Chapter two: Miku’s first infusion
“What was that?” said Yuki as she clung to my bed, as my whole house shaked.
“I don’t know, but I’ll turn on the TV to see if there’s some sort of earthquake going on.” I said as I started to crawl to the TV. I switched it on.
The TV let up, and a news caster stood there reporting something. “We are here, showing what you might think is a earthquake, is actually an attack from the Viruses!” explained the news caster. Then the camera turned to show the situation. A Virus was standing there and ordering a massive black fox to attack buildings. The rest of the scene unfolded to show the buildings collapsing under the fox’s weight. “Everyone please leave the city, the Vocaloids will be here soon, to clean up the situation.”
“This is bad,” said Kiki as her eyes widen in shock.
“Stupid Viruses, why attack us?” said Yuki, with her hair that was covering her eyes.
I said nothing, I just felt the anger build up in me as I watched the program. Then without thinking I grabbed one of my games. Black Rock Shooter, read the cover. I stared at it for a while and then I felt the same feeling like before. I felt my clothes change again, and then a whorl of colors had surrounded me. Then it all stopped. I blinked myself awake like i was just dreaming.
“Holy crap, Miku what happened?” said Yuki, Kiki just stared at me with her eyes as big as golf balls.
I just started at them without saying a word. I turned to the mirror again. This time I was wearing black shorts and a black bikini top, with a long black cloak. My hair was just as black as my outfit, and my eyes were more blue than ever.
“Miku what happened?” asked Kiki.
I stared at her. I moved to the window and I opened it.
“What are you doing Miku?” said Yuki, she was shaking.
I continued to say nothing and then I climbed out the window and landed below on the sidewalk. My friends popped their heads out the window to look down to see me safely land of the ground below. Looking for a moment and then I sprinted down the street to where the Virus was attacking.
“AHAHAHAHA! All you pathetic mortals, bow to to me!” grinned the Virus. He looked around at the humans faces, they were all scared. Then something hit the side of his head, he fell to the ground. “Ouch! Who did that?” he challenged as he got back up.
“I did,” said a man with long purple hair.
“Well Gakupo, long time no see,” smiled the Virus.
“Get out of here, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Not a chance, I got orders from the Prince. He said I gotta get rid of this town.”
“Why?” said a voice from behind Gakupo. A young woman stepped out from behind him, she had pink long hair.
“Well that’s a secret, but you can stay and enjoy the show. Kuro, attack that building next.” ordered the Virus. The fox heard his orders and launched itself to the building that he had pointed out.
“No, Luka, stop that beast!” Shouted Gakupo, but before he could the large fox was thrown back onto the street.
“What was that?” asked Luka.
“I have no idea.” Both the two Vocaloids and the Virus stood there in shock.
I stood there looking down at the fox, that I just punched in the face. It sat there unmoving.
“Who’s there?” boomed a voice.
I jumped down from the top of the building, and landed in a pile of rubble from the collapsed buildings. I felt a pull from the front of my cloak, a huge fist held onto it, and it pulled me up.
I was staring into the dark eyes of the Virus. “Who are you?” He asked.
I stared into his eyes without saying a word. He got frustrated with me and throw me over near the Vocaloids in a pile of rumple. Getting up from the spot where he had thrown me. I stared at him, I lifted my arm and a blue light started in my hand. Then within seconds a huge gun was in my hand. A gasp came from the right of me.
“Who is she?” whispered Luka to Gakupo.
“I….I don’t know,” stammered Gakupo.
Not waiting for them to try to talk to me, I fired my gun at the Virus. He was hit and fell to the ground. The Vocaloids eyes widen. The Virus still didn’t move.
Then I felt my head start to hurt, I had dropped my gun and grabbed my head as the pain got ever worse. “Ahhhhhh,” I managed to say before I collapsed to the ground.
“Ah Gakupo, what do we do with the girl,” asked Luka.
“I don’t know, Luka.”
“Excuse me!” yelled a boy with short turquoise hair, with two girls running after him. He faced the two Vocaloids. “Sorry to bother you, but have you seen my sister? She looks like me but her hair is really long and she always wears it in two pigtails.” said Mikuo.
“Yeah she came running here, and we want to make sure she is safe,” explained Yuki.
Gakupo looked over to where I was. I had changed back to the Vocaloid outfit. “You mean her?” he asked as he pointed to me.
Mikuo ran to my side. “Thank you for the help,” said Mikuo as he picked me up from the ground, I still was unconscious. “Oh and good job stopping the Virus and his fox thing,” complimented Mikuo.
“Yeah you guys did a really good job,” agreed Kiki.
Luka and Gakupo looked at each other, then Luka finally spoke up, “Thank you but, that wasn’t us. It was your sister.”
“Wha…. really?” asked Mikuo as he looked down at me, in his arms.
“Yes, we can tell you what has happened,” said Gakupo. “But first we must get out of here, it’s not safe.”
“Alright,” agreed Mikuo. “Yuki, Kiki please go home. I’ll call you later, ok?”
“Ok,” said the two girls.
When I awoke, all I could see was black. At first I thought I was blind, but then I realized my eyes were wrapped. Then I heard a door open to my left.
“Hello?” I called.
“Hi, Miku. It’s me Mikuo.”
“Ah good.” I paused for a moment. “Mikuo why are my eyes wrapped? Also where are we?”
“You had gotten some glass in your eyes, and we are at the Vocal Tower,” explained Mikuo. I jumped up from the bed. “Miku calm down!”
“You… said we were at Vocal Tower,” I stammered.
“Vocal Tower is where all the Vocaloids live,” I said. “But…..but why am I here?”
“Well, Miku….. the thing is that you are a Vocaloid.”
My mind went blank at what Mikuo just said. “How…. how can I be?”
“They said you had the perfect body chemical makeup for it, and something like that your DNA was made just like a Vocaloid,” explained Mikuo.
I could tell Mikuo was scared, from the sound of his voice. I paused for another moment. “Mikuo, why are you scared?” I finally asked.
“Huh?,” he paused. “It’s just that I don’t want you to get hurt like the other day, and I’m scared to be alone again, like after mom and dad had died.” I heard him start to cry.
I sat up again, and rubbed my fingers on the bed till I found his hand. “It’s ok, Mikuo. I wont leave you, I promise.” He squeezed my hand.
“Thank you Miku, but the government had already called for you to live here. Don’t worry about me I’ll do fine,” he said as he squeezed my hand tighter.
“Mikuo you can live with me right?”
“No, I don’t think so…..”
“Then I’m not staying!”
“Miku, you have to,” said Mikuo.
I sat there looking into the blackness. “Then if they make me stay then I wont eat or do anything unless they let you live here.”
“Gosh Miku, please don’t make this harder on yourself,” begged Mikuo. Then the door opened again.
“Hello,” greeted the voice.
“Oh hi,” said Mikuo.
“Who’s that?” I asked.
“Oh this it Miss. Akita, the leader of the Vocaloid Project.”
“Thank you for the introduction Mikuo.” she paused. “Miku, your brother might have already told you that you would be living here, right?”
“Yes,” I answered.
“Good, but before we move you in what would you like that would make the move more easier for you?”
“I want my brother to come with me too.” I demanded.
“I don’t know if…”
“If my brother doesn’t come then I’m not going.” I said as I cut her off.
Miss. Akita sat in thought for a few moments, “Ok he can come with you,” she sighed. “But in return for letting him stay, you will have to work twice as hard, ok?”
“I understand.”
“Ok, Miku I’ll see you in a few days once your eyes get better,” said Miss. Akita as she left me and my brother alone.
Mikuo grabbed me and hugged me for a long time. “Thank you sis,” he said in half tears.
“Your welcome,” I said as I tried to fight back my own tears. This was the first time I realized how close me and Mikuo had become after our parents death. I vow that I will never let anything separate us, even in this place that is controlled by the government. Never shall we leave each other’s sides.
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