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You woke up exhausted.

You were moving for an acting role Jungkook managed to get you.

However the filming would take up to year.

You yawned passing through the airport waiting to get picked up. You took off your sunglasses and looked up at the sky.

"Wonder how you're doing." You smiled bitterly while snapping back to reality.

Yoongi's eyes fluttered open. He felt cold.

You were gone.

"(Y/n)?" Your room looked somewhat empty, but he didn't think much of it.

Yoongi quickly gathered his things and went to his house. He didn't want to be spotted by any of the Kim boys.

He got into his car feeling empty. He knew something was off. He felt it.

Yoongi knew what was coming. You were going to ignore him. Yet that didn't stop him from trying to contact you.

The number you have dialed is no longer in service

Yoongi threw his phone across the room.

He felt alone again.

"Yo Suga!" Hoseok welcomed himself in with coffee. "H-" But Hoseok quickly went over to Yoongi who looked like he was ready to burst.

"Yoongi, what happened?" Only he didn't say anything. "It's okay I'm here for you", Hoseok rubbed Yoongi's back slowly.

Hoseok knew without asking that it was about you.

He just didn't necessarily know what happened. What ever it was left Yoongi in tears.

"Sorry." Yoongi said pulling away leaving a damp spot on Hoseok's shoulder. "What happened?" Yoongi sniffled.

"Truth is, I don't really know...(Y/n) wasn't there when I woke up." Hoseok cocked his head. "You spent the night with-"

Yoongi shushed Hoseok. "I know, I did this to myself but, something is just off, can you make some calls." Hoseok sighed. "You know you're just hurting yourself more right?"

Yoongi knew he would end up hurt in the end.

He just knew he didn't have a happy ending coming his way.

"Do it please." Yoongi laid down in bed shaking.

After almost a good hour Hoseok found out you left.

That's all he found out, that you left.

He looked at Yoongi, who was curled up in a ball. How could he tell him? He didn't have the heart to. It would crush him even more.

"Hey." Hoseok laid down beside Yoongi. "Well?" Yoongi looked up and Hoseok felt even more sad looking at his red puppy eyes.

"Why do you love music?" Hoseok asked. "What? Hoseok why does-"

"Why?" Hoseok whispered.

Yoongi caught the flow.

"Can we do that thing?" Yoongi asked.

That's when Hoseok knew Yoongi was truly broken.

And so Yoongi sat on the floor, leaning on Hoseok's back who was sitting on the floor as well.

"You're my best friend." Yoongi said gulping. "Mhm." Hoseok looked down at his hands.

"When my brother died I just, I lost myself, but then when the therapist suggested writing down my feelings I began making songs. That shit helps when I'm depressed."

"Mhm." Hoseok recalled the day Yoongi lost his only family member left. That's the day Hoseok told his family he wanted a brother, Yoongi. But Yoongi, he had no more blood.

All he had was Hoseok, and you.

"And then you told me I was r-really good, that meant so m-much." Yoongi's tears fell more with each word.

Hoseok bit his lip, "You still got it." He knew that Yoongi didn't want anyone to see him nor touch him. It killed Hoseok knowing that Yoongi was resting on him with tears.

"Music, it chose me, to never let me feel alone. That's why." Hoseok nodded his head knowing Yoongi couldn't see him.

"(Y/n).." Hoseok managed to get out.

"(Y/n), left."

And with that Yoongi began screaming.

"Yoongi come here." Hoseok turned around and hugged Yoongi tight.

"You're not alone okay? You'll be happy someday, think of your fans." Yoongi let himself fall that day.

He fell hard.

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