Chapter 8: Christmas Break Part 1

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Later that afternoon. Harry, Ron and Hermione walk on the grounds of Hogwarts with Hagrid. Hagrid said, "Nonsense! Why would Quirrell put a curse on Harry's broom?" Harry said, "Who knows. Do you think that Quirrell was trying to get passed that 3-headed dog on Halloween?" Hagrid looks at them suspiciously as he said, "Who told you about Fluffy?" Ron said, "Fluffy?" Hermione said, "That thing has a name?" Hagrid said, "Of course he's got a name. He's mine. I bought him off an Irish fellow that I met down at the pub last year. Then I lend him to Dumbledore to guard the...." Harry said, "Yes?" Hagrid said, "I shouldn't have said that. No more questions! Don't ask any more question! That's top secret that is." Harry said, "But Hagrid, whatever Fuffly's guarding, Quirrell's trying to steal it!" Hagrid said, "Codswalloped! Professor Quirrell is a Hogwarts teacher." Hermione said, "Hogwarts teacher or not, I know a spell when I see one. I've read all about them. You've got to keep eye contact and Quirrell wasn't blinking!" Harry said, "Exactly." Hagrid said, "Now you listen to me, all 3 of ya. You're meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in. It's dangerous! What that dog is guarding is strictly between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel." Harry said, "Nicholas Flamel?" Hagrid said, "I shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that." He continues to say it as he walks down to his hut. Harry watches him go as he said, "Nicholas Flamel.... Whose Nicholas Flamel?" Hermione said, "I don't know." The rest of the day was spent trying to figure out who Nicholas Flamel is. Harry couldn't help but think that he had heard that name before, but he didn't know where he heard it from. Harry decides to see Snape and see what he thought of all this. Harry heads down to the dungeon and heads to Snape's quarters. He knocks on the door. Snape opens it a crack to see Harry. He looks curiously at Harry and said, "Harry, what brings you to my quarters?" Harry said, "Can I come in, dad?" Snape said, "Of course, Harry." He stands aside and allows Harry to enter. Harry enters Snape's quarters and sits on the couch. Snape shuts the door and sits in his armchair and said, "Care to tell me why you decided to come and see me?" Harry said, "Hermione saw me nearly get thrown off my broom. She said that she saw Quirrell jinxing my broom. She set fire to his robes to get him to stop. She used Hagrid's binoculars to see who was jinxing my broom." Snape said, "That confirms my suspicions of who was trying to kill you, Harry." Harry gulps, "So it is Quirrell that's trying to kill me?" Snape nods, "Indeed, Harry. The only question now is why? Why is he trying to kill you?" Harry said, "I wish I knew, dad." Snape said, "I'll try and find out, Harry. When I do, I'll be sure to let you know. I will not allow you to be harmed or killed on my watch. I made a promise to protect you and I intend to keep it." Harry gets off the couch and hugs Snape. Snape hugs him back and said, "It will be ok, Harry. No harm will come your way, whilst I'm here." Harry said, "Thanks dad." Snape said, "You're welcome, Harry."

Harry lets go and sits back down. He said, "There's one more thing. Hagrid mentioned Nicholas Flamel, Hermione wants us to find out who he is and what he has to do with the stone." Snape went thoughtful, "I've heard that name from somewhere before." Harry said, "Me too, but I can't remember where, dad." Snape's eyes lit up as he said, "Wait here, I think I have figured it out." Harry waits while Snape goes to his room. He pulls out his chocolate frog cards and finds the card with Dumbledore on it. He puts the rest away and looks at the back. His eyes glitter more as he reads it. He said, "I knew I heard that name from somewhere." He takes the card to Harry and sits down. He said, "Read the back of this card, Harry." Harry's eyes go wide as he recognizes the card Snape was holding, "That's where I heard his name from!" Harry takes the card as Snape's eyes glitter. Harry reads the back of the card and said, "Nicholas Flamel and Dumbledore knew each other! Do you think, maybe Nicholas Flamel made the stone, dad?" Snape nods, "Yes, I'm convinced that he created the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry. From what I know, he is an alchemist. I also know that he and his wife are over 600 years old." Harry looks at Snape wide eyed, "Wow!" Snape said, "They used the stone to make the Elixir of Life. As long as you take it, you can not die. It can also turn any metal into pure gold." Harry said, "I think Quirrell is trying to steal it, dad. My friends are thinking the same thing." Snape said, "I, too, think that Quirrell is trying to steal the stone. I've been keeping a close eye on him since that troll incident. He let that troll in, I'm sure of it. He did it to distract us while he went after the stone. To bad that he didn't fool me." Snape adds, "I think he wants the stone to make gold, so that he can be rich. Greed can make people do cruel things, Harry." Snape goes thoughtful. Harry said, "I can't help but think that there is another reason why Quirrell wants the stone, other than making gold, I mean." Snape said, "I agree with you, Harry. I have the same feeling as well." Harry goes thoughtful now. Snape said, "Once I know more, I'll let you know, Harry." Harry nods in response. Snape looks at Harry and said, "Now about that troll." Harry looks meekly at Snape. Snape said, "What happened in that bathroom Harry?" Harry explains everything that happened in the girls' bathroom. When he finished, Snape was pinching the bridge of his nose. Snape said, "That was very brave of the both of you to rescue Miss Granger, but it was also extremely foolish of you two to do so. Both of you could have been seriously injured! You can not run head-long into danger Harry, without having a plan first!" Harry looks down and said, "I'm sorry dad." Snape sighs, "Be lucky that trolls are stupid, Harry. However, as you are my son, I must punish you as I see fit." Harry said defeatedly, "Yes dad. I understand." Snape said, "Your grounded for a week. I will allow you to go to quidditch practice, but you are to go straight to the common room after that. You aren't allowed outside until your punishment is over. Also, you will come down to my office at 8pm sharp, every evening for the entire week. You will be cleaning out cauldrons, without magic. Is that understood, Harry." Harry nods, "Yes dad. I understand." Snape sighs, "Come here, Harry." Harry goes to Snape. Snape pulls him onto his lap and hugs him. Harry curls up on his lap. Snape said, "I had to punish you, Harry. I was worried sick when Percy told McGonagall that you, your friend and Miss. Granger weren't in the common room. We searched for all 3 of you, only to hear a thunderous thud coming from the girl's bathroom. When we entered the bathroom, I saw the damage the troll did to the bathroom and saw you three there covered in dust. I thought, what in merlin's beard happened in here? I was shocked that you three defeated a troll and came out of it unscathed!" Harry felt bad now. He said, "I'm sorry for worrying you dad. You're right to punish me." Snape said, "Apology accepted, Harry. I hope this punishment teaches you a lesson." Harry nods in response. Snape said, "For now, head up to your commom room and stay on top of your classes." Harry smiles, slightly, "Ok, dad. Thanks for listening to me and believing me." Snape nods in responds. Harry gets up and hugs his dad. He said, "See you tonight, dad." Snape said, "See you then, Harry." Harry leaves his quarters to tell Ron and Hermione what Snape had told him. Snape sits there and mutters, "I must find out what Quirrell is up to. I can't help but think that it has something to do with why Harry's scar hurts, whenever he's near the man. I will find out, and when I do, I will make sure that he doesn't touch Harry." Snape leaves his quarters to grade the essays. He will also have to get the dirty cauldrons for Harry to clean tonight. All the while, having Quirrell, Harry and the stone on his mind.

As November turned into December, the weather started to become colder. Snow had begun to fall. The castle was being decorated for Christmas. Garlands hung at every doorway, arch and windows. Christmas wreaths were hung on the doors. Christmas trees were decorated in the great hall. The Hogwarts' ghosts were singing Christmas carols as they floated by. Even the suits of armors were singing Christmas Carols. Students were signing up to go home for the holidays. Even Hermione signed up to go home to spend Christmas with her parents. As classes ended for the holidays, students started to pack to go home the next day. The following day students that were going home, left the castle with their trunks and cages. Ron was staying with Harry. They were in the great hall playing wizard's chess. Hermione went up to them, dragging her trunk. She watches as Ron's queen wrestles Harry's knight off the chess board. Hermione said, "That's pretty barbaric!" Ron smirks, "That's wizard's chess." He notices Hermione had her trunk with her. He said, "I see you packed." Hermione said, "I see you haven't." Ron smiles, "Change of plans, my parents have decided to go to Romania, to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there." Hermione said, "Oh ok, Ron. Happy Christmas you two." Hermione leaves, dragging her trunk behind her. They finish playing chess. Ron won of course. Ron puts his chess pieces and chessboard away and carries it upstairs to the common room with Harry. The common room was empty now as Harry paces back and forth. What can he get for his dad for Christmas. Harry stops, his mum! He can get him something like a photo or something. Harry's eyes lit up. That's it!! A photo of his dad and mum when they were friends! Then he thought of Hagrid. Hagrid's bound to have some! Harry said, "I'll be right back, Ron. I need to talk to Hagrid. He might have what I need, to give to dad as a Christmas present." Ron said, "Ok Harry. See you in a bit then." Harry grabs his cloak, scarf and gloves and puts them on.

He heads outside and down to Hagrid's hut. Harry knock on the door and waits. Fang immediately starts to bark. Hagrid's voice was heard as he said, "Back Fang back!" Hagrid opens the door and said, "Oh, hello Harry. Happy Christmas!" Harry smiles, "Happy Christmas, Hagrid. Can I come in?" Hagrid smiles, "Sure, come on in, Harry." Hagrid steps back to let Harry in. Harry sits down in one of the chairs as Hagrid shuts the door. Hagrid said, "What bring you here to me hut?" Harry said, "I thought of a present for my dad." Hagrid, "You're adoptive dad?" Harry nods, "Yeah. I want to get him a framed picture of him and mum, from when they were kids like me." Hagrid smiles, "Ah, Professor Snape would love a gift like that." Harry smiles, "I know. I figured, since you knew them, maybe you have photos of them that we could frame." Hagrid grins, "I do, Harry. Let me go find them." Hagrid looks around his hut until he finds a box and brings it to the table where Harry was sitting. He sits the box down and sits down. Hagrid said, "I got lots of pictures in here. Let's see what I can find." Hagrid opens the box and searches for a good photo of them. Hagrid mutters, "I know it's around here somewhere...." Suddenly Hagrid said, "Ah ha! I found a good picture of them. Here, take a look Harry." Harry takes the photo from Hagrid and looks at it. The photo looks as if it was taken on the grounds of Hogwarts. There was his mum and adoptive dad, standing next to each other. Arms around each other's shoulders. They were about 12 years old in the photo. They were both smiling as they wave up to Harry. Harry said, "This is perfect, Hagrid. I hope dad doesn't have this one." Hagrid smiles, "He don't, Harry." Harry grins at Hagrid. Hagrid said, "You'll need a frame to go with that picture, Harry." Harry said, "Can you make one?" Hagrid smiles, "Of course I can." Harry hands him the picture and said, "Thanks, Hagrid. Put this picture in it after you make it. Send it to me when your done, Hagrid. So I can wrap it." Hagrid said, "Alright, Harry. I'll have it sent up to you by Christmas Eve." Harry grins and hugs Hagrid. He bades him goodbye and heads up to the castle.

Meanwhile, Snape was pacing his quarters, wondering what to give to Harry for Christmas. All of a sudden, an idea hits him. He abruptly stops pacing. That's it! A photo album of Harry's parents, with a few pictures of himself towards the end of the album. That would make a perfect gift for Harry! Snape starts writing letters and sending them with his owl Hades. He said, "I know this is a lot to ask of you, Hades, but could you send these letters to them please. I'll have water waiting for you, when you return and an owl treat for your troubles." Hades nips his finger affectionately and takes the letters with his beak. Snape smiles, "Thank you Hades, my faithful pet." Hades hoots, though his hoots were muffled by the letters he was holding. He spreads his wings and takes off, flying out the window. Snape heads to his room to see if he had an old photo album that he could use. He searches around, until he finds one in his closet. The photo album was black and leather-bound. His name was engraved on it, but there was no photos inside the album. He takes out his wand and sits down. He points his wand to the album and mutters, "Scourgify!" The album was clean now. He next mutters, "Reparo!" Now the album looks like new again. Finally Snape, slowly but surely, removes his own name from the album with his wand. Being careful as he did so. Once his name was removed, he repairs is so it looked as if it has never been engraved. He then engraves Harry's name on it: Harry James Snape. Once he finishes engraving it, he sets his wand down onto his bed. He sets the album down on his bed side table, then rummages in the drawers until he found gold ink. A gift from Albus for his 31st birthday. He finds a quill and dips it into the ink. Then carefully, he fills the engraved name with gold ink, spelling out the boy's name as he did so. Once he finished filling the engraved name with gold ink, He sets his quill down and puts the album on his bedside table to dry. He puts the ink away in his drawers along with his quill. He picks up his wand and put it back up his sleeve. All he can do now is wait, until Hades returns with the photos that will go into the album.

Hades returns an hour later with envelopes in his beak. He lands on the desk, looking a bit tired. Snape pets his owl and said, "Well done Hades." Snape takes the envelopes and sets them on the table. Just by feeling the envelopes he knew they were the photos he asked for. He gently picks up his owl and moves him to sit on the other end of his desk where 2 owl treats and a bowl of water sat, waiting for him." Snape said, "As I promised you, Hades. 2 owl treats and some water." Hades hoots gratefully and eats his treats, then starts to drink water. While Hades drinks water, Snape opens each envelope and takes out the photographs. Each envelope had a letter that said, that they were happy to help and that they hope the photos make Harry smile. Snape heads to his room and sets the photos down on his bed. He then goes into his closet and brings down a shoe box. He brings that to his bed and sets it down as well. He checks to see if the ink has dried. It has. He starts to fill up the photo album with photos of Harry's parents. Once he finished that, he filled the remaining pages with photos of himself and Lily that he kept in his shoe box. Once he was finished he sets the now full photo album aside on his bed. He searches in his box until he finds a lock of red hair tied with a bow. Lily gave him the lock of her hair when she saved some, after getting her hair cut to her shoulders. He's kept it ever since. He lifts the lock of hair and sniffs it. It still smelled like her. He smiles and said breathlessly, "Lily...." He will have to show Harry his box, so that the boy truly understood how much he cared for her. He'll show it to him over the holidays. He puts the lock of hair back in the box and puts the lid on it. He places the box back into his closet. While in there, he finds some green and silver wrapping paper, a long silver ribbon, some green tissue paper and a box that the album could fit into. He takes them and places them on his bed. He takes a piece of tissue paper and folds it to fit in the box long ways then sets the album in the box. he covers the box with the remaining tissue paper and places the lid on it. He wraps the box in green and silver wrapping paper then ties the box with the silver ribbon, ending it with a bow. He takes out a Christmas card, which had a Snake wearing a green Christmas hat and writes in the card. After signing it, he places the card in the green envelope and writes Harry's name on it. Then carefully places the card under the ribbon, so that the ribbon held the card in place on the gift. He places the gift in his drawers. He hopes Harry will like it. 

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