Where do you live?

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-Nicole's POV-

I took off my hairband for the tenth time in five minutes and let my red curls fall around my face. I ran my hand through my locks and someone tapped on my shoulder. It was Jeremy, looking obviously annoyed,
"Nicole, tell me what is it."

I admit I was really confused, my best friend wasn't the kind to be really angry let alone authoritarian.

"What are you talking about?"

"REALLY? Well, I'll tell you... For the past two hours of our bar shift, you changed 200th time your hair, tied and UNtied your shirt, but MOSTLY, you were off, like, gone in your trail of thoughts. Just in case you forgot, I am a superbrain, and, if I may, it's kinda really obvious that something or someONE is making your little heart fluttered in butterflies. THEREFORE my question is clear, what is it? Or if I may take a shot, who is it?

I loved him so much that I couldn't help but smile. A part of me couldn't believe that someone was actually caring so deeply about me, that he had noticed EACH of my moves. I think my happiness got to him, because, his angry face vanished as quickly as it had appeared. I tried to collect my feelings and put it all into words, but the truth is, I knew that getting my hopes up was tricky and I had no strength to lose it all again. Still, there was something about her...

"I met this girl and she's coming tonight with her sister to celebrate her birthday.." I finally answered.

"WAIT, you mean, at the bar?"

"Yup..." I said but by my tone, he knew I wasn't done.


"But...She is straight, got hurt pretty bad, so, I don't want to push her into anything..."

"Oh...Well look, we both know I have zero advice to give, in two years I've never been able to ask Robin out, BUT ANYWAY...The one thing I know is that when you doubt you should communicate, cause only then, you're settled."

"But what if..."

"What if what? Talk to her and you'll know!"

"Talk to who?" asked a soft voice at the counter.

I startled and turned around hoping and trying to look less red thank my hair. But I breathed again when I realized it was just our other best friend and colleague Rose leaning on the table, smiling at us.

"Oh-huh-no one...What do you wanna drink?" I finally hardly mumbled.

"Bourbon, neat, please. Wait, Jeremy, am I hallucinating or you agree that Red's face is red...okay, Nicole, who is she?"

I was about to answer but the entire beer can from which I was pulling the pints exploded and spilt all over my shirt.

"OF COURSE, now of all times..." I yelled surprised by the cold liquid soaking my clothes.

"Hey Nicole, relax...You know what? Just take mine, my shift is over, I was heading home anyway..." offered Rose kindly and before I could've answered she ended her bourbon in a sip, shook her head as a result of the strong alcohol burning her throat, took off her blue employee shirt and unveiled a pool sports bra.

I gave her a wide, grateful smile. And did the same, except that my stupid shirt got caught in one of my little sun earrings. She and Jeremy started laughing watching me struggle but Rose eventually jumped off the bar counter and lifted the rest of my shirt above my head. We both started laughing as she wrinkled her nose and disgustedly lifted my beer-covered shirt in her hand.

"You ow me one red.."

"How about that triathlon we've been talking about for ages?"


We both nodded happily shooking hands but after a second, she pulled on my arm to bring me closer. She let her face drift closer to mine, her lips shifted next to my ear, and she whispered,

"I hope she treats you good, you deserve the world sis' "

"Oh, That means a lot.." I couldn't say thank you enough, I was too deeply overwhelmed that I got that lucky and met the most incredible friends in the world. She smiled and said one last goodbye before I put her shirt on me, it fitted perfectly, I was fricking out a little less. I felt myself shiver a little at the memory of Waverly's touch, since the archery just an hour ago, I desperately missed her.

I turned around to the sea, lost in these happy feelings when I spotted Waverly a few meters away. I offered her my biggest loving smile, but quickly backed up when I realize the tears and anger coming in her eyes. Her gaze was bouncing between me and her sister. I heard them arguing a little and saw Wynonna walk angrily to the restaurant. In the meantime, Waverly had turned around, started walking away in the sand right after giving me a mad/sad look that I could interpret in one only way.

Without thinking about it, I had jumped over the counter and started to run after her.

"WAVERLY, Waverly, WAIT, please...Wait..."

Waverly turned back around at my calls. My heart broke seeing her so sincerely hurt, not that she was gonna show it, instead, she just stared at me dead in the eyes-wonderful eyes- and waited. I took a second to take my breath back, slowed my heartbeat down and swallowed before saying,

"Hey, I'm so sorry about what just happened...Look, I can promise you, it was NOT what it looked like, Rose is like a sister to me...I had spilt beer all over my shirt, and I cared about not smelling bad around yo-the clients...of the bar..."

"Okay..?" asked Waverly clearly waiting for more.

"Yeah-hum-that's it, I don't know why I just thought you deserved to know..." I let out a little smile since I couldn't stop being happy when she is around. I felt her gaze soften slightly more, and it filled my heart with millions of butterflies. I took another breath, still entirely destabilized by her presence and asked, "Where is your sister?"

"She left, I upset her, I just- I don't know, I didn't feel like drinking my heart out anymore..."

"So, do you have other birthday plans tonight? With Crissy or..."

"To be honest, yeah I do."

At her words, I felt my last chances vanished away and could not keep a straight face. All I deeply felt was regrets of messing things that hadn't started. But she added straight away,

"I have the best dates actually, my magical camera, a bottle of champagne still full and finally, the wonderful beautiful sight of a turquoise lagoon. All of us are gonna lay there in the sand, enjoy the sunset. And then, invite the starlit sky into our plans..."

"HEY HAUGHT! COME BACK HERE, NOW!" yelled Dolls behind my back at the bar. I picked up the last bits of courage and boldness and asked Waverly,

"I really have to go back to work, but I'll be done in an hour and a half...Do you mind if I join?"

"Not at all, I'll be waiting on the sand..."

My heart burst with love in front of her wide, sincere, deep, happy and gorgeous smile. I remembered the thing she told me earlier in the poppy field and answered,

"I can't wait.." before turning back reluctantly.

-1 hour and 35 minutes later-

I think I'd never been this happy about the end of the day. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and this little unique paradise, but she had just become everything to me. WOw, Nicole, get a grip for god sakes you just met her. Wait, to be fair, God doesn't give a damn if I'm going to fast with my feelings and it's not like I can help it-so whatever- (yes I'm always debating in my head, I'm super weird, anyway, proceed with the story Nicole).

I walked out of the bar, fixing my hair, again. I felt the ball of nerves taking all the room available in my body. I couldn't walk straight, I couldn't think about anything else other than the last smile she had given me. My heart missed a beat when I saw her, lying on a wide blanket, her eyes pointing to the sky, her camera delicately resting against her heart, the almost empty bottle of champagne at her side. Her brown hair seemed wet and tangled with sea salt. Her body glowed with drops of water sprinkled on her tanned skin, illuminated by the last ray of light of the setting sun. She smiled, and her naked belly contracted with a clear and joyful laugh. I couldn't stop smiling too, I was perfectly bewitched. Waverly was a mermaid, a fairy, a sun, an angel.

I took another step and the noise of the sand under my shoes made her startle gently. She shifted her gaze towards me, and in a reflex, put her t-shirt on her marked belly. I broke the distance between us and laid next to her. I made sure not to be too close or too far, giving her the perfect space to decide how she wanted to act around me without feeling pressured. I turned my eyes and look at her perfect face lost in the contemplation of the red sky.

"Hey" I whispered.

She turned her eyes too, I felt the heat burning my entire body, and she whispered,


We both drifted back to admiring the sky and the sight took my breath away again. I shivered when she spoke,

"How was your night shift?"

"Oh, it was fine, but to be honest, I was just worried the all-time..." I started giving myself a mental slap on the face for being so forward.


"I don't know-You looked sad to spend your birthday alone..."

"You do realize, that you don't know me at all?"

"Yup, every day...and I wish I did..."

Waverly had just sat back on the blanket, quickly putting on her shirt and exclaimed,

"Okay, let's ask each other ten questions, and drink when we refuse to answer..."

I sat back too and face her with a big smile with dimples, my heart was full.

"Deal! Good thing, I brought a bottle of a Tequila then..." I teased pulling the bottle out of my bag.

"OH, yes, thank you! Ok, I'll start..." I smiled and nodded so she kept going "...Favourite colour?"

"So easy, blue and green, you?"

"Does rainbow work? Don't judge please, I'm so bad at making decisions.."

"I'll never judge you, but you should give it another thought.."

Waverly took her second, deeply lost in her mind, she was biting her lips, I felt a warm wave entering my belly at the thought of her salty lips' taste.

"Golden, like the yellow of the sunset, or exactly like your little beautiful sun earings"

Ok, I definitely turned into a tomato after such a delicate and genuine compliment. Her gaze was still directed to the sea, the last ray of red sunshine touched the drop of the green in her hazel eyes and I drifted out of this world, facing so much natural beauty. I hardly swallowed and ask her a question, craving for her gaze to get back on me,

"What is your dream career?"

"Teaching... I-hm- always wanted to teach, but never pursued it, yeah, doesn't matter, what about you?"

"What would you like to teach?" her angelic voice combined with her smart mind made me want to listen to her all the time for the rest of my life.

"History would be my go-to. I mean, to be perfectly fair, Latin is my first love. But I figured, after all these years of ancient language classes, that nearly 5% of the students are actually interested and yet I'm being generous..."

"Sorry, I can't deny that I may have been on the other 95% of the class, but, in my defence, our teacher was kinda an old hermit."

"SEE, this why I chose this dream career, I'm definitely gonna become a single old hermit, it's just fate" she chuckled happily.

"Oh, you could never...Hum, but on the other hand, my nerdy side is in love with history, so.." I said trying not to make my heart eyes too obvious.

"No way, you're not that type.."

"And how would you know...?" I asked teasing her a little.

"Because let me guess your dream career...Ok, I think you wanna be... a cop..."

"HOW did you..." I chocked with surprise.

"Haha, I'm a WITCH...No, but, for real, I feel like, you have a genuine kindness and infinite need to protect the others... Especially me these past few days, sorry..."

"Please don't ever apologize for it... I was just doing my job..."

"Oh, come on Nicole, we both know it's not true... Anyway, next question...Hmm...What's your biggest fear?" Waverly asked out of nowhere.

"Hm, okay, don't laugh It's...Oh my, no I can't say it, I'm just gonna take a sip.." I put the neck of the tequila bottle on my lips, and smiled with pleasure, feeling the cold liquid flow down my throat.

"PLEASE SAY IT! Please, please please please..." begged Waverly with puppy eyes making me incapable to decline.

"Ok, I HATE spiders. Here I said it, you can make fun of me, I just can't, with their little legs, EW, nope..."

"Aww no, they're cute..." she answered, not making me feel ridiculous, just naturally sweet.

"Cute? Huhuh no way...But what's your biggest fear?"

"...Losing the people I love.."

"Oh, can-hm-can I ask why?" I asked, feeling like she eventually needed to let some things out.

"Huh yeah but it's really NOT interesting at all..." Waverly answered looking ashamed.

"Well, whenever you're ready, just...know that I'm here and interested..."

"My father died when I was 5 and my mother left right after. My other big sister vanished when she turned 18 but she was always mean to me so...not a big loss. Since then, Wynonna and I grew together in our really charming country town. But, not a lot of dating option and Leo already knew my history, my weaknesses, yeah... perks of living in a small village...We dated for 3 years because I never had to strength to broke with him. I pushed away everything and everyone I loved, dedicated every seconds and inch of myself to please his wills..."

I saw her shaky hands bringing the Tequila bottle to her mouth, and let it flow in a big amount, while tears were coming uninterrupted from her darkened eyes.

"The yelling communication became physical. It lasted a full year, until one day, my sister, out of nowhere sent Leo to the hospital with her baseball bat. What I realized is that, even then, I was desperately willing to give him another chance. I felt empty, I felt lost, I was hurt. But mostly, someone I love, left, again..." Waverly let it flow another few big gulps of alcohol and kept going,

"Now, I'm here because Wynonna and Chrissy wanted to take my mind off these things..it's been two months and, when I think about it, I feel like I'm starting to get myself back, a little more every day if that makes sense at all, but deep down I'm scared I'll never be able to let go of everything we had..." Waverly took a last few Tequila gulps and turned her gaze back on me, surprised as if she had just noticed my presence,

"WOW, fidget nuggets, I'm so sorry, I don't know where did THAT came from, I..."

I immediately took her hand in mine, I wanted to give her everything, the entire world, the joy, the love, she deserved it all and beyond. To my biggest surprise, Waverly pulled on my arm, brought me closer and fell on my chest. She buried her face in my neck and burst into heartbreaking tears.

We stayed like that for a little while, I had put my hand on her arm and started drawing little circles on her skin. I could feel her sobbings slowing down. Little by little, her heart joined the rhythm of mine, her breath on my neck brought a million butterflies to my stomach, the time had stopped. Waverly moved her face back a little on my shoulder to catch my gaze. Her eyes still gleamed after the tears, her lips 1 inch away from mine. I finally said in a sigh,

"Alright, it's been a long day, please let me bring you home..."

Waverly nodded and let out a little smile, she started picking up her belongings but failed to get up. I catch her so that she wouldn't fall, took a deep breath, and carried her bridal style. She let out a clear laugh, surprised to find herself leave the ground. Her arm went around my neck and I almost fell at her soft touch. She turned her gaze to me and chuckled softly,

"What are you doing?"

"Well, you're cute drunk and you can't walk, but don't worry, let me find my cart and you'll be home in a latter.." I stopped at the sight of the empty parking lot. I didn't even realize that the night had fallen a long time ago "Shit.." I cursed between my teeth.

"What?" asked Waverly barely awake, I couldn't help but smile again at her red cheeks and confused face.

"Someone took my cart...I guess I better start walking you home.."

"OoOH don't be ridicoulouuus, you cannot WALK ME home, itz tou faaaar" exclaimed drunk Waverly in my arms.

I chuckled at her silly accent but indeed, she was right...By the time I'd eventually brought her back home, the sun would be up. I stopped, hesitating, not knowing what to do. She added, "Where-Where'd ya live?"

I shivered at the thought of bringing her home. WOW, too many feelings. I couldn't hide my wide smile, still, she was drunk and I too profoundly respected her not to have boundaries. I eventually answered when my arms starting to ache a little brought me out of my trail of thoughts,

"I live three minutes away, but I..."

"Letz goooo then!" she exclaimed before passing out against my chest.

I let out a nervous chuckle, still amazed by the charms of the wonderful woman I was now carrying in my arms. I couldn't believe I was actually walking to my place, it all felt like a dream. She was beautiful, and she looked peaceful, with me! I smiled bigger trying to contain my excitement, I was falling hard, I had no control over it. And when the grip of her hand on my neck released a little as she was falling to sleep, I knew from now on, that I would follow her anywhere.

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