Chapter 18

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"Are we sure we can handle five kids running around?" Seokjin sighed as he folded the couch covering.

"We don't have a choice. It's good for the girls to see their cousins once in a while," I hummed.

We had decided to invite Eunbi, Chanhyuk, and the kids over for some family bonding since it had been a while. Plus Eunbi had called me saying she wanted to meet up and talk, so what better way to do it than a family gathering.

We were busy trying to tidy up the place since our home had become a minefield of toys that if you stepped on them, well yikes.

Once we had cleaned everything up and made some tea and snack for them, we waited patiently on the couch for them to arrive.

Finally a knock at the door sounded, revving up the excitement in the girls once more.

I held Yujin tightly in my arms while Suyeon held my free hand. Despite their excitement, they often got painfully shy and liked to hide against me.

Seokjin opened the door for my sister and her family. Eunbi and Chanhyuk wore happy smiles as they struggled to contain their own children.

The now two-year-old, Min, was very timidly hiding behind Eunbi's legs while the animated twins in each of their arms excitedly bounced.

The good thing was that besides Yujin, the kids were really close in age and could play with all the same toys.

"Ahh hi!" I grinned, rushing over as fast as possible to wrap my baby sister in a hug.

It was a bit awkward since both of our arms were occupied by clingy babies but we made it work.

It felt like she and I hadn't really had a proper moment to see each other since Yujin was born. Only because she was busy with work and the kids and I was busy with Yujin and maternity leave.

Seokjin and Chanhyuk awkwardly shook hands despite getting closer over the years, not as used to being the affectionate ones with the in-laws.

"Come sit, I'll go get the tea," Seokjin said.

Eunbi and I sat beside each other, motivating our kids to meet each other. Though they had met several times before, it always took Suyeon and her cousins a bit to warm up to each other because they often forgot they were close family.

Yujin sat peacefully in my lap, babbling at all the excitement of new friends to win over with her charm.

Seokjin placed down four cups of tea on the coasters on the coffee table, taking a seat on the other side of me. He took Yujin out of my arms and into his own where he instantly fawned over her.

"So how have you both been?" I started the conversation.

Eunbi rolled her eyes, "Oh god don't tell me we're going to become those adults."

I chuckled, "Welcome to the life of a busy parent who doesn't have time for even their family."

"No, I refuse. We will be getting together more often so this doesn't happen. But to answer your question, we're doing good. The kids are...well kids. They have their naughty moments but I'm blessed to have them," she said.

"Please tell her that we need to wait before having another baby," Chanhyuk interjected exasperatedly.

My jaw dropped, "You really want another one now?"

She shrugged, "I wouldn't hate it. I feel like they're growing up too fast."

I chuckled at her pout. That was the classic mom reasoning for wanting more kids, even though the ones you currently had were a handful enough.

Seokjin laughed, "Trust me Eunbi, we know the feeling."

"See someone gets me," she huffed.

We chuckled, enjoying teasing the younger even though we totally knew what she meant.

"What about everything else? How's work? And you're moving, right? How's that going?" I continued.

She gave me an unsure glance, "Uh work has been okay. I'm lucky that I've been drumming up more business. Dawon was a big help with bouncing ideas off of and it seems to be going well. And the moving is going pretty well too. We're lucky to have found a pretty well-priced place. It's close to a lot of good schools for the kids too when they eventually start primary school."

"What about you Chanhyuk?" Seokjin asked.

Eunbi and Chanhyuk shared an awkward glace filled with remorse and desperation.

"I actually quit my job. I just wasn't happy where I was in life. My boss was pretty rude and I just thought there was so much more out there for me. So it was a tough decision but thankfully I managed to get out. So now I've been looking for work that fits my skill set a little better. Thankfully Eunbi still has substantial work so we're doing okay," he reassured.

I frowned, "I'm sorry to hear that. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you."

Eunbi placed her hand in mine, "We're okay, but thanks, sis."

A comfortable silence fell over us adults as we observed the kids playing. Suyeon had warmed up to Min and the twins quickly and was showing them her toys. Thankfully all the kids had inherited their mothers' close ties to family and got along like a house on fire.

There was no fighting and they were very good about sharing their toys and taking turns. Mr. Paca was being passed around the group as they made some superhero story.

It was a warming feeling to see the four of them be so carefree. Unburdened by the adult problems we were discussing. Being a kid was bliss and I'm glad they had that chance to enjoy the ignorance of being a toddler.

"Hey unnie, can I talk to you for one minute...alone?" Eunbi asked softly after some time had passed.

"Of course. Come we can go chat in my room," I said.

The kids were preoccupied and Seokjin was still with Yujin so it would be fine if we slipped away for a minute.

I took her into Seokjin and I's bedroom and shut the door behind since it seemed like she wanted privacy.

I patted the space next to me on the bed, motioning for her to come sit next to me and talk to her big sister. I liked that she still would come to me for help even though we were fully-fledged adults.

Her eyes glanced around the room at all the family pictures we had up of us and the girls. Seokjin and I had developed an unhealthy habit of becoming those picture parents who liked to document every single moment of the girls. But we also had some of the cute ones of us kissing at our wedding or other moonlight smooches we had managed to capture.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

She gave a half-hearted smile, "Not really. Which is why I wanted to talk to you. Because it kind of involves you."

"Is it about Chanhyuk? I'd be happy to help out in any way you need, you know that," I offered again.

She shook her head, "It's not really about him. It's more about me."

I raised an eyebrow in confusion, unsure of what she was hinting at.

She took a deep breath, "The one you briefly mentioned was bugging you...that reporter...her name was Yoon Haerim right?"

Oh hell no.

"Chanhyuk doesn't have work, which means I'm the only source of income right now. Thankfully, my line of fashion has taken off and has enough buyers to provide a lot. But I guess your little friend found out about how Dawon had helped me out and turned that against me. She somehow got a group of reporters to bombard my store one day and began to throw out outrageous accusations that I had copied and stolen new ideas from her and made them my own. Of course, that's not true at all. I even credited Dawon even though I really didn't have to. But somehow, a lot of people ate that up. People began messaging me not-so-kind words that I had stolen her work. And because she's such a beloved designer, people really came after me. Some started to show up to my store with signs to boycott it. Others would harass my customers while they were shopping. So because of all of that, the business has gone way down. The sustainable amount of customers I had has reduced to barely enough a day."

I was teeming in anger. Going after me and Seokjin was one thing. But attacking my family was crossing a line that she'd never be able to come back from.

"It's really doing damage. I just...can you do something about her? I don't know what her problem is with you, but her dragging your close ones down for you personal drama really isn't fair. I'm not one for being in the spotlight, but I'm getting articles written about me. And they aren't positive. So could you just get her to stop?" She asked.

"I- I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry she's coming after you like that. I don't even know how she found out you were my sister. I'll see what I can do. We've been trying to build a case against her, but we have no physical proof other than her threats which won't hold up officially," I explained.

"Well please find something to do. It's doing a lot of harm to me, and it's really unfair," her tone was unusually harsh. I could understand why she was agitated but it felt a little more directed at me than it should've been.

"I'll see what I can do. But I can't make any promises," I murmured.

"That's not very comforting. She's your obsessed stalker, she doesn't need to involve the rest of us. I can't afford to take any more hits like this," she spoke sternly.

"Let me help, Eunbi. It won't hurt me to help you guys out a little as a backup. I swear I'll try to get something done, but she's very slippery," I sighed.

"You don't get it. You supported me all throughout my adolescent life. You yourself helped pay for fifty percent of my college tuition. I'm an adult now, and I won't endlessly rely on your sacrifices. That being said, it isn't fair that I can't make my own way now because of this weird drama," she exploded.

I listened to her quietly, understanding her frustration. I was frustrated too. Hell, I was furious. Livid. Any word to describe immense anger was what I was feeling.

"I will talk to the lawyer and her. I swear," I promised.

She sighed, "Thank you. I'm sorry for blowing up on you. It's just been causing more problems than it should."

"I understand. I wouldn't want anything like that to happen to you guys, so I will definitely bring it up," I affirmed.

She nodded, gently placing her hand on mine. I closed my fingers around hers, pulling her in for a long hug. God how long had it been since we had such a comforting sisterly hug.

We went back to the boys and the kids, not bringing up what we discussed in front of them to ruin the mood.

Though it was hard to fully enjoy and focus on the rest of our time with my mind constantly over the place with Eunbi's words.

No more sitting around. I needed to give Haerim what she truly deserved.

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