Loo loo land

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opens to a shot of the exterior of Stola's mansion at night, before cutting to the master bedroom where Stola and Stella are asleep. Octavia's frightened voice can be heard from offscreen.

Octavia: [offscreen] Mummy! Mother!

Stola is roused from her sleep. She turns to Stella who has most of the blanket.

Stola: [sleepily] Mmph. Via's calling us, Stella.

Stella: [sleepily] You get up.

Stola sighs and gets out of bed, and enters Octavia's room, where she is hiding beneath her blankets.

Stola: Via? What troubles you, my owlet?

Octavia: [sobbing] mother! Mother!

Little Octavia was small owlet had a pink P.J's 

Octavia climbs down from her bed and runs into her mother's arms. Stola hoists her up to comfort her.

Octavia: [sobbing] I had a dream! A really bad dream!

Stola: [yawns and wipe away Octavia's tear] A nightmare.

Octavia: [sobbing] I was looking all over the palace, and... I couldn't find you anywhere! You weren't there!

Stola: [pats Octavia on the back comfortingly] There there, Via, it's okay. You're okay.

Stola summons her Grimoire to her telekinetically as she walks Octavia back to her bed.

Stola: When you're scared, and you don't know where I am, you must remember...

Stola's Grimoire floats over to her and she telekinetically flips it open.

Stola: No matter what happens to me, I will never be far away... from my special little star fire.

Stola begins singing a lullaby to little Octavia.

♫ It always seems more quiet... in the dark ♫

Stola opens a portal above herself and Octavia. She looks up in awe of the beauty of space through the portal.

Stola: ♫ It always feels so stark... how silence grows under the moon ♫

Stola and Octavia float up through the portal and into the cosmos, landing on a barren moon.

Stola: ♫ Constellations gone so soon ♫

♫ I used to think that I was bold ♫

Walking across the moon, Stola leaves footprints in the moons surface.

Stola: ♫ I used to think love would be fun ♫

♫ Now all my stories have been told, except for one... ♫

Stola looks down at Octavia, and she looks back with her large, curious eyes. Her gaze shifts to a pink glow to her side.

Stola: ♫ As the stars start to align ♫

♫ I hope you take it as a sign that you'll be okay ♫

A meteor begins its descent towards a giant, pink colored star.

Stola: ♫ Everything will be okay ♫

The meteor makes contact with the pink star, and begins to sink beneath the molten surface.

Stola: ♫ And if the Seven Rings collapse ♫

Multiple planetary bodies begin gravitating toward the pink star, including the moon that Stola and Octavia currently reside on, which eventually shatters into pieces as the star's gravity pulls on it.

Stola: ♫ Although the day could be my last, you will be okay ♫

Octavia yawns and falls asleep contentedly against her mother's chest.

Stola: ♫ When I'm gone you'll be okay... ♫

Distant planetary bodies fly through the cosmos, pulled in by the pink star's incredible gravitational pull. They disintegrate upon impact and causes the star to explode in a powerful supernova just as the portal closes behind Stola causing her to sing louder.

Stola: ♫ And when Creation goes to die ♫

♫ You can find me in the sky ♫

♫ Upon the last day ♫

Stola drapes the sleeping Octavia in a blanket a she snuggles in sleepily.

Stola: ♫ And you will be okay... ♫

Her lullaby finished, Stolas leaves as her daughter settles to sleep, content. Cut to several years later, where a teenage Octavia

she is jolted awake by smashing objects and her parents screaming at each other, far less content.

Stella: [offscreen] I can't believe you slept with an Imp, IN OUR FUCKING BED!!

Octavia, annoyed at being disturbed, gives a long groan.

Stola: [offscreen] It was unexpected! I didn't have time to go to a motel!

Stella: [offscreen] A motel?! Like a f#cking PLEBIAN?!

Stola: No, it was-

Octavia grabs her phone and puts in earbuds, playing "My World is Burning Down Around Me" to tune out the screaming as she strides down the halls of the Goetia estate, stepping over the smashed remains of a plant thrown in her path. In the kitchen, Stella continues screaming at Stola.

Stella: You want to f#ck this one, TOO?!

Stella grabs an imp servant and violently tosses him in Stola' direction.

Stola: No! Of course not!

Stella: You are a goddamn embarrassment! I'm not spending another moment looking at your pathetic, IMP-SUCKING FACE!!

Stella storms out of the room, shouting angrily the entire time, and smashing more potted plants. Stola sighs in exhausted exasperation before she notices her daughter has entered the kitchen.

Stola: Good mooorning, Octavia! Did you sleep well, my owlet?

Octavia: Was that a serious question?

Stola opens the refrigerator to retrieve a massive chunk of zebra meat.

Stola: Mm-hmm... What's that you're listening to?

Octavia: This song is called "My World is Burning Down Around Me". It's by F#ck You mom.

Stola looks down, thinking the name of the band her daughter mentioned is a hurtful remark.

Octavia: It's a band.

Stola: [bemusedly] Ohhhh! How charming...

Stola grabs the zebra meat and feeds it to a massive potted plant situated in a small alcove off the kitchen as she pets it. Sated, it falls dormant, closing its three eyes.

Octavia: So, you two done screaming for the day? [sips her coffee]

Stola: Umm...

Stella lets out another scream of anger and an object is heard shattering in the distance.

Stola: You know what I haven't done in a long, loooong time? I haven't taken you to your favorite place in all of Hell! Why don't we go to Loo Loo Land?

Octavia: I'm not five anymore.

Stola: You always were so happy when I took you to Loo Loo Land! What do you say we go there again, have a day, just the two of us?

Octavia: I'd... rather kill myself.

Stola: There we go! Anything but staying in this house. Now, I'll arrange our security.

Stola picks up a phone carried on a platter by her now bruised and battered servant.

Octavia: Security for a theme park?

Stola: We are rich, and we're hot. People want our money and our bodies!

Octavia grabs a box of cereal on the table and begins shoveling handfuls into her mouth.

Octavia: [under her breath] Our money, maybe.

Stola: Speak for yourself, Princess. Now... I'm calling the only woman and possible man who can f*** me!

Octavia: [drops a handful of cereal, disgusted] What...?

Stola: [hurriedly backpedaling] Who can protect me! Us! Being part of the Goetia family is rather valuable, you know.

Octavia groans and pulls her hat down over her eyes.

Cut to I.M.P Headquarters, where Blitz is busy doing very important work in her office, involving crude representations of Millie, you and Moxxie made out of office supplies that she puppets around and speaks with. Between them is a framed photo of Blitz with a robe pulled down off her shoulders seductively and a flower between her teeth. The text reads "#1 B#tch" with "BOSS" written in red over it.

Blitz: [impersonating Millie] "Oh, Blitz! You're such a good boss!" [impersonating Moxxie] "Yeah, I really want you, ma'am." [Impersonating you] "mmm, Blitz make room for me"  [Impersonating Millie] "Me too!" [As himself] Let's four-way!

Blitz lowers her "employees" below her desk to crotch level, looking momentarily pleasured before being interrupted by the ringing of her Hellphone.

Blitz: [angrily] WHAT?!

Stola: [lustfully] Why, hello, my tight-p#ss Blitzy.

Both Blitz and Octavia spit out their coffee in sheer surprise. Blitz slams her "BOSS B#TCH" mug onto her desk.

Blitz: What--

Octavia: the--

Blitz: F#CK--

Octavia: mom?!

Stola: Language, everyone! [into the phone] I have a special request~

Blitz: Aw... G- Look, I just had a chemical peel, so you'll have to find someone else's face to plant that feathered ass, well unless y/n is into that sh#t.

Stola: its for my daughter

Blitz: Ah. Well, make sure she washes it.

Stolas: [taken aback] No! No, no-no-no. I'm taking my daughter to Loo Loo Land, and I was hoping you brave little Imps and sinner would accompany us!

Blitz: We're assassins, not bodyguards, 'kay? Don't invite us to sh#t unless someone's gonna die.

Stola: I'll pay you~

Blitz: Pay me what?

Stola: Moneyyyy~

Blitz: Done!

Blitz hangs up and accidentally slams her phone down on the desk hard enough to smash it to pieces. After a brief annoyed glance at it, she pulls out a megaphone.

Blitzo: M n' M and n/n, get in here! We're goin' to Loo Loo Land!

Moxxie opens the door to respond slight y confused.

Moxxie: Loo Loo Land?

Millie excitedly smashes her head straight through the office door's glass jumping Moxxie a little.

Millie: [excitedly] Loo Loo Land?!

Then you open the door fully while millie's still in the door.

You: Loo Loo land?

Blitz: Loo Loo Land!

Loona: [offscreen]SHUT THE F#CK UP!!


The van was driving until parking infront of the Royal Palace of Stola. The Princess was jumping on the spot excitedly but her emo daughter had her arms crossed and had a displeased look. You come out and open the door for them to enter. When Stola sees you a pink hue seems to surround you as you look to her while blinking innocent.

Stola: ah, you must be y/n, the demon I spoke on the phone.

She takes out her hand expecting a shake, but you take it and give it a back hand kiss. Making her hold her face while a pink hue appears on her plumage.

Stola: my,my a simple handshake would've worked.

You: my apologies, but I treat royals as they should.

She gives a chuckle before going in the van Octavia gives you a look which you smile but makes her look away with a pink hue before going in as well.


Cut to Loo-Loo Land. A van with an I.M.P decal spray painted on the side pulls into the rather empty parking lot. Moxxie exits the van and opens the side door. A very cramped Stola extracts herself excitedly in a day out outfit.

 Her daughter exits the van far less excitedly as Stola dons an apple-themed hat and gestures toward the park gate. Octavia groans and pulls her hat low over her face you then come out followed by Millie who jumps onto your shoulders and sits like a child wanting to get a better view with a big smile to match.

Blitz: Now, remember: this is work and work only. Me and my crew are not here to satisfy your perverted bird needs, alright?

Octavia: [disgustedly] Hey... mom... Do we have to--?

Blitz: Okay, yeah, hold on right there, sweetie. [turns to Stola] If you try f#ckin' my little a#s in that park, I swear to--

Stola: You are so cute when you are serious!

Octavia: I'm literally gonna be sick.

Moxxie: Oh, crumbs! I knew today would be a lot! What do you need?

Moxxie fishes around in a fanny pack and throws out several pill bottles as she lists off her inventory as you place Millie down next to her as she pouts a little.

Moxxie: Antacids? Ibuprofen?

Moxxie shows Octavia several hypodermic needles of a glowing, acid green substance.

Moxxie: Morphine?

You: Mox, she doesn't mean that, she meant it figuratively, even if she said literally.

Octavia: What he said, that was figurative, old lady.

Moxxie: Oh, right.

Moxxie chuckles sheepishly as she discards the needles into a nearby baby carriage which you grow worried, where a baby imp happily reaches out to play with its dangerous new "toys." You panicked and just walked away trying to fain ignorance.

Moxxie: [under her breath] But she said it was literal.

As you walked beside Octavia you could see she was a slightly shorter then you which confused you a little, considering her mother's are as tall as two of Blitz on top of one another. Octavia looks to you and a slight red tint is forming on her plumage.

You: names y/n, and your Octavia right

Octavia: yep, that me, so you know my mum, and you work with "her"

She said pointing to Blitz who has an annoyed look while Stola was stroking her horns.

You: yes I do, but she's not all bad.

Octavia merely gives a side glance while giving a "I don't know" sound you know, hmmm.

You: you know I think I remember a few photos of you and Charlie together.

Octavia: you know Charlie?

You: yeah, I work at her hotel.

Octavia: oh her hotel, tell me is the idea...

You: oh it has potential to light up and has potential.

Octavia: I've heard it plenty of times and I'm half expecting it to...blow up in her face.

You: well I have full confidence in her, plus as her boyfriend I'm automatically on her side.

Octavia: but isn't she with that scary one eyed girl.

You: if you mean Vaggie well she's on occasion scary, we're more in a poly-amorous relationship

Octavia: really, hmm

You: so should we go with them. 

You pointing at Stola who is pinching Blitz's cheek which made her fidget and try to push her away

Octavia annoyed: sure

You and Octavia then go over to them, while Millie and Moxxie are exploring the small attractions.

Millie: [excitedly] Wooooow! I haven't been to this place since I was a tot!

A large letter falls off the sign of a nearby ride, crushing the teenaged imp underneath.

Millie: It hasn't changed a bit. Ohhh! LOOK! It's Big Woobly!

Millie gestures toward a hideously malformed animatronic dinosaur,

 which opens its mouth and lets out a terrifying, demonic shriek.

Moxxie: That is... deeply upsetting.

You: what even is that

Millie: Oh, come on! It's fun! You've never been here?

Moxxie: No. Theme parks always disturbed me. Especially the mascots.

The park's mascot, Loo Loo an apple like character that looks slightly rotten on thd top comes over.

Seemingly appears out of nowhere behind Moxxie.

Loo Loo: Well, hey there!

Moxxie: [jumps back and lands in your arms] AAAAAH!!

Loo Loo: I'm Loo Loo! Welcome to Loo Loo Land! If y'all get hurt here, just try and sue us!

You: wait what?

Stolas: [gasps] Look! Via! It's Loo Loo!

Octavia: I have a question.

The Creepy thing then turns to face her which resulted in its eye popping out and dangling

Loo Loo: Well, ask away, little girlie! A-hyuk a-hyuk a-hyuk!

Octavia: Is it true this park is just a really shameless spin-off of Lucia's far more popular Lu Lu World?

You: wait Lucia owns a park?

Loo Loo: [beat] No?

Octavia: This place reeks of insecure corporate shame.

You taste the air and shudder slightly.

You: I can practically taste it

[Stolas chuckles in slight embarrassment, as she leads Octavia away and grabbing your hand as well.

Stolas: Why don't we go check out the rides?

Loo Loo: That chick's creepy, huh?

Blitz: Eh, wait till her mom tries to diddle your holes.

Loo Loo: [to Millie and Moxxie] What's that mean?

The Mox gets defensive and hiss at the guy

Moxxie: Don't talk to me! I know you're a pervert under there!

Moxxie leaves, leading Millie off with her. Loo Loo hangs his body dejectedly.]

Loo Loo: Yeah...

Moxxie and Millie head down a pathway, and Moxxie, sweating profusely, stops to catch her composure.

Moxxie: You really like this place, huh?

Millie: I love this place! My parents would bring me and my siblings here when they could swing it. Money-wise.

Moxxie looks over to see a worker wheeling a wheelbarrow piled to the brim with money into a nearby giftshop. The two approach the window with you seeing as well, where novelty cups and stuffed apples are for sale. The cups appear to cost at least 29 souls per cup.

Moxxie: Yeaaaah. The prices do seem rather criminal. I mean, that much for a novelty cup that you use one time?

Millie: 'Cause it's Loo Loo Land!

You: more like a quick way to get your wallet empty

Blitz walks up, having loaded up on merch, including a novelty cup, as well as a hat with attached can holders and straws.

Blitzo: [bumps Moxxie with cup] Listen to your hoe, Mox.

Blitzo takes a swig from her novelty cup and takes her sunglasses off.

Blitzo: How 'bout me y/n take the first watch while you two have a little [winks] fun?

Millie: OOOOOH! We gotta do my favorite ride!

Moxxie: Oh yeah? Wh- which one?

Cut to a shot of a lone imp riding a roller coaster named "The Lawsuit" that suddenly plunges off a sheer 90-degree drop at incredible speed while also on fire and with its rider hanging on for dear life. The coaster

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