Calling for hell

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Chapter forty four:

I was in the kitchen making bacon and flipping pancakes. Dell and Len had just stumbled into the room, Len slept over last night. The two boys had fought about a video game, and I had to end it with me telling them that they were both wrong.

"Morning Miku!" Len had chirped as he peck me on the cheek with a kiss. Dell took notice and snaked his arm around my waist. The two were fighting again, and its over me. I nearly died from the fan girling. I once in my life had two boys fighting over me.

"You two need to stop of no breakfast for you." I scolded them. Dell groaned and walked over to his chair. Len frowned as he did the same. After a few silent moments had passed, a thud came from the other room. Haku had stumbled in with a hangover.

"I shouldn't have that many drinks ever again." She walked over to the counter and grabbed some aspirin, gulping it down with water. "Damn this head ache."

"Want some food?" I asked as I filled plates, she nodded while taking a seat at the table. Walking back over I laid plates in front of everyone, Haku nodded and sat down. The morning was quiet, with only Dell sighing. I looked at him, then to Len. 

"Dell whats your issue?" I asked.

Dell sighed again. "I have a bad feeling about today..." Len chocked on his food and looked at him. Haku dropped her coffee. I stood there wondering whats going on. 

"Ahhhh...... someone explain?" I asked. 

"Vocaloids have their own special gift and Dell's is perdicting bad things that will happen, kind of like predicting the future." Haku wiped her mouth with a napkin. Len nodded.

"Like one time he got this feeling, it was when...." Len's voice trailed off. 


"When you almost got deleted..... Without Dell getting that feeling that day, I would- I mean we wouldn't have saved you in time." Len looked down at his lap. Dell coughed. 

"Lets forget this." The albino had shifted in his chair. Len sat up in his chair. 

"Lets do something fun!"

"Like what?" I asked.

"Ummmm.....," Len leaned back in his chair again lost in thought. 

"Why dont me and Len play some basketball, and you draw portraits of us. Miku you like to draw so it's gonna be fun." Dell got up from the table and exited the room. Picking up his dishes I placed them in the sink and followed, Len did the same. Walking into the room, dell was pulling a tank top shirt. It was a blood red color, with black letters on it, DTM on the front and his last name on the back. dell turned and faced me, giving me a half smile. Smiling back, I went to my nightstand and rabbed my art supplies. Turning around I saw Len fixing his tank top that he just pulled on.

"Comeon on lets go," Dell bounced the basketball a few times as we exited the dorm. Walking down the hallway, I gribbed y sketch book close to my chest. Len had grabbed things from my hands and held them in his left hand, as his right slipped into my now free hand. As soon as his hand was in mine, dell did the same. Leaving my hands full again. I smiled, making the two boys cheeks turn pink.

Once at the court, Dell and Len split from me and started a game. I settled down in  patch of grass an started to sketch. The sketches were mesy and made me frown when I kept trying.

After a few moments of scribbling, erasing, and trying to sketch, I got up frustrated. Throwing my pencils onto the ground and sighed. Ghost hands had touhed my shoulders. A flash of blond hair came up next to me.

"Wow they are wonderful."

"No they are not, Len their terrible." Len took his hand and moved my bangs from my eyes. His lips pressed against my cheek making me wrarm.

"Trust me, they are wonderful." I nodded with his words, almost melting into his icy blue eyes. A shout from Dell made us look. He was running fast up to me and Len. His hands were balled into fist and he was waving his arms. We couldn't make out his shouts, it was to nosiy. Nosiy? Where did the nosie come from? Then it hit me.......

We were not alone...

Len was thrown away from me. Sharp long black claws wrapped around my arms, a hiss came from the creature. It looked like something from a bad Godzilla movie. A shadow masked figure was behind it, ordering it. I shouted for Len and Dell, trying to free myself. I couldnt do much, I was weak again. I called out for Zatsune, but she hadnt answered me. I was lossing hope. Then a sharp hit to the back of my head made me black out.

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