How they would feel if you died

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Blitz would be in denial at first he would cry every time if he saw something that reminded him of you.


Moxxie would be full on depressed. He would stay in his room for days at a time and stopped going to work. He would leave a bunch of flowers and would write you songs about how much he loved you.


Millie would be devastated and would also try to comfort Moxxie they would go to your grave sight and cry about how unfair it was that you died and not them.


Luna would try and fake a smile at first and act like everything's okay but one day she broke down and as tears were rolling down her face she angrily spat out how unfair that she lost you because of the extermination.


Octavia would stay in her room all day and listen to depressing music that reminded her of you. She was still processing what happened and was still in a bit of shock then she felt tears well up in her eyes and then the tears streamed down her face slowly and she then broke down and kept repeating over and over "why why them and not me" she would have sacrificed herself for you only if it meant you stayed alive. She was lost in thought she didn't realise her dad was standing there. He walked over to the crying demon owl and comforted her and saying how it wasn't her fault your gone and that their in a better place now.

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