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(Edited 7 July 2018)

Lyla P.O.V

After discovering that the bullies cowered away in fear because my eyes changed to a dark red colour, I wasn't allowed out of my room until I was old enough to leave. I had to educate myself and wasn't allowed to talk, touch or see ANY human life.

"I'm gonna go insane", I yelled out loud, slamming a fist down on my bed.

"Talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity" A voice said with enthusiasm from behind me.

"Woah, who's there? I would like it if you could please reveal yourself and tell me I didn't just imagine that?"


"Ok, so I imagined that? I really am going insane." I found myself being quite disappointed. I was hoping that there was someone to talk to as I was already feeling lonely. Sitting back down on my bed, I quickly glanced at my wall when I saw something moving from my peripheral vision.

"I must be insane already" I said, rubbing my eyes.

Hanging up on the wall was a picture of Dilys Derwent who I heard is something like my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, Grandmother. She was moving and there was no mistaking the fact that she was clearly smiling and waving at me. I lifted my hand a little and waved back, confusion clear on my face.

"Don't worry Lyla, this is not a joke, I just need your help, then all will be explained later on." I nodded and she went on. "Stay calm, someone is coming to talk to you and might need some help getting up here"

I nodded, sitting back on my bed. "Please tell me i'm not imagining this, i'm so lost" I muttered. A knock sounded loudly on my door and I sat up a little.

"Yes?" I said, attempting to speak loudly. My voice came out as more of a nervous squeak and I could feel my heart beating heavily on my chest. Despite the picture telling me to remain calm, I was nervous to see who was behind the door.


Harry P.O.V

A cold breeze seeped through the wooden hut and all I could here was the rain whipping against the walls. 10 minutes to go and I will be eleven. Drawing a cake in the dirt on the floor I watched the clock on Dudley's wrist. The time seemed to move extra slowly, inching closer and closer to 12:00am. As the clock ticked over, an earth shattering sound ripped through the room.

There standing in the doorway was a man. Scuttling backwards with speed, I went and hid behind the wall to the bathroom. Now that I was out of site, I could calm myself down enough to listen. All I heard was the man saying how hungry he was before walking really close to where I was standing.

"Hello Harry, haven't seen you since you was a baby, but you've come along a bit".

My breath hitched in my throat as he said my name and I looked up, expecting to see him standing over my cowering frame. Nothing. He was nowhere in sight.

"I... I'm not Ha...harry" The voice of my cousin said, I peeked out from the corner to see the large mans face fall slightly. He didn't look like he was here for a bad reason, so plucking up all the courage I could, I walked out.

"I am" I said, looking up at him.

"Well of course you are" He said back, a warm smile on his face. I smiled gingerly at him.

He then went on and explained everything. The reason I make weird things happen when i'm angry or happy, my parents history and even hogwarts, a magical school for witches and wizards! (I'm not going to explain this part in full detail cause I ain't got no time for that). He even gave me a cake for my birthday, something that both greatly shocked me, and also made my heart swell with a happiness I hadn't felt for ages.

The next morning we went out to get everything I needed for school, taking a trip into London. Hagrid also got me an owl and said it was like a gift for the past ten years he hasn't gotten my presents. As we were having our lunch, he stopped me.

"Harry,  I have something to tell you" Hagrid turned to look at me. He had a serious look, making me worried.

"As I told you before your parents were killed by He who must not named, everybody knows you because you're the boy who lived but there's something else. A girl by the name of Lyla Potter was with you when all this happened. Harry you have a twin sister". He said this all with such sadness in his eyes. I felt mine widen just at the thought of it.

"Is she alive? Why didn't she come and live at the Dursleys with me?" I whispered. If she was alive then I would have family other than the Dursleys, something I had only dreamed about.

"Yes, yes, she is alive but she didn't come to live with you because Dumbledore thought it was best to separate you." Hagrid had tears in his eyes at the mere memory of my sister and I was in shock. My life could change completely. I still had to go back to the Dursleys which annoyed me a lot, but at least they were ignoring me now. Now all I needed to do was ask my uncle to take me up to the train station on September first.


I know this chapter was only small but they will hopefully get larger and more interesting soon! I'm having a lot of fun writing this and I was wondering if you wanted another book. I'm also writing a If Harry Potters parents came back to life book and was wondering if you wanted me to publish or not.

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