Chapter thirty five:
"Psssssst Miku." I heard someone whisper. I blinked awake to see Rin standing next to my bed with a huge smile on her face. "Smile," she whispered as she took a picture on her phone.
"Rin!" I shouted, making Len fall from my side and onto the floor.
"Whats going on?" Len asked dazed.
"Rin took a picture of us on her phone!" I pointed at her phone. Len gave her a hard, cold stare and jumped on her trying to get the phone. Rin squirmed out of his grip and had dived past my flailing arms.
"You two better be nice to me or Ill send everyone this photo." She smirked.
"Your going to make us your bitches aren't you?" Len hissed in annoyance. Rin smirked again and nodes. "Son of a bitch...."
"Rin you are evil!"
"Well then call me Daughter of evil then," She giggled.
"That makes me your servant of evil." Len scowled.
~time skipped~
Rin had forced us to go to the 'park', she said she wanted to see somebody. I think Len knew who she was talking about, he was laughing and smiling like an idiot while whispering things into Rins ears, that made her mad and slapped him. I was a few paces behind her when she stopped suddenly in her tracks. Stepping beside her I was looking at her face then at a young boy around our age standing there. Her face was flushed as she watched the young boy hold a bird and played with it. This boy had short blonde hair and one eye that was blue, his other had been wrapped for some odd reason. His outfit was kind of like a sailor uniform and had a matching blue hat that sat on top of his messy blond hair. He was cute, but definitely not my type...... He was more like Rins type. I glanced at her again, and elbowed her in the side.
"Go over to him," I whispered to her. She shook her head and refused. "Fine." I sighed. "Ill just call him over." Rin punched my arm.
"You better not!" She hissed.
"Hey you! The one with the bird come over here!" I shouted across the 'park'. He turned his head and raced over, the little blue bird followed him.
"Hello loves." He greeted with a ascent.
"Hi Im Miku and this is my friend Rin," I shoved Rin closer to him. She blushed.
"W-whats y-your name?" Rin stuttered.
"Im Oliver and this is my pet bird James." The bird perched on his shoulder.
"So w-where are y-you from? I mean you have an a-ascent," Rin asked still blushing.
"Im from Britain, my mum and dad wanted me to enter this Vocaloid project when I was like 7." Oliver explained in his cute ascent.
"Really that's cool, Ive been in the project since I was 5...... But you have been in the project long how come I haven't seen you before?"
"Oh that's because I had to learn your culture and language. Also I was not able to move here yet till I finished my schooling for the year."
"Are you liking it over here?"
"I am now, since Ive meet you and your friend." Oliver smiled. Rin blushed. "I have to go but Ill see you later. Bye loves!" Oliver had dashed out of our sights with James following him close. I smirked and giggled.
"What is it?" Rin asked.
"Oh nothing!" I lied. "Its just Im shipping RinXOliver."
Rin blushed and punched me. "Shut up!" I giggled and refused. I kept saying many things about her liking Oliver, then she had enough. "If you don't shut up Im sending everyone the picture of you and Len!" She threaten.
"Fine," I sighed.
"Speaking of banana boy where is he?" We looked around us, Len was no where to be found. "Where could he have go-" She was cut off, we heard a loud shout echoing from the hallways. We dashed to see what was going on. There Len was wrapped in a head lock in a huge Viruses arms. He was gasping for air, Gumi was laying against a wall with blood running down her face. Across from her laid Nero who was coughing blood up. Rin froze in fear for her brothers sake. "Len!" She said and dove to the Virus. It dodged and hit her dead in the back. She collapsed to the floor, gasping for air. The anger had built in up inside me. Zatsune was angered as well, she was fighting me and was giving me a huge head ache. Finally something snapped inside me. I felt myself slipping into darkness as something else controlled my body. It laughed.
"Now Ill show you hell." Looking up, red eyes that were once blue pierced the Viruses soul. Long black hair flowed around the new me. Zatsune had took controlled over our body.
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