chapter 1

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Lucy's pov
"mom!i have already agreed to mary him so what with the face" I frowned after my mother looked at me with a question look "baby, I understand that you don't like the guy just don't force yourself into this "she said and I think she right but I think I need this before I loose it "mom,its okay in fact it will be nice for me to move on you know and show that jerk that am doing better now "I said while looking at her,well my mother she is a fine woman she always support me which am greatful and feel proud to have her.

"okay sweetie,let me show you the man" she said taking a picture from her purse "here it is and he is hot I bet you will like him" well that my mother she thinks she is still a young lady to check hot guys behind my father's back.

"well he is hot to say the fact but.... "my mother shut me up before I could even finish "no but's,you don't judge him okay"she looked serious this timeĀ  "why!? " I asked looking serious also "well he is a good man and a father! " and that surprised me "he has a child looking this hot!!!?"well I hope I didn't say that loud.
"well said, he has a daughter cute one but her mother run away soon after giving birth to her and no body knows why! " that broke my heart I mean how can a mother do that to an innocent child "poor baby!" I said after snap out of my thoughts "yeah poor her but the father gave everything for his daughter and made her happy so here they are!! "my mother finished and I admired the guy for that courage.

My mother left the room while I was looking at the pictures of my new family father and daughter, but the daughter looked familiar I don't remember when or where I saw her but am pretty sure we have already seen each other somewhere I don't remember.

After long thinking I decided to go and take a shower since its been three weeks I took shower in my room as I was living in a hotel dealing with my broken heart. Yes it was hard as hell crying alone I didn't want my parents to see me heart broken and a mess as I was.

After a long shower I wore a shot pant and a loose long shirt as dinner was ready. I left my hairs down since I know I didn't have guest for today's dinner but believe me things were different when I got in the living room from my room.

I saw a familiar man inside the room holding a kid who she seems to be 5years old.... Wait I think I know way! It was the future husband and I was a mess God!! I was trying to hide when the kid with familiar voice coming towards me "lucy" she said and I realized where did I saw this girl "T!! "I screamed after remembering her and she came to my embrace, the feeling was magic!!

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