♡ trois ♡

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When Saturday rolled around, Troye felt as if he could puke with nervousness. He needed to make a good impression this time, his first had been so incredibly pathetic that he was surprised Jacob hadn't denied him and requested for a new sub. He was dressed casually like Jacob had requested, light blue skinny jeans with a pale white v-neck that flaunted his collarbones and clung to him nicely. He put on a gray, pressed wool coat since Jacob had told him to dress warm. On his feet he simply wore converses, as he didn't feel like any of his other shoes went decently with his things.

He could only hope that Jacob liked what he had on. He waited anxiously by the front door, peeking out of the window every now and then to see if Jacob had pulled up. His mother watched quietly behind him, as she attempted to soothe Troye, "I'm sure it'll be fine." "I can't look like an idiot again," Troye mumbled, but then a 2014 ruby mustang was pulling up to the curve, and Troye spluttered out anxiously.

"He's here, wish me luck." "Have a good time, dear," Laurelle murmured as Troye tried to walk as calmly and as quickly as he possibly could towards Jacob's vehicle. He hesitantly opened the door, slipping into the passenger seat and looking down at the steering wheel rather than meeting Jacob's gaze. He didn't know if he was allowed to. "You can look at me," Jacob informed him. "Unless I tell you otherwise," He added. Troye blinked up carefully at Jacob, finding that Jacob was examining him thoroughly, "Okay, sir." "You've picked out clothes very decently, I see," Jacob hummed, but then his eyes fell on Troye's shoes.

"Ah. Those are going to have to go. I don't think those go very well with what you're wearing." "Oh," Troye spluttered. "Sorry." "Just take them off and toss them in the back, you just won't be wearing shoes," Jacob said decidedly, and Troye was quick to obey. "And buckle up." "Yes sir," Troye whispered, carefully dropping his shoes into the back floorboard before buckling his seatbelt.

Jacob finally pulled away from the curb then, and Troye was refraining from beating his head against the window. Once again, he had made himself look like a fool in front of Jacob with his shoe choice. However, one of Jacob's hands moved off of the wheel to settle onto Troye's knee. It sent shivers through Troye, the feeling of Jacob's large hand resting there. It made him feel... owned, like he belonged to Jacob, which is what it was supposed to feel like.

He tried not to squirm, he wanted to be good for his dom. Jacob took them to a fancy looking restaurant with some italian name Troye wasn't even going to try to pronounce. He glanced down at his feet, already dreading the cold ground he was going to have to walk on. No shoes no service sadly wasn't a thing when it came to D/S relationships.

If your dominant wanted to deny you an article of clothing, they could do it. Troye was just glad he would be allowed to wear shoes again. He just had to always make sure they went with his outfit. The moment Jacob was parked, Troye was startled to see a large crowd of paps swarm the vehicle. His eyes widened, and he looked to Jacob in slight alarm, wanting direction.

Jacob growled towards the people swarming his vehicle, ignoring the flashing cameras as he turned his attention to Troye, "Don't look at them, don't speak to them, and ignore them if they try to grab at you. Just follow me and don't do anything to make me look like a fool." "Okay," Troye nodded slowly. Jacob climbed out first, and Troye carefully got out and hurried to meet Jacob, because not only was he feeling a tad claustrophobic, but his feet were already feeling numb having just left the warm interior of Jacob's car.

He was gazing at his freezing feet while Jacob huffed and adjusted Troye's coat tighter around the boy. Troye was most likely already making Jacob look like a fool if his coat was resting strangely, but then he remembered Jacob had been firm on Troye not falling ill. "Troye Mellet!" one of the paps called, and Troye looked up out of habit. It was just what he did, he paid attention when he was spoken to.

He heard Jacob suck in a sharp breath, and the paps went mad. They knew Jacob's rule, they knew Troye wasn't supposed to pay attention or look at the cameras. Jacob's hand suddenly clamped down roughly on the back of Troye's neck, squeezing tight enough to bruise causing Troye to whimper quietly as Jacob dragged him into the restaurant. Jacob must have already made them reservations, as he marched Troye to a booth towards the back before he released him to sit. Troye quickly did, tucking his coat around him concealingly. "Don't," Jacob hissed, sitting down across from Troye. "Look at me." Troye looked, and Jacob seemed furious.

"I told you not to look at them, didn't I? They're going to think I'm with a sub who doesn't do as his dominant tells him. I could be forced to deny you as a sub to keep my reputation. You'd become an unwanted sub, or you'd get a dominant who was much more harsher than me. I don't think you quite understand how easy you've got it. I'm not going to do things that are red for you, so I expect you not to do things that I don't want you to do.

If you ever expect to be respected by me, you're going to have to respect me first. Are we clear?" "Yes sir," Troye whispered. "I'm so sorry, sir." Jacob's firm gaze remained on Troye, but then his tone shifted away from rage and more towards the informing voice he'd been using in the car. He wasn't going to lecture Troye further, but he needed Troye to know that he was in charge, "I'll be ordering for you. We're going to have waters and an Italian Sausage soup with tortellini. As for an appetizer, we'll order some bruschetta." Troye nodded, trying not to completely cringe to escape Jacob's piercing stare.

"I'd like you to use your words, please." "Yes, that sounds great," Troye quickly replied. A waiter seemed to appear automatically then, and Jacob ordered their meal for them before he returned his gaze to Troye, "I suppose I could tell you all that I have planned. I'm sure you were unaware that we were to be eating, so I hope you haven't already eaten. Have you?" "No," Troye shook his head. "Although, that was a bit of a reckless thing to do considering you didn't know if I would be feeding you or not. However, I didn't direct you otherwise and so it's more of a fault of mine than yours. I'll be sure to inform you on when you need to feed yourself when you're living with me and of the times that I'll have food supplied for us." "Yes, thank you," Troye said softly.

He wasn't sure what else to say. He knew that Jacob liked verbal responses rather than simple head nods, but he knew that Jacob wouldn't want him to be an excessive talker. "Now," Jacob began. "When you do move in with me I'll be allowing you to bring a certain number of things, but I'll have to approve of them first. Most things I'll be supplying you at my home. Like a new wardrobe for instant. It's best if I give you an entire new wardrobe filled with things that I have approved of so that we don't have another shoe instance. It's not quite the best decision to have you walking around shoeless, I've already informed you that we don't need you sick, but those shoes simply weren't going to work."

"I understand," Troye agreed. "That won't happen again. I'll change multiple times to fit what you want, sir. Just want to please you," Troye broke off in a hushed whisper, and for a moment Jacob actually did look pleased by Troye's words. "There's a good boy," Jacob smiled, and Troye's stomach fluttered. Yet at that moment, their water and appetizers were placed on their table, and Troye looked to the straw he had been given hesitantly.

He didn't remember anything in Jacob's folder about him not allowing certain utensils, but he glanced up at Jacob just to be sure. "No straws," Jacob decided once he had caught on. "If you're behaving I will grant you access to silverware use. Consider yourself lucky, because I know of someone who doesn't allow their sub a privilege such as that. But it's much messier without anyway, and I like a sub who is always clean. Straws on the other hand are not necessary for simple water, and they're quite the tease if you think about it. No straws. I will not be using one either."

"Okay," Troye agreed. "The, um... the appetizer?" "You use your hands," Jacob informed. "You've never had bruschetta?" Troye shook his head before he remembered that Jacob wanted vocal responses, "No, sir." "Watch me, then," Jacob told him, and Troye watched carefully as Jacob broke off a piece of the long bread they'd been given and carefully spooned some of the tomato-y looking substance on it. "Like that. And then you eat it." Troye carefully followed Jacob's actions, breaking off a smaller piece of bread, putting some of the bruschetta on it, and taking a hesitant bite. And it was fan-fucking-tastic. He felt his face light up, and he finished chewing and swallowing his bite completely before he shyly told Jacob, "It's very good."

"It is," Jacob replied. "But don't fill yourself up on it. We still have soup to eat." "Right," Troye slowed his eating. "Of course." He could feel Jacob's gaze on him as he finished his first piece of bread, and he folded his hands in his lap as he carefully rubbed his bare and cold feet together. He almost wished that he was wearing socks, which he despised unless they were thigh-highs. He wanted one last piece of bread, but he didn't want Jacob to think he was some type of gluten. Dominants wanted subs that ate decently, but no one wanted a sub who ate too much. "You may have another," Jacob told him, and Troye was surprised. Either Jacob was extremely observant, or Troye was easily readable. He hoped Jacob didn't mind if he was. "Thank you, sir," Troye said quickly. "One last small piece, like you said I can't fill myself up before the actual meal." "I'll make it for you," Jacob responded, shooing Troye's hands away as he reached for the bread.

"To assure we're both on the same page of what a small piece is." The piece, however, was slightly bigger than Troye would have dared to take, so he was quite glad that Jacob was doing it for him. It flustered him, however, because it made him feel like he needed to do something for Jacob in return. He supposed he was just going to have to be extra good. Jacob handed Troye the bread with bruschetta, and Troye smiled, "Thank you, sir."

Troye finished that piece as well, cautiously sipping at his water as he finished. Jacob didn't protest, so he figured maybe he didn't have to ask permission to drink. Jacob stretched his hand out suddenly, pulling Troye's hand possessively into his own, "I'm very pleased to have you moving into my house. Are you excited to be joining me?" "Yes," Troye replied quickly. "Of course, sir." "Good," Jacob smiled, and then their food was arriving, Troye quieted as he waited on further instructions from Jacob.

The soup was fantastic, and Troye actually managed to get through half a bowl of it without embarrassing himself or Jacob. But by the time they were pulling up to Jacob's massive house, he was afraid the soup and bruschetta were going to make a second appearance. The house was glorious. From the moment they'd pulled through the large gate out front, Troye was in shock. The front lawn was spacious, had a massive fountain in the middle, and a wrap around driveway that Jacob pulled up on. The house was brick, and was seemingly two stories tall, but quite long and wide. Jacob looked to Troye, "So what do you think?" "It's... big..." Troye whispered in awe.

"I'll live here?" "Yes," Jacob responded. "You're going to live here. My friend and his sub are out for the day, I asked them to go elsewhere so I could show you around and not completely overwhelm you. We may live in the same house, but we won't be involving ourselves in the same activities as they do. You will be respectful to them, but if they give you any type of order I want you to talk to me about it before you complete it."

"Yes, sir," Troye agreed. "Now," Jacob reached over and patted Troye's knee. "I'm going to show you around." Troye climbed from Jacob's vehicle, prepared to follow him, and Troye nearly whimpered when he realized Jacob was going to show him around outside first. He was still shoeless. However, much to his relief, Jacob paused and turned to glance at Troye's barefeet. "Ah... I forgot you were shoeless. Ah well. There's not much out here to show you since it's winter. We have a sports court around back, indoor. But no one rarely goes out there during the winter to use it as it's quite the walk from the house to the complex. There's a garage back there as well where we park our vehicles." "Oh," Troye nodded, and followed Jacob as he headed back towards the front door.

Jacob opened the door with a key he pulled from his pocket, and he stepped back as the door swung open so that Troye could step inside. The floor he saw immediately was hardwood, but there were massive plush carpets. There was a large marble fireplace, the furniture was all a lovely brown leather, and Troye could see a balcony revealing a hallway of the upstairs. "It's beautiful..." "Step inside and let me show you around," Jacob told him. Troye did as he was told, letting Jacob step in front of him. Jacob hung up the coat he wore on a coat rack near the door, and he hesitantly rubbed at the fabric of his own coat.

"Yes, take it off." Jacob instructed. Troye nodded quickly, shedding from the coat and carefully hanging it up. When he turned back to Jacob, Jacob turned and walked away, expecting Troye to follow. Troye scurried after him, and Jacob explained as he went. "We have six bedrooms. One is ours. You will share a bedroom with me unless I command that you sleep in the room designated for either guests or for the times I feel that you do not deserve my company. Then we have a room designated for play. Most sexual matters will take place in there, but they could take place anywhere in the house including our own bedroom. It all depends on how I feel, mainly. Another room is my friend, Brandon's room. He shares it with his sub Tommy. They have a playroom as well, and then there is another guest room that is simply a guest room or Tommy's isolation room."

"Bedroom, Play... Isolation," Troye murmured softly. "I understand." Jacob paused in his walking, stopping in the extravagant kitchen they were standing in having already walked through a massive dining room, "Don't let the thought of the Isolation Room bother you. If you're a good boy then we won't ever have to use it and it shall remain a guest room. If you are put in there, you will only remain for a day or two, depending on what you have done, and you will be allowed out for meals so long as you do not look at or speak to anyone. Like I said, that is only if you have misbehaved terribly. I honestly don't wish to use it, but if I must I will."

Troye was feeling a bit fearful, still. The mere thought of behaving so terribly that his dom had to isolate him made him feel even queasier than his nervous stomach already did. "Are you listening?" Jacob's voice hardened. "Yes, sir," Troye replied immediately. "Sorry, sir. I was processing." "Be sure to listen when I speak to you," Jacob warned. "If you desire my attention, you must give me yours." "Yes, of course, absolutely sir," Troye nodded frantically. Jacob continued to lead him around the house, showing him up the giant staircase to the room that would be theirs, their ridiculously large bathroom with a giant jet filled bathtub, as well as the isolation room that Troye really didn't care too much to be around.

Even if it also sided as a guest room, Troye hated the mere thought of it. It looked innocent enough, white walls with a large white plush bed, hardwood floors and thick white carpets. There was a window, rounded at the top, that had a seat to sit upon so you could look out over the spacious backyard scattered with buildings that contained their sports complexes and garage. But, Troye still despised the room. He rather preferred their tan room with the plush white carpet, the king bed with a white downy looking comforter, and the double doors that opened up to their bathroom.

Jacob didn't show him the playroom, and he figured the older man was keeping that for the first time that they ever used it, or perhaps it wasn't prepared yet since Troye still had yet to give Jacob the folder full of the papers he had filled out. Jacob showed him the other side of the massive hallway, past the balcony and turning down towards the other end of the house, "This side is Brandon and Tommy's. There isn't much reason for you to be over here unless you've been invited, but like I mentioned before ask me about it." "I will sir, I'll ask your permission before I do most things," Troye promised.

"I... I'm excited to live here with you." "Thank you, pet," Jacob stepped forward than to wrap his arms around Troye, and Troye panicked a tad. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to hug back, or if he was supposed to let himself be hugged. So he simply let himself be hugged at first, and then Jacob informed him. "You are allowed to touch me if I have instigated a hug like this." Troye hugged back gratefully then, and Jacob rubbed lightly at the base of Troye's neck, "Are you bruised here? I'm sorry I had to be rough, but if you disobey an order don't expect me to let you off easy." "Of course," Troye breathed into Jacob's shoulder.

The man smelled fantastic. Despite his rough exterior, and despite previous happenings, Troye felt safe with his dom. He'd gotten extremely lucky, Jacob was extremely informing and willing to compromise so long as Troye compromised. "I'll be good, I'll do what you tell me to." "Good," Jacob hummed. "Then this should work out nicely. Now, let's get you back to your current home. I've got other matters to take care of. You may retrieve your shoes and put them on to take back with you so long as you make sure that if you wear them again they go along with the outfit you are wearing. It won't matter soon anyway once I pick your wardrobe, but there is still two weeks time before that and I plan to meet with you again. Perhaps another public outing to get you used to the paps. I want to be sure we don't have another little misbehaving mishap again."

Jacob pulled back then, frowning and fixing Troye's hair slightly. "Wear your hair like that. I like your curls." When Jacob drove Troye home, he gave Troye's knee a squeeze before Troye climbed from the car. "I'll be in touch, the same way we spoke before via email. Once you've moved in we will communicate via text if we happen to be apart." "Yes sir, I'll check it frequently,"

Troye agreed, and then he was shutting Jacob's car door carefully and hurrying to his house, turning back to give a small and hesitant wave to Jacob as he pulled off once he made sure Troye was entering the house. His mother was almost instantly at his side, "How'd it go? Was it alright, does he seem okay?" Troye bit his lip, but nodded, "Yeah... yeah I think it went okay. This might actually work out."

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