Mother is here to fix it

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Chapter thirty one:

I sat in a chair in front of Miss. Akita's desk. She sat there looking at me then Mikuo. We had explained ourselves to her, and we waited for her response.

"Mikuo...... I an terribly sorry for the other Vocaloids actions. I dont know what has gotten into them lately, but I will punish them." She said.

"Good. I want those bastards to learn." Mikuo hissed.

"Mikuo, Ill take very good care of Miku. Why dont you go back home, and in return for this whole mess Ill make sure that all bills are paid by the Vocaloid project." Miss. Akita was sounding reasonable.

"You want me to leave, and have my sister come back to me when shes almost lost her mind?" Mikuo sneered.

"No, no." Miss. Akita sat there in thought, she glanced at me. Her eyes carried so much sympathy and love, I felt as if I was looking into my mom's actual eyes. She turned her glance away from me back to Mikuo. "Mikuo, may we talk in private?"

"Ah sure?" Mikuo's mood had changed. He got up out of his chair and so did Miss. Akita. She walked to me. I was still sitting in the chair, Miss. Akita kneed down to my eye level.

"Miku, please stay here for a few moments. " She ordered me. Then she pulled out a small box and gave it to me. "Here. This is for you. Im sorry for what happened today." She stood up and walked over to Mikuo. I looked at him and he motioned me to open the box. Lifting the small sparkled lid, there laid a IPod touch. My fingers slowly wrapped around it. My eyes were wide, Ive always wanted one. I could never have one, since both me and Mikuo were poor. "Do you like it?" She asked. I looked at her, a big smile swept across my face.

"Yes! Ive always wanted one. How did you know?" I started to turn it on.

"Im not always in the Lab, I do pay attention." She smiled. I got comfy in my chair and heard her and Mikuo leave.

~time skipped~

I heard the faint clicking of Miss. Akita's heels. They were coming back. I sat up in my chair and looked at them. Mikuo had the biggest, happiest smile in the world. What happened?

"Mikuo why are you smiling like that?" I asked.

"Miku....... Do you know why Miss. Akita treats you differently?" he asked.

"What the hell? Why are you asking that question? You should be asking her! I dont know."

Mikuo got to my eye level, and cupped his hand against my cheek. "Miku, how badly do you want a real mom?"

The question struck me. Our past mother of should I say our real mom was not nice. She hated every aspect of me. All I ever wanted my whole life was a mom who would love me like all the other mom love their children. "Mikuo, you know how much I want one! I would give anything! You know that!" Mikuo looked at me then glanced to his right, were Miss. Akita was standing.

"Miku...... You finally have one."

I glanced up at Miss. Akita. She smiled gently. I nearly fell out of my seat. Her hand went out to me, and I grabbed it. She pulled me in for a hug, and petted my head gingerly.

"I thought you hated me?" I asked her.

"Never. I was just surprised when I saw you at first."


"You reminded me so much of my other daughter who died five years ago." She squeezed me tighter. "I wont let those other Vocaloids cause you harm anymore."

For the first time, in my life I had someone to call my mom. She wasnt the first person I thought I would call mom..... but she was some one. I hadn't even know she was on my side the whole time till now. Hugging her tighter, I didnt want to let go. I started to choke on the word, but finally I was able to say it, for the first time in my life I was able to say...... "Mom."

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