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As the months passed, the young couple hadn't talked as much, only a text in the mornings for no fault of their own, they were both tied up with work, and their other separate lives, the football season is almost over, to Coryn's delight. Mason had played unbelievable at Vitesse this season but he wanted to go back home to his family.

Life away from Coryn made the footballer realise that he could never chose to go without her for that long ever again. It also made Coryn realise how desperate girls are to try and seperate them.

100+ new dms!

hi girly, just thought i'd let you know that on xmas eve me and mason went home together, he said youse were on a break x

"Honestly it's pathetic, he was here on Christmas eve with us" Coryn shakes her head at the desperate attempts to the blue eyed man beside her.

"Haha, show me more" Cillian asks the actress she looks at him and giggles softly before doing as he asked.

me and your boyfriend fucked last night.

"Mm, at least she's not messing about" Coryn laughs in response to the Irishman. The two talked about their new upcoming movies while waiting for the premier of 'Unexplainable' to start. Coryn went up to the bar to grab a drink for Cillian and herself, she felt a tap on her back, she turned around and saw Alicia. The two girls hugged.

"Who's that?" Coryn questions her co-star, moving her head to the right, hinting a tall blond hair man in a blue suit.

"That is my date" Coryn's eyes widen "His name is Matty" Alicia tells her, Coryn winks at her and the two start to giggle. "So, where's Mason?" The blond hair girl starts to look around for the fluffy hair footballer.

"I don't know to be honest, he could be in the Netherlands or he could be in Germany, I haven't had the chance to talk to him in ages" Coryn huffs. Alicia nods in agreement and the two go back to their seats.

"Here you go Sir, one whiskey and lemonade" she hands him and sits down with her own drink.

"Thanks sweetheart" he thanks her and takes a sip, letting the taste of spiced whiskey hit his mouth, thankful Coryn didn't forget his favourite drink. They sit in a comfortable silence for a moment before a certain doe-eyed toddler in a suit and dickie bow to match his mothers emerald dress, runs up to his mother.

"Mama, Mama, Uncle Dec, he-he" Korbin stammers from running too much. His little bow is tied around his head, in the way of his eyes.

"Hey calm down, take a breath" She calms him down until he continues his story.

"Uncle Dec, was chasing me and then he ran into this group of big people and- and then I lost him" The footballer then jogs up to the group and points at his godson.

"When we get home, you're dead" To which Korbin replies with poking out his tongue. Cillian just sits back and furrows his eyebrows with a slight smirk on his face, not going unnoticed by the actress.

"Welcome to my life" she giggles. Declan settles into his seat beside Coryn and Korbin snuggles into his mothers neck. The movie starts and the theatre goes quiet, occasionally laughter at the jokes.

"This is brilliant love" Cillian whispers in her ear. She smiles in response, thinking about how lucky she is to have met the actor.

The film is nearing the end, and Korbin is getting irritable, huffing and playing with his mothers hair out of boredom. His mother tells him to stop and sit for five minutes more and it'll be over, before something behind them caught his eye, the toddler started to try and get out of his mother arms and go to what caught his eye, she tells him to stop and sit still for the last five minutes, but he ignores her. Declan takes him from her and follows him, Declan of course knew well what caught the toddlers eye and brought him to his father.

"Daddy" Korbin whispers and runs up to him, Mason's arms wide open for his baby boy.

"Hey buddy, I missed you so much" he hugs his son, tighter then ever. The footballer couldn't get over how much Korbin had grown since he last saw him at Christmas, he had gotten a little taller, his hair had become longer and he had his own personality, of course Coryn would send him videos but they weren't quite the same.

"It's good to see you man" The two footballers share a hug and do their top secret handshake, that now since Korbin was older has to be apart of. "She's sat at the front, by Cillian and Alicia" Declan tells him, knowing that's what he was looking around for. Mason nods and goes to the end of the row waiting for everyone to get up after the movie had ended.

Declan texted Mason last month telling him that they all missed him more then ever, he felt the same, of course he was building friendships with his new team-mates but it would never be the same as home. So when Mason saw the confirmed date of the premiere, he just knew he couldn't miss it. The movie had finished and the end credits were rolling and people were getting out of their seats, he waited until the actress he had just watched on the screen for 2 hours or so, was stood in front of him.

She looked at him shocked that he was here, but he was in a navy suit, hair uncut and messy, that big grin on his face he wore so well and just like that she forgot all formality and jumped into his arms.  He welcomed her and for a moment, it was just them two in the room, no worries, no dms from crazy bitches, just them and that's all that mattered.

corynasbentley just posted a story !

declanrice just posted a story !

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