4.I spoke?

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Lisa’s P.O.V.

I woke up early to find Yuki waiting outside. I went down stairs and greeted her. She invited me to have breakfast. I nodded and followed her there. On the way I remembered that I probably should’ve left something for Sophia…nah, she’ll just sleep in. When we entered the headmaster’s home, I was immediately attacked by him with a hug. I tried running but that wasn’t such a good idea, seeing as he caught me and dragged me to the table. There was bacon and eggs and toast and oh lots of things.

“Take a seat Lisa.” I read from his lips, finally! Someone that talks slow! I took a seat. “Eat.” I started to take few things and started to eat. But before I realized I had eaten almost six helpings. Yuki also joined us on the way. They stared at me wide eyes and mouth as I had my seventh helping. “When last did you eat?” The headmaster said slowly. I thought for a moment. I held up five fingers.

“Five days?!” Yuki asked, probably yelling. I shook my head.

“Five weeks.” I said and her eyes widened even more. She then said something really fast which I guess would be the exact same thing I just said but just to annoy them I sighed and eyed them. Yuki searched through her pocket and took out a pen and paper. She quickly wrote something and gave it to me. ‘How do you survive five weeks without food?!’ I was about to answer when the headmaster interrupted.

“Well she’s eating now, nothing to worry.” Then I had a sudden urge to go to the bathroom.

“Bathroom.” I said and Yuki giggled.

“First door on the left.” I got up and went down the hall and first door on the left. I entered and found Zero standing over the sink with blood tablets surrounding him. He didn’t have his shirt on and he panted. His eyes shot to mine and said something which I didn’t quite catch. I slowly walked to him and cupped his face in my hands, forcing him to look at me. His eyes slowly turned into red, demon blood thirsty eyes.

“N-no…” He said, staring into my eyes.

“You’re in pain…” I said. I looked over his shoulder to look at the blood tablets. “Can’t take tablets…”I looked into his eyes and after a moment of hesitation I dragged his head down to my neck. Now he hesitated, but after a moment pain filled through me as his fans pierced my neck. This pain…it’s just like that time…I started panicking when Zero didn’t stop.

“Zero.”  I said trying to push him away. Then I heard a loud crash and I looked to the side, the window was broken. Then I felt the weight of Zero remove from me and I looked up to see Sophia.

“DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH LISA!” Sophia yelled, well I think she did. Wait…WHAT? SOPHIA SPOKE!? SHE YELLED?! HOW?! Could she always talk? If so then why…? Because I’m deaf she pretended to be mute around me? But I can’t be certain if she really talked…

Sophia’s P.O.V.

Did I just…speak? Even more yell? H-how’s it possible? I was born a mute. How…?  No. I’ll have to worry about this later; I’m going to kill Zero! I jumped at him, he still a little dazed so I had an advantage. My nails grew longer and just as I was about to slash his face open his eyes shot to mine and he jumped back, hitting the sink and letting the blood tablets fall to the ground, spattering around. He jumped up and ran to me but I dodged. I jumped back and against the wall. I looked to Zero, he held out his gun, ‘Bloody Rose’. He was pointing at me when I frowned.

“You think that’s ganna work on me?” I muttered under my breath, for two reasons. 1, it’s true, an anti-vampire weapon isn’t as lethal to purebloods as others and 2, I wanted to see if I could speak again… He was about to shoot when a familiar rod blocked him. The Artemis rod… I looked to the side to see Yuki and the headmaster worried. I took a deep breath and tried calming down. Hopefully Yuki didn’t see anything, not that I care if Zero gets revealed and hated by Yuki, I would more than love that right now, but I’m not that mean… I felt Lisa’s hand on my shoulder and I smiled. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out, making me frown. I looked to Yuki who helped him to his room and the headmaster who hid the blood tablets out of Yuki’s sight. The headmaster cleaned Lisa’s wound on her neck, placing a plaster over it. Lisa’s eyes held no emotion, if her breathing wasn’t there, even as slow as it is, you could sworn she was dead. When he was finished he turned to me.

“I heard a voice. It wasn’t Zero, it wasn’t Lisa. Sophia?” I looked down and nodded. But then looked up, awaiting the question. “Can you speak now?” I shook my head making him frown. “Ok, you two go back to the dorm.” I sighed and nodded, taking Lisa by the wrist but her eyes shut and she fell down. I caught her in my arms, picking her up and leaving for the dorm, not saying another word. Well, not that I can…what was that? One minute of speaking of my 150 years of living, and it felt great. Yes. I am 150 years old and Lisa is 15. To be honest, that’s the first time Lisa’s ever been in trouble. Everyone fears me so that stay away from her. SO is it that I can only speak if Lisa’s in trouble? Nah, that’s stupid….

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