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You were stubborn about the situation. Stubborn in a way that you didn't want to accept that Yoongi could possibly play you into making yourself look bad. He couldn't do that so you stayed put at your house.

That was until Jin had texted you with a link of an article.

And there it was in bold letters.


You hesitantly clicked the link to see the same photos Yoongi showed you. Quickly and frantically scrolling through the article you saw what Yoongi said.

"(Y/N), is not good for my imagine so she's gone now".

"What a fuckin dick!" You called him only to hear that you have been blocked. You called Hoseok instead who didn't answer.

Answers. That's what you wanted. There's no way he could be that selfish.

Before you could storm out of the house Yoongi was there with a smirk on his face.

"I thought I told you to get out?" You raised your arm and slapped his face. "What the fuck!" He bit his lip and a red mark began to form on his cheek.

"You really can't stand me? You don't think I'm good enough to be with you?" Yoongi didn't say anything. Mainly because this was the first time you had raised your voice in such a high tone he forgot how to speak. This was the first time you ever hit him.

Yet little did you know Yoongi began to grow with guilt. He didn't want to feel guilty. He couldn't be with someone who let themselves go.

At least that's what he tried to tell himself everyday.

Word was going around that you had let yourself go since he was providing everything for you. That you stopped going to the gym and stopped going out all together.

But to Yoongi you grew more beautiful everyday.

During an interview when he was asked if he was still going to be with you he knew how people would react if he say "yes". So he said he wasn't sure.

His reputation and ego grew too big.

He knew he deserved it.

"Well?" You had your voice at the top of your lungs. "Get out already." Yoongi walked past you towards the living room.

"Get out of my house, I don't want to see you." He said with his back facing towards you. "Yoongi, What has gotten into you?"



And power.

That's what got to him.

Yet there was a small percentage that still stayed the same.

But he had to kill it for the sake of his career.

That small percentage was you, he had to make you go away.

He was thirty for more money and more power.

You held your head up high.

"You're going to end your own career just watch." You quickly stormed away to get your things.

Yoongi sat on the couch with a single tear falling down.

He knows he's conceded.

It hurt him to see you walk away.

But he knew he would look better without you by his side. It was just a matter of if he was okay without you.

bighit really not saying prices until the day the go on sale >:(

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