His mouth parted, and he rushed forward to wrap me in his arms. I was now just in my heels and underwear. "What is wrong with you?" He barked, and looked around furiously. I did too, noticing all the windows, the curtains tied back. Oops.
"What if someone saw you?" He said, his arms tightening. "Then their eyes would be blessed. Besides, I'm wearing panties." I said.
"Haha." He said, as he lifted me and climbed up the stairs. "They hardly cover anything" He let go of me when we reached my room, and I went and sat on my bed, leaning back on my arms. "What about this." he gestured to my bare breasts, and my stomach flipped. "What about it?" I asked. He stood over me now, and I pulled him closer by his belt, wrapping my legs around him. "I changed my mind. I think I want to stay home." I let the tip of my tongue glide over the smooth skin of his chest. Paul liked licking. Wolves liked licking.
He pulled back, and squatted down in front of me, his shoulders between my legs. "I'm down for whatever you want, but you know that I have to leave tomorrow afternoon with my dad, right?" He asked, looking up at me with warm brown eyes.
"I'm aware. But the position I am in right now makes me want to stay home... so let's order food, and maybe watch some Netflix?" I said, nudging him with my leg.
"Sounds good to me." He replied, and sat on the bed, next to me.
We put on a movie, and I slid under the covers, next to Paul, resting my back against the headboard, the wood cool on my skin. After a few minutes I lifted Paul's shirt over his head. He gave me a soft smile, then went back to watching the movie.
When my phone began buzzing, I nearly jumped out of my skin. I quickly put on a shirt and answered the facetime call, dashing out of the room.
"Hi Mandy!" I said overenthusiastically.
"Hi honey. What are you up to?" She asked.
"Just hanging out with Paul." I winked. She did not appreciate that, and responded with a glare. I immediately dropped my smile. Guess she was still mad about the whole Will thing...
"Anyway, what's up?" I asked.
"I wanted to ask are you attending the senior conference? I dropped you a text regarding that, you haven't responded." She spoke.
"Oh! I probably didn't see it, but yes, I am attending. I also have a few things to say, but I thought it would be best to hold back at the moment, and let everybody else's ideas flow." I said.
"Alright. Good to know." She nodded. We chatted for a short while, and then I wished her a good night.
I came back to the room to see Paul looking out the window, curtains pulled back, the movie paused. He turned around to smile at me, and I walked towards him, wrapping my arms around his strong shoulders. I felt his muscles move, as he settled his hands on my hips, drawing small circles with his thumb above my hipbone.
"Did you not like the movie?" I asked.
"Honestly, no." He laughed, and I laughed with him. "I'm going for a few days, and you just got back, and— and, I don't want to spend our night together watching a movie." He said, fitting his head into the crook of my neck. I nodded and smiled up at him, then moved my face forward to brush our lips together.
I pressed my mouth to his, and he kissed me back. I felt his lips part under mine, and his teeth grabbed my bottom lip. I put my hands on the back of his neck, and he pulled my hips against his. A low sound escaped me.
I let my tongue glide over his teeth, as his hands slid under my shirt, up my stomach. I slid my hands down to his chest. I felt light, and dizzy from all this sudden emotion. His fingertips grazed the spot under my breast, over my tattoo, and he pulled back to kiss down my neck. He bit my skin, he sucked on it, and I sensed a warm feeling building low in my belly. I pulled him closer.
Paul moved back, grabbed the collar of my shirt, and ripped it open, all the buttons coming undone. I hastily stripped it off my body, and removed my panties as well. Paul got rid of his pants, and as he was doing it, it took all of my energy to not touch him. I took two steps back. I stood, still, looking at him. Soon he was looking back at me.
The moonlight streamed in through the window, bathing him in a soft white glow. I let my eyes travel the length of his body, as his did mine. I felt like—
His phone rang.
Paul clenched his fists, still looking at me, with steady eyes. "Answer it." I whispered.
"Jake." Paul said into the phone, his voice rough. He moved closer to me, barely a couple inches between us.
"You're naked. In Lexi's room, staring at a wall. We can all see you. I thought you should know." I heard Jake say. Oh, Dieu. I burst out laughing, and Paul smiled at me too, not bothering with the window.
"Oh," Jake said with a sound of realization. "You're not staring at the wall; you're staring at her." Paul's smile fell and he turned to do the curtains. "Did you see her?" He barked into the phone. "No man, relax." Said Jake. I suddenly became conscious about myself. "I swear to God, if you're lying, I will rip you throat out. With my teeth." Paul growled.
"Paul." I said, reaching to rip the phone from his hand. I cut the call, and threw it on my chair. I wrapped my arms around him once again, looking up at him with a smile. "What is wrong with you? Are you crazy? What if someone saw you?" I did my best to imitate him, and he lifted me up, and threw me on the bed.
I let him finish what I had started.
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