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So here's another chapter everybody. It's a little short, but I'm trying to make my way up to longer chapters. Please don't forget to tell me how you guys liked the chapter and leave comments, I really appreciate them.

Of course, it had to be to be the Potter's that got to ride the Hippogriffs first. It would have been strange if it hadn't been them. They'd know Harry for years, and they knew that when major things seemed to happen, Harry Potter would be at the center of them. Percy, on the other hand, was somewhat of a mystery. Sure, they'd known him for a few weeks, but he seemed to attract trouble just as much, or probably more than his brother. So, when Harry and Percy were chosen to ride the Hippogriffs, nobody could say that they were surprised.

Percy climbed onto the Hippogriff fast, minding the wings almost as if he'd ridden the creatures before. He looked as natural and confident of the animals as a mermaid was in the water. Harry, on the other hand, was very hesitant to climb onto Buckbeak. While he did trust Hagrid when he said told them that they were safe, but that didn't mean that he couldn't be cautious around the sharp-beaked animals.

Percy rubbed the hippogriff between its wing blade and smiled softly when the animal let out a soft chirping sound.

"You two can lift off whenever you're ready, just remember to take it slow now."

Both Percy and Harry nodded, although Harry's was a bit more reluctant. Percy slowly leaned down to the hippogriffs ear.

"Are you okay to fly."

Yes, my lord. The hippogriff replied in what was a very different version of horse language that the son of Poseidon was used to.

"Alright then, whenever you're ready." The hippogriff gave a nod and began slowly trotting around the clearing. Percy could feel the way that the muscles in Nightshade's back tensed as she made one more circle around the clearing. The rest of the kids watched closely as a sing, powerful flap of Nightshade's wing sent her and Percy up into the air.

Percy let out a yell of joy as he and Nightshade ascended into the air. He loved flying, even though he was in his uncle's domain. However, technically, his uncle couldn't harm him because the creature that he was riding was part horse. Meaning that if Zeus did anything to harm the creature, then he would have Poseidon to fear. Percy held on tightly as they rounded a corner but let out a laugh as Nightshade weaved through the towers of Hogwarts.

My lord, Nightshade said as she came to a stop, there are Dementors up ahead. We should turn back.

Percy stared ahead at the wraith-like creature. Ever since his arrival at Hogwarts, Percy held a certain dislike for the creatures, and he had no doubt that Harry felt the same.

"Okay," The demigod said after the while, "turn back."

It wasn't long before the pair touched down back at the clearing where the class was being held. It took longer, however, for Harry and Buckbeak to make their way back. As the creature trotted past Percy, it gave Percy a small bow of its head before coming to a complete stop and allowing Hagrid to help Harry off its back.

"How am I doing for my first class boys."



Hagrid gave them both a smile and a nod. Draco and Luna quickly rushed to Percy's side, eager to hear about the boy's experience with the creature.

"Why'd you come back so quickly?" Luna asked while brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Draco nodded and looked at Percy expectantly.

"There was a group of Dementors hanging around the towers, so we decided to turn back."

Both Luna and Draco nodded.

"Good," Draco said after a few moments. "We don't need a repeat of what happened on the train. Especially from that height."

"Oh Draco," Percy said, laying a hand over his heart. "I always knew you cared about me."

Draco scoffed and turned to walk away, after a few moments Percy ran after him. Luna watched them for a few moments with a small smile on her face. It was obvious that the two boys like each other. Well, it was obvious to a lot of people, except the two of them. Draco was incredibly cautious when it came to Percy, and Percy, well Percy was just oblivious. Even though the three of them spent a tremendous amount of time together, neither of the boys seemed to realize that the two of them were horrible at reading each other's emotions.

With one last smile, Luna went and followed the two boys back into the school.


"He's been spotted, he's been spotted." That was what Percy heard as he took a seat at the Hufflepuff house table, with Luna and Draco disregarding the rules and sitting next to him. While he wasn't really interested in the news, he knew that there was only one person that the other students could be talking about. Sirius Black. He knew that people believed that the convict was after his brother, and by extension him. But for some reason, Percy wasn't worried. Harry, Ron, and Hermione, on the other hand, were in a different boat.

The news had given them something to fear. They'd painted black as a madman intent on revenge, against none other than the boy who lived. Well, one of them. No one knew for sure if Black knew that Percy even existed. There was also something that bothered Percy immensely. Why would Black want revenge against Harry? The boy had been nothing but a baby when he'd been sent to Azkaban. He'd had no excuse in the sorry excuse of a trial that Sirius had gone through if it could even be called that. Percy had a feeling something was getting lost in translation, and despite ever god feeling he had about the headmaster, Percy couldn't help but feel that somehow, Dumbledore was involved.

He tuned out on the rest of the golden trio's conversation, the last thing that he heard being Hermione's comment on how close Sirius was getting to Hogwarts. For now, that didn't matter to him, Percy was more worried about finding out how Dumbledore could have possibly affected Sirius' trial.

"Percy are you okay?" Luna's voice was gentle, as always, but Percy could hear that underlying layer of worry it held, so he nodded.

"But I don't think that Sirius is coming after Harry." Both Luna and Draco looked at him like he'd grown a second head.

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