuri? would yall hate me? jk i know the answer, yes u would- but dw im not gonna kill yuuri i love him]
Viktor Nikiforov
I had eventually broughten Yura into my room and i was lucky that my room had two seperate beds because all one bed rooms were full. it was still stormy outside and it seemed as if lightning or thunder could be coming anytime soon.
I remember Yuuri saying how much he loves the rain.
"The rain is my favorite! its just- its beautiful because my mom always tells me its the angels crying and then when the storm clears up, theres always a rainbow. Its kind of like if something bad happens and it turns into a storm, but things do eventually get better and the storm will clear up to turn into a beautiful big rainbow! its kind of symbolic and aesthetic, no?"
Oh Yuuri... How could someone as beautiful as you be in so much pain?
"Viktor... Th-the paramedics and po-police had t-told me i needed s-someone to live with.... Th-they suggested going b-back t-to my p-parents but i al-almost sc-screamed my head off... I d-dont wanna go back... I t-told them th-that i knew someone w-who's 18 and willing to a-adopt me...", Yura interuppted my thoughts by beginning to talk while i continued staring out the window and into the beautiful storm.
"I-i told them- a-about you...", my eyes widen and my breath hitched in my throat at his words. "I s-said my f-friend Viktor would b-be willing to fo-foster me... P-please dont be mad... You d-dont have to if y-you dont w-want to, i-i can go l-live with Beka a-and...", i cut him off by giving him a really big and tight hug and telling him the words i've always wanted to say to him, "I'd love to be your father, Yurio..."
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