Hatsune Miku the Vocaloid

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Chapter forty- eight:

Sitting on the edge of the window, I over saw everything. The ocean, the tiny city that was only a dot on the horizon. I watched it all. Sighing I closed my eyes and let the salty air blow around me, making me wanting to jump into the sea. A warm breath hit the back pf my neck, along with a tickle of hair. "What is it, Anon and Kanon?" I didnt have to turn my head to face them, I knew they were there. Ive become a mother to them, they didnt want to leave me side. 

"Miku, can you tell us more about the Vocaloids again?" Kanon's sweet voice asked. I continued to look out the window, breathing in the salty air. 

"Yes." I turned and smiled at the twins. They said in front of me, holding each other, waiting for me to spill more words on how wonderful the Vocaloids were. "Vocaloids are like the Viruses almost, but they are ten times better." I started to explain. " They protect the innocent and help those in need. They are like your everyday super heroes." Anon's hand shot up.

"Oh, tell us about the Vocaloid's care takers. That's my favorite part." Anon smiled, Kanon nodded in agreement. I smiled, they acted like little kids, it was cute. 

"Well the care takers there at the Vocal tower. They are nice, and treat us like family. Miss. Akita, she is the head of the Vocaloid project." I smiled, remembering everything that the Vocal Tower had for me, a family, friends, and just a place I could feel free. 

"If Vocaloids are so powerful, and your a Vocaloid then... why aren't you trying to get out of here, like you want?" Kanon asked.

Her question had struck me. Why was I here? Im a Vocaloid. A strong one too. I should be out, doing what I want. If the Prince goes after my family, then i should be strong enough to fight against him.

I am a Vocaloid. 

I am strong.

Looking out the window, I saw my refection. It wasnt me. It was a face I havent seen in forever. Zatsune. She smiled, realizing that I just woke up from this nightmare. 'Its about time' She spoke through my thoughts. Dont worry Zatsune, Im awake. 

"Is there something wrong, Miku?" Anon asked. 

"Yeah, Im fine." I smiled. "I havent properly introduced myself to you two." I stood up and fixed my skirt. Smiling still, I heard my hands out to the twins. I pulled them to my face. we were all on our feet now. 

"Anon, Kanon, It's finally nice to meet."

The twins looked at me in confusion. Kanon finally spoke up. "But we already meet you."

"You meet the lost weaker me, Im finally wake from that nightmare."

Anon pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, "Then who are you now?"

"Im Hatsune Miku the Vocaloid." 

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