The hard truth

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Chapter six:

I walked down the hallway to my room. Training was tough today, the Devil Master kept me working hard so I couldn't try to make friends today. I can't help but think she hates me for some reason. I did kind of disrespected her, but then again she did force me to live some where I didn't like, so I guess we should be even.  I wasn't looking where I was walking, I had bumped into some one.

"Ouch!" said a girl with one pigtail to the side of her head. She was rubbing the back of her golden head, she turned to face me. Her golden eyes peirced mine like fire. "Can't you see where you are going?" she snarled. 

"Sorry, I was thinking." 

She looked at me for a moment, eyeing me up and down. "Your the new girl here aren't you?"

"Umm yes" I replied.

"I don't like you," she said flatly. 

"Wha....? Why?" 

"You piss off my mom."

"Your mom?" I was confused.

"I'm Akita Neru, so guess who is my mom?" She was treating me like her mom, like i was a dumb child.

"Oh your Miss. Akita's daughter," I said trying to sound surpried. 

"Yeah I am, and I am the only other person here who was born a Vocaloid like you."

"Wow really that's cool." I was shocked. Normal Vocaloids were made from parents who wanted their child to live. Vocaloids are made by young childern, from the ages of new born to 5 years old. They are subjected in to the Vocaloid project by their rich parents or they were signed into it, because their familys had pleaded to the government to save their sick child, so they became test subjects. 

"But since you were born a Vocaloid that doesn't make you better than any of us, we have all trained had and you just lived a normal life like a mortal," She was mocking at me for haveing a 'normal' life. 

"My life wasn't normal," I told her. She looked at me as if I was crazy. "I had bullies to run from each and everyday and I had to help my brother Mikuo from time to time with the bills. I had to grow up with parents, and I'm still doing that. My life wasn't normal, It was just less diffcult than it is today."

I walked away from Neru, leaving her in the hall. I went to my room and closed my door, I slumbed down onto the floor. Grabbing my sides with my hands, I began to cry, I finally felt what Mikuo feels everyday,The Truth. The truth that I will never see mom or dad ever again, the truth that we might not always have food on the table, the truth that I will never be able to run from the bullies. The cold hard truth has finally caught up to me. 

I got up from the floor and cleaned myself up from crying. I walked out of my room and went to the 'park'. Every one was there, but they weren't spread out like normal, they were all in s huge group sittig on the grass. To the middle of the circle was Neru, she was eyeing me and said something to the group. They all turned and face me with their eyes widen. 

"What are you all looking at?" I asked them.

The girl with green hair, that I knew her name was Gumi, she spoke up. "You.... you don't have parents."

"Yeah I don't, they died when I was really little."

"How come you never talked about that to us?" asked Luka, she looked like she was going to cry, from the thought of me being alone. 

"I just thought it wasn't important," I was trying to shug it off as nothing, but I was about to break. I felt like my heart was going to exploade.

"How could it not be important?" asked Teto, who was giving me puppy-dog eyes. 

"It was in the past, just leave it." 

"How could you just leave it?" asked Len.

"Yeah, it was your parents. You can't just get over them and forget them." said Dell.

I felt tears roll down my face again. "You don't know what's like out there in the real world!" I shouted. "If you stay to hurt for long, it will make you look weak, and when you look weak, you get bullied. You will never know the true feeling of being scared, till you live out there in the real world. You people have it easy! You get food every day without worry and you never have to work over time to get your siblings something for their birthday! I just have to leave the past in the past, and work hard for my future, that's why I never dwell on the fact that I have no parents. I'm just glad Mikuo is there for me." 

Nobody moved. There was no sound, after my speech. I walked back to my room. Laying on my bed with my face buried deep into the pillow, I began to cry again. 

~time skip~

I woke up, i rubbed my face. Was I crying? I was eariler, but I can't cry no more. I sat up in my bed, and Looked out my window. The sun was setting. Wow, it's pretty. I countined to gaze at it. 

Then I felt the whole place shake! "What was that?" There where was something moving and shaking the whold buliding. This shaking countied for about 6 or 7 minutnes. Then it stopped altogether. There was a knock at my door, and then Dell flew into my room. He was covered in blood and he looked like he was shooken up badly.

"Dell what happened to you?" I asked. 

"No questions, please Miku come with me," he was grabbing at my arm.

"Why? Dell what's happening?" 

He turned and face me, "A Virus has attacked." 

That was all I need to know, after that I let Dell hold my hand as we ran down the hallway. 

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