A Little Short

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A/N: Hey y'all before I do the little skit I'd like to say that I'm sorry for not updating. Also I have three ideas so stay tuned! One more thing, if you enjoy it please vote! That means I know you like it and I'm not just writing to please myself. Love you boos! Buh-bye!

The Avengers always thought that both Clint and Pietro were virgins. I mean, they looked pretty innocent for their ages. Plus the Avengers thought that they would never 'do dirty' in their lives. Ha-ha, the rest of the team found out the hard way. I'll get to the story.

The team was all sitting around the kitchen, either you were at the island or at the table. Anyway, it was about 6:30 am. Clint and Pietro were known for waking up late so they really didn't mind this, plus they enjoyed the quiet while it lasted. Then, there was a stir from the couple's room. "$50 that Pietro comes out first." Tony announced and slapped $50 on the table. Soon enough the Avengers started making bets on who would come out first, what they would want for breakfast, if they were in uniform and ready to fight, etc. "It'll be a shame boys, when Wanda and I get most of the money." Natasha told them, heading back to the barstool and had a smug look on her face. "Who do you know that?" Tony asked the two girls and Natasha shrugged. "When you're close to someone very close, like a brother bond, you'll always be right about them." Wanda explained and soon enough the first one of them emerged. 

I'm going to pause you right there. Remember when I said they thought that the two were virgins? Welp. It's that part of the story.

Clint came out first, he was still in his pajamas(like everyone else) bu there was one thing that made Natasha suspicious. His hair was a mess, like messier than ever before. "Morning guys," he greeted them and sat at the island next to his best friend. She noticed bruises on his neck, hickies. The others must have noticed it too because Pietro then came into the kitchen. They thought Clint looked bad but Pietro...? He was 3000% worse but he looked happy. "Pay up." Natasha and Wanda told the boys in unison, both of them put out their hand. The girls each got a wad of cash, "this is why you don't bet against us." Natasha snickered as she started counting her money.

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