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A prompt for whoever to write

Ritchie having a bad week, slowly was breaking in the inside. To help distract himself he was going on more dates, with barely helped, and upped his flirting.

The others deside to give Ritchie some affection, and it stops being affectionate and more mean. Ritchie gladly accepted the affection and let it in, but when he felt the shift and them leaving, he broke. 

Ritchie became exactly like a doll, lacked emotion and did everything he was ordered. He would have to be told to eat or sleep, if not he would just sit there or be productive.

At first the others joked around but slowly started to hate this Ritchie. They tried to order him to go back to normal, but he was still emotionless and not the same.

Ritchie is in his doll form, but more durable than his small form.

You can pick how they fix this.

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