Part 19

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A freezing breeze hit both me and Harry while we were still in a very cold fountain.

"Oh my gosh Harry. Get out or we'll both freeze." I say getting out.

Harry gets out also with his white shirt translucent from the dripping water so you can now see his flawless 6 pack.

Keep it together Sarah. Keep it together.

"Where are my things?" Harry asks looking around.

"I put them-" I was apparently pointing at nothing. "right there."

"Someone must've stolen them." Harry says.

"That's what you expect in the city." Another breeze hits us. "Brrrr. C'mon Hazza. We better run for it before we pneumonia." I say.

"Hazza?" He says smirking.

"Harry got boring." I say. "Wanna race for the hotel?"

"Okay. But I'll win like a gentleman." He says smirking.

"We'll see about that." I say already sprinting back to the hotel.

"Hey! No fair!" I hear him call out, following me.

We got closer to the Plaza when we got to the notorious streets of NYC. I immediately stopped with Harry slowing down next to me. When the lights turn red our race begins. And guess who wins? Yours truly.

We went back into the hotel probably looking like idiots soaking wet in a 5 star hotel. We go to the elevators laughing and giggling about our day. When we reached our floor, we were greeted with none other than Paul.

"It's past your curfew. Jennifer, I expected you to keep him on time." Paul says.

"I'm so sorry. I got lost in the time a bit. It's all my fau-" I began to explain but Harry cut me off.

"She didn't do anything. It was all my fault. I made us do a bunch of stupid stuff." He said.

"No I was the one who said for him to jump in the fountain." I said.

"But I was the one who pulled you in the fountain also." Harry argued.

"But I-"

"Enough!" Paul yelled. "Just go get dried up." He walked away in defeat.

Harry and I walked to our room in silence. I took a shower than Harry after. I wrapped my hair in a towel turban and got into sweats and a plain white tank top. Harry came out of the shower shaking off the water droplets from his curls. I now completely understand why girls swoon over that.

"I hope you aren't sleeping commando." I joked.

"No I won't unless you want me to." He said smirking.

"Not happening Styles." I said putting my bunny slippers on.

Harry chuckled than looked as if he just remembered something. "Oh crap. I forgot to twitcam." He muttered.

"Twitcam?" I asked.

"Yeah. I promised to give the fans a twitcam." He said.

"What's a twitcam?" I asked sitting on the bed.

"Like a live video stream on twitter." He said. "I gotta do it."

He went and grabbed a laptop from his suitcase and sat on the bed. He opened it up and went his twitter setting up for a twitcam. He started it up. Over 10,000 people were watching! What do these people do with their lives?

"Hi everyone. Sorry I couldn't come on sooner. Paul probably is going to kill me now." He said. "Oh, and this is my friend Jennifer." He put the computer screen facing me.

"No! Turn it back! I look horrible!" I say covering my face. I was wearing a towel on my head in front of over 10,000 people for Pete's sake!

"No you look great." He said grinning.

I took of the turban and shook my hair a bit.

"Ah! You're getting water all over me." He said trying to cover himself.

"You go on with your twitcam while I go fix my hair." I said getting up.

"Yeah. So lets read some tweets. 'She's insecure, don't know what for.' Ha. See, even the fans agree." Harry yells to me while I'm at the dresser fixing my hair.

"Tell them thanks but I know what for." I yelled back.

"Americans." Harry says shaking his head.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked him, looking up.

"Nothing." He smirked.

I put my hair in a ponytail then went back to the laptop. "Any American fans out there, all of you are awesome." I say giving a thumbs up.

"Okay, here are some more tweets. 'I dare you to kiss Jennifer.'" Harry reads.

"Uh, he isn't allowed to do that." I said.

"And why not?" Harry whines crossing his arms.

"Because I said so." I replied.

"I'm your boss. And I need you to assist me with putting something on my lips." He says puckering up.

I found the nearest thing to me which happened to be the laptop and made him kiss all the fans watching.

"Hey." Harry whines.

"Your welcome girls." I said to the camera.

Harry took the laptop and continued on talking and answering questions on tweets when the fun had to come to an end.

"Alright everyone. Love to stay and chat but we've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Goodbye everyone." He said then closed his laptop.

I closed the lamp next to me and payed down and so did Harry. But I couldn't sleep. This day felt incomplete. There was something missing.

I turned to the person beside and pecked them on the cheek, a smirk then showing up on his flawless face. This day now felt complete.

But then the thought that he could never be mine came again and started to haunt me. Why does that dumb rule exist?

Hold on......I just kissed him. Do I like Harry? Or even love him? Did he feel the same? Well obviously. That was a pretty extravagant first date. But it was also extremely romantic. I was giving myself a headache. Ugh.

I suddenly felt arms wrap around me, taking me out of my thoughts. I then confirmed my feelings without a doubt.

It felt so right but so wrong at the same time being in his arms. He could never be mine.


A/N: Awww. I just love Sarry. We'll see how long everything stays all happy there. So hope you liked the chapter. Short little twitcam in there. So comment, vote, fan and all that good stuff. Thanks for reading and keep doing so!! Read my other fanfic please!

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