As the world caves in~ Moxxie x reader oneshot

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It was a normal day in Hell. You and Moxxie have been married for the past 13 years and you were very happy together.

It was a normal day in the office, Blitz talking about how we can 'save the business' by handing out flyers or something.

It was normal, everything was normal you were with the love of your life.

When you felt the ground shake "oh shit is that a Hellshake?" Blitz asked in an angry tone.

You then felt a big shock go through you as you ran towards the window and saw meteors flying into the ground.

W-what the fuck?!

What the fuck is going on?!

You said to yourself, you then looked at Moxxie who was shaking and his hands were over his ears and he was curled up in a ball on the ground rocking himself back and forth and mumbling to himself.

You walked over to him and put your arms around him "ahh it's okay Mox you'll be okay" you said calmly, you tried to act calm for him but in the inside you were a panicking mess.

Blitz, Luna and Millie ran to the store to get supplies and said they'd be back in 10 minutes and told us to "stay safe".

You started to panic when you saw the meteors coming further and further to the office building you two were in.

Oh shit

What do I do now?

I need to stay calm for him I don't want him to have another panic attack. That's when you thought of the next best thing. Singing.

Even though you weren't the best singer you were willing to give it a try.

You took a deep breath and began to sing

🎶My feet are aching and your back is pretty tired🎶
🎶and we've drunk a couple bottles, babe and set our grief aside🎶
🎶the papers say it's Doomsday, the button has been pressed🎶
🎶we're gonna nuke each other up boys 'til old Satan stands impressed🎶

Moxxie was shocked in a good way, he's never heard you sing before and he thought you sang beautifully. The meteors were getting louder and louder as you two sat in the corner of the office.

🎶and here it is, our final night alive and as the earth runs to the ground oh boy it's you that I lie with as the atom bomb locks in oh it's you I watch TV with as the world, as the world caves in🎶
🎶you put your final suit on I paint my fingernails,oh we're going out in style babe and everything's on sale we creep up on extinction I pull your arms right in I weep and say goodnight love while my organs pack it in🎶

You were getting a bit emotional and started to cry a bit but you continued to sing as Moxxie was holding your hand and rubbing it softly

🎶And here it is our final night alive and as the earth runs to the ground oh boy it's you that I lie with as the atom bomb locks in oh it's you I watch TV with as the world as the world caves oh it's you that I lie with as the atom bomb locks in yes it's you I welcome death with🎶
As the world as the worlds caves in🎶

Your breath hitched as the meteor hit you and Moxxie you were still holding each other under all the rubble and dust you two were coughing and blood was everywhere you weakly sand the last line of the song

🎶as the world caves in🎶

You whispered softly, he smiled at you weakly

"I'm glad it was you I got to spend my final moments with"
"I'm glad too" he smiled at you again his eyes were becoming more unfocused he turned his head and he was gone.

"Moxxie?... Moxxie why am I the only one talking?" You turned to face him. But it was too late. He was gone.

"Moxxie come back please..." you sobbed into his chest then you felt your breath getting slower and you felt at peace then you saw Moxxie smiling at you "oh y/n it's you" he smiled as he ran to you and hugged you tightly as he dug his head into your shoulders. You cried into his arms "I'm so glad your okay... I thought I lost you forever" you sobbed to him.

"Ummm y/n Hell to y/n" you heard a familiar voice your eyes widened it was Moxxie. You shot up and hugged him tightly as you started explaining what just happened as you sobbed into his arms "y/n that was just a bad dream it's okay I'm here and your safe with me... I promise" he whispered to you as you began to calm down from your mini panic attack.

You were so glad to have him in your life he made Hell a bit more bearable. He smiled as he kissed you on the cheek you looked up at him and kissed him on the lips passionately "I love you Mox" you blushed crimson, he smiled back "I love you too y/n" he said also blushing a deep red colour.

Then you heard a beep you jumped because you thought it was an alarm or something but then you heard purring " are you fucking filming is right now?!" Moxxie said angrily as Blitz stood there at the window and waved at you two camera in hand. You giggled before telling Moxxie to calm down.

You were still a bit shaken up after what you dreamt about you were scared to leave Moxxie alone because you thought something bad was going to happen to him.

You Kept having nightmares about what happened on your "dream" and it was serious even Moxxie was becoming more and more concerned for you the more you panicked.

You started having panic attacks every time you heard a bang because you thought it was a bomb or a meteor.

But Moxxie would always be there for you by hugging you or doing breathing exercises with you for five minutes every day to calm you down.


It's been a few weeks since the incident and you were slowly getting better. With Moxxie by your side you felt like you could do anything, concur any fear you had.

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