Chapter 37

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*Matt Pov*


When I was applying the red powder which is actually called sindoor, she closed her eyes and smiled.

At that moment I got struck there and itself. I want to say how much she means to me but got disturbed by her father.

We both went down and got lot of questions from many people. But she squeezed my hand assuring me.

Then she suddenly took off to some direction and I searched for her to see that she is hugging someone.

They both are talking very happily. Who is he?

With this thought I started to go near them.

She turned towards me and said "Matt meet Rajesh."

"Hello!" he said offering his hand. I just nodded and turned towards Suhani asking "Who is he?"

"He is Rajesh!" she replied shrugging.

"Is he family?" I asked her.

"Yeah I am. We were actually going to get married as per our parent's decision and I loved her too. But she had to come to New York." That Rajesh said like he is deeply hurt.

I so want to strangle him. "Is he telling the truth?" I asked Suahni.

"Yeah! He loves me so much." She replied and gave Rajesh a pity look.

"I need to talk to you." I said and dragged her to our room.

I am sure their relatives won't mind because this is important.

I closed the door and looked at her.

"Matt we need to stay downstairs." She said gulping.

I pushed her to the wall and pressed myself not letting her escape.

I held her face in my hands and said "I am your husband and you are mine." With that I crashed my lips and kissed her fiercely.

She just stayed there stunned but after few seconds she did the same.

After releasing her I pressed my forehead to hers and said "You are mine."

She chuckled and asked "Is someone jealous here?"

"I am not jealous." I replied denying it.

"Really? Then I will just go and hang out with Rajesh. I missed him." She said and started moving away from me.

"Stop! I am jealous ok. Happy?" I asked her. She nodded and I continued saying "I was on the verge to punch him."

"Don't do that. My relatives will kill you." she said immediately.

"Let's go!" I said and we both went to the living room.

Whole day I met different relatives and I heard many times some people saying 'How cute couple Rajesh and Suhani will be?'

I mean seriously. I am standing right here and they are talking like this.

Even though they both got married to different people.

I controlled my temper and plastered a fake smile on my face.

After everyone returned and we went inside our room to sleep, I hugged her tightly while sleeping.

For the next two days I saw her hanging out with the relatives who stayed here. They are actually close to her.

These are the only people that accepted me completely. That's great!

Well I am eating everyday spicy food for them, I deserve their acceptance.

By my bad luck Rajesh too stayed back. Suhani seems to spend more time with him.

These two days Suahni even got little better with her father.

Today we need to return. While everyone left to go to their houses I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when she hugged Rajesh.

But I kept calm and went inside our room.

I started packing my clothes along with her. I packed some extra saree's and the one which her mother bought too.

She entered the room and saw what I am doing. She came near me and hugged me tightly.

While releasing me she said "Thank you so much Matt. For coming here and bearing all these."

"I love you!" I blurted out.

"What?" she asked shocked.

"I love you Suhani." I said holding her.

Few minutes she just stared at me and said "You don't."

"I do definitely." I said and confused because she does not believe me.

"You are just saying that because you are jealous Matt. You don't have to. From first Rajesh loved someone else who is his wife now. So you need not say that to me." she said shaking her head.

"I really love you Suhani. Trust me!" I said smiling.

"No! You don't." she shouted.

"How can I make you trust me?" I asked no one in particular.

"You don't have to. Because even if you do I don't love you." she said and took her bag leaving the room.

I just looked at her back shocking.

Why doesn't she trust me? I will try my best to make her trust my words........


Third phase completes here.... and forth phase starts.

It's Matt's time to make her love him again or something like that.

so he finally confessed but alas she didn't believed him.......

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