Year 5.1

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"Hello?" my mother asks walking in to my room I look up from bed then close my eyes again "we're going some where today Rainbow" she tells me I nod my head rolling over "Rainbow you're coming" my mother tells me I put my thumb up in the air "get ready we leave in an hour" she tells me walking out the door "oh and pack your stuff we're staying there the rest of the summer" once she said that I knew we were going to the burrow.

I quickly pack a weeks worth of clothes in my suitcase and get myself ready. I rush down stairs with my suitcase packed "maybe we can go early" my dad laughs as he hands me a bowl of cereal. I eat the food as quickly as I could before putting the empty bowl into the sink. "Can we go?" I beg they turn to each other and shrug "sure" my dad says grabbing his car keys. He drives for a few minutes before pulling off to the side of the room across from a house in a sketchy part of town. "This isn't the burrow," I say getting out of the car my father shakes his head.

The house pulls apart and a second house appears looking like the first. My dad walks up to it and opens the door holding it for myself and my mother. She walks in ahead of me as we walk down a tight hall I hear a voice and when my mother steps to the side I look into the kitchen in front of me to see my godmother Suri Polomare I rush over to her as she stands up. "Suri," I say hugging her I pull away and smile at her "where are we? what is this place?" I ask quickly before she can say anything Pear Butter steps between us "hi Pear" I say hugging her "Suri will answer all your questions later but for now go upstairs to the first door on the right" she tells me I nod at Suri then walk up the stairs following her orders.

I hope the door and instantly feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I gasp in shock but hug Soarin back "what are you doing here?" I ask pulling away "I've been here all summer," he tells me I look around the room and see Twilight, Pinkie, and Apple Jack I hug each of them before sitting down on a bed next to Soarin. "Have you all been here all summer?" I ask my three friends they nod "we invited Rarity and Fluttershy but they felt safer at home" Apple Jack explains "with Chrysalis I guess that makes sense. Is that why you're all here?" I ask

Soarin shakes his head "Suri is letting me stay here since my family is in Scandinavia" he tells me "my parents think it's safer here" Twilight says "since they have no magic to protect me they sent me here" she explains I nod "what about you Pinkie?" I ask she shakes her head sadly "well since Maud graduated they took her to some wizarding school in German" she tells me Apple Jack nods "well I'm here because my parents are here" she tells me I nod"Are your siblings here?" I ask them Apple Jack nods "yep Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Big Mac, Limestone, and Marble," she tells me "what about your brother?" I ask Soarin he frowns "back in Scandinavia too," he tells me I nod "Dinner!" Pear Butter yells

I rush downstairs and sit next to Suri desperate for answers. She laughs when I sit down "eager are we?" she asks I nod as my father sits next to me and my mother sits next to Suri. "Well, where should I start? First welcome to my family's house. This was my mother's before she died. Now we use it as headquarters for the order of the Phoenix" she tells me I look at her in confusion "you haven't told her?" Suri asks looking at my parents they both shake their heads "the order of the Phoenix is basically to stop Chrysalis" Suri tells me I nod "great where do I sign up?" I ask she smiles and winks at me "you don't" Pear says putting a plate of food in front of me "why not?" I ask her she frowns "this is why you shouldn't have told her," Pear says putting her hands on her hips.

"If you're fighting Chrysalis I want to join after all I'm one of her targets" I say Pear shakes her head "you're to young" she tells me my parents nod "oh age is but a number" Bright Mac says from the end of the table he smiles at me "plus who better to use as bait" he jokes Pear hits his arm "I've fought her before" I argue Pear shakes her head "you touched a man's face, stabbed a snake, and summoned a cup" Pear says putting her hands on her hips "that's putting it lightly" Suri objects "she's stopped a man from getting a stone that would let Chrysalis return, killed a basilisk stopping Chrysalis from taking your daughters life to save her own, saved me and Kevin from death, and brought back the body of a girl murdered by Chrysalis servant" Suri says staring at Pear intensely.

Pear frowns "each more dangerous than the next. She would have died!" Pear says "but I didn't," I say Pear shakes her head "I don't know how you two do it," Pear says looking from me to Suri "honestly you've spent less than an hour together and you're already fighting for something"

Suri and I high five "and that's why I'm her good mother"

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