The Soldiers

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I deadass can't write anything with heated kissing. Also, 1) I wanted to add smut but couldn't because I'm a wimp. 2) As I said before, I'm sorry I can't write it.

Pietro Maximoff, a major for the US Air Force was following lieutenant colonel James Rhodes, they were to meet the new general at dawn. Him and Rhodes had became best friends, while he was climbing up through the ranks. The Avengers had broken up years ago after several deaths. (*cough* Endgame *cough*)

The two hadn't seen their former teammates since the last battle. "Something bothering you, Pietro?" Rhodey asked, snapping him out of the thought of who the general might be.

"No sir."

"You realize you can call me Rhodey. We've known each other long enough now." Rhodey paused and shifted uncomfortably when he said his nickname. It was no lie he missed Tony, probably even more then Pepper. "I know..." the speedster's voice trailed off as his mind drifted back when the Avengers were a team. The two walked to the one of the many entrances that the Air Base had. They were early so Rhodey went back inside, telling Pietro that he'd be back in five minutes. With the lieutenant colonel gone he couldn't help his mind drift to Clint, his old best friend. He zoned out, thinking of his lover. They haven't spoken after the Avengers broke up, but it sort of made Pietro's love for the older man stronger.

Pietro's POV(1st person):

As I zeroed back into real life, I discreetly looked at my phone, noticing the general should be here any minute. "Hello." A familiar voice made me look up. "Hello, you must be the general." I said, realizing my mistake of an informal greeting. "I mean-" I was cut off though. "It's alright. I'm General Clint Barton." I smiled and made eye contact with Clint. It took a few moments before the name hit me. "Clint?" I asked, his accent came back when I said the general's name. "The one and only, Pietro." He smiled back and I engulfed him in a hug. "I missed you." I said, trying to mask my accent again. "Am I breaking up something?" Rhodey joked, leaning on the doorframe.

Clint chuckled as I pulled away from the embrace, blushing. "General Barton. Good to see you again." I watched as Rhodey shook Barton's hand. "The files you asked upon your arrival are in your room. Speaking of which, Pietro will show you to your quarters." I motioned for Barton to follow.

"So, you gave up the bow and arrow for the Air Force?" I asked and Clint nodded. "I'm sorry about what I did earlier." I apologized but instead he just shook his head. "I didn't mind. Personally, I enjoyed it." He smiled, as I led him down to where he would be housed while staying at the base. "Here's-" I pointed to the door where his room would be but noticed he was looking around. "Are you alright?" I asked and he looked up with a smirk. Before I knew it he pinned me against the wall.

He started kissed me. I don't care if it's not professional for me to kiss a general, I liked it. He pulled back for air and looked me dead in the eyes. "I waited too long for that." He gasped and I leaned in to kiss him. As it became more heated lust filled Clint's eyes. Even if I was taller he managed to whisper in my ear, "come by, after your duties later tonight." I took a moment to think about it as he silently slid into his room.

I smiled like an idiot the rest of the day.

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