Year 5.8

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Limestone walks towards me frowning at the paper in her hand she hands me it "what is this" I say looking down "Professor Cozy Glow has posted one in each house" she tells me I shake my head "okay then why are there so many names on this?" I ask she frowns "the people suspected of being in her little club," she tells me I frown "Pinkie!" I yell she rushes down the stairs "go see Apple Jack I want you to tell her that it's time she'll understand" I tell her she frowns then shakes her head "Rainbow what are you?" she stops herself from talking "give Fluttershy the same message to give to Twilight. Then come back here" she nods taking off.

I look down at the list in front of me calling out the names of the people on it. They all gather around as I stand up onto a chair "Professor Cozy Glow has suspected me of making a club and I need you all to know that it is true. I made a group to practice and learn defensive spells. Some of you are innocent and I had no clue this was happening I ask for you all to tell her you were not part of it. Even if you were in this club lie no one else should be in trouble for my mistake" I tell them all they start chatting quietly among each other.

"or," Smolder says standing up on a chair "we can all tell her we did and take the punishment like really Gryffindors!" she says everyone turns to her excitement in their eyes "if we join together and rile up the other houses we could convince them that what Rainbow did was right! Because we needed the extra help! How are we to protect ourselves when our teachers are doing their job and teaching us!" Smoulder says getting everyone attention "now let's walk into her class as one big group not just of Gryffindor but as Hogwarts!" she yells the crowd cheers "let us join together and take what we need! As one we can convince her to change!" Smolder says "Rainbow will lead us! If you want to stay out of this don't come with us but if you do prepare for our punishment!" Smolder says leading the group

She gestures for me to follow "you've been planning this" I whisper to her she nods "not alone" she tells me "Yona? Gallus?" I ask she nods her head "they said the same thing to their houses, Apple Jack and Twilight will be with them right now having the same conversation" she tells me I smile at her "you're getting the hang of this" I tell her she smiles at me as the other groups Yona and Gallus walk up to each other "now we'll join together as one big group" Gallus announces "together we are stronger!" Yona claims "apart we are weak and get nothing done!" Smoulder says gesturing to me "Rainbow Dash will lead us in she is the one who started this!" Smoulder says "now is your time to turn back!" I tell everyone "you can stand with us or go back to your houses now the choice is your's alone!" I shout giving a pause to see if anyone leaves "Now let's go!" Gallus shouts

The three groups join to make one big crowd with me at the head Apple Jack nods to me as we all walk down the hall. I pause in front of Cozy Glow's room "on my signal" I tell Apple Jack and Twilight they nod and stay back as I walk into the classroom. "Well hello Rainbow Dash" Professor Cozy Glow smiles as I walk into her room "are you alone?" she asks I shake myself "no professor I'm not alone" I walk right up to her desk as the crowd of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff walk into the room. I watch surprise cross Cozy Glow's face for a split second and I smile to my self "that's quite a large group" she tells me I nod "well I'd need a lot of people wouldn't I?" I ask her looking her dead in the eye she gasps "what are you planning?" she asks I shrug.

"Now!" Smoulder yells the crowd starts turning up desks and papers fly into the air Apple Jack and Twilight grab me and pull me into a corner "what is this?" I ask they smile "our rebellion," she tells me I smile up at her then fall as a vision crosses my mind. I watch Suri sitting on the ground in front of a prophecy "I need you to get that for me" a voice tells her "go to hell" Suri tells the person "I won't be the one going to hell" a green ball of light zaps Suri and she falls to the ground dead.

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