Year 2.2

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I walk onto the train station platform with Apple Jack at my side we drop off our bags and bring our pets to wait with us. Once we'd said goodbye to Pear Butter and Bright Mac we walk onto the train and find an empty compartment and another empty compartment across from us for Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle. Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie sit with us in the compartment and we start talking.

"You guys heard about the new defense against the dark arts teacher right?" Twilight asks excitedly Apple Jack and I exchange looks "It's Davenport!" she says excitedly "who?" Fluttershy asks "You know Davenport he's written loads of books!" Twilight explains Rarity pulls out a book from her bag "You mean him?" Rarity asks pointing to the back of her book "yeah that's him!" Twilight says dreamily Rarity gaze at the book when Apple Jack takes it from her hands. I look at the cover of the book and groan "that's our teacher! I thought we might actually learn something this year" I complain Apple Jack laughs "I'm with Rainbow on this one" Apple Jack says "thanks Aj" I say smiling innocently she scowls at me "What it's catchy!" I tell her shrugging my shoulders when she punches my arm.

"Seriously though he'll be a good teacher!" Twilight says "who will?" a girl standing at the doorway to the compartment asks "sorry to interrupt your conversation but there's nowhere else to sit," she says Twilight, Pinkie, and Fluttershy cramp together to make room for her. "Thanks" she says "I'm Starlight Glimmer" she says Apple Jack nods "I know that" she says Starlight smiles "Oh I know you do" she says "I'm in the same year as you all" she tells us "and she's in Hufflepuff" Fluttershy adds "Right this is Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash" she gasps when Apple Jack introduces me "You- you" she stutters I nod she points to her arm I roll my eyes and raise my sleeve exposing my cutie mark.

She gazes in awe as I roll up my sleeve "anyways" Rarity says taking her book back from Apple Jack "Davenport will be a great teacher" she adds "if he can stop staring at himself and actually talk about what he's done" I say Apple Jack and Starlight laugh "You mean like the Davenport?" Starlight asks Twilight nods "they," she says pointing at me and Apple Jack "don't think he'll be a good teacher," she tells Starlight who nods "I can't see him not being a good teacher after everything he's seen and done," Starlight says

Apple Jack shakes her head "I doubt it" she says Rarity rolls her eyes and looks out the window. "Will we be at the castle soon?" Scottaloo asks from the doorway Twilight looks at her watch "yes" she tells her Scootaloo nods at me before leaving. "Do you think she'll be a Gryffindor?" I ask anxiously the other girls nods "with our old seeker gone I'm sure she'll make the team" Pinkie tells me before I can ask if she thought Scootaloo would make our quidditch team. I sigh in relief and the other girls laugh.

The doors to the great hall open I wave goodbye to my friends as Pinkie and I sit next to Limestone and Maud waiting for the sorting to begin. I glance at the person next to me "You're Flash right?" I ask him he nods "yeah we didn't talk last year and I'm not sure if you know but we're in the same year" I nod "right" I tell him he nods "do you think you could help me get on the quidditch team?" he asks I shake my head "you'll have to try out" I tell him he nods "thanks" he says

The doors open and I smile as I watch the first year's gaze around "mind moving over one?" I ask Flash he moves over "why?" he asks I smile and point to Scootaloo "well I'm hoping she gets into our house," I tell him excitedly. The first year's get to the front of the room where the stool stood with the sorting hat placed on top of it. Professor Luna explains to them that they would be put into their houses in a matter of seconds and then she picked up her scroll and started reading.

"Silver Spoon" Luna calls a girl with silver hair walks to the stool and Luna puts the sorting hat on her head "Slytherin!" the girl smiles and walks over to her new house.

"Toola Roola" she looks over at her friend next to her and nervously sits down on the stool Luna puts the hat on her head after what felt like a minute it said "Ravenclaw!" the girl lets out a sigh of relief glancing at her friend before walking over to her table.

"Zippourwhill" a very excited girl jumps when she hears her name she makes her way to the stool adjusting her glasses when the hat touches her head "bet it's Ravenclaw" Pinkie whispers I nod "Ravenclaw!" I give Pinkie a knowing look "I should be the sorting hat" she jokes

"Rumble" the boy puffs up his chest as he confidently walks up to the stool "Gryffindor" Pinkie guesses I shake my head "Slytherin" I bet she raises an eyebrow "Slytherin!" I wink at Pinkie she groans "guess you want my title" she says I smile shaking my head

"Apple Bloom" Apple Jack's sister looks over to the Hufflepuff table before walking over to the stool "you can have your title back if you get this one right," I tell Pinkie she waves her hand "Hufflepuff," she says as the hat says it. Pinkie high fives herself.

"Twist" "Hufflepuff"

"Coconut Cream" the girl who Toola Roola was with sits on the stool "Ravenclaw" I guess Pinkie shakes her head "no I don't think so" I cross my fingers "Hufflepuff" I look over to the Ravenclaw table and see Toola frowning and I uncross my fingers.

"Tender Taps" the boy looks up and walks over to the stool shakily "Hufflepuff" I guess Pinkie shakes her head again "Ravenclaw!" I nod at Pinkie "you were right" I say

"Featherweight" a shy boy sits down on the stool his cheeks a bright pink as the hat yells "Hufflepuff!"

"Sweetie Belle" Rarity's sister confidently walks up to the stool and sits down "Ravenclaw" I guess Pinkie nods her head "Ravenclaw!" Sweetie Belle smiles as she walks over to sit next to her sister.

"Pipsqueak" the boy slowly walks over to the stool and sits down "Hufflepuff" I guess Pinkie nods her head "Gryffindor!" Pinkie and I exchange looks as he sits down at our table.

"Diamond Tiara" the girl cockily walks up to the stool the hat barely touches her head when it says "Slytherin" neither me nor Pinkie were surprised by this.

"Peachy Pie" the orange haired girl lets go of the girl beside her and walks over to the stool "your sister?" I joke Pinkie rolls her eyes "Gryffindor"

"Sunny Daze" the girl whom Peachy had let go of walks up to the stool now "Gryffindor!"

"Scootaloo" I sit up straight eagerly waiting she glances over at me and I give her the thumbs up. She takes a deep breath sitting down on the stool. The hat sits on her head for a long time before saying "Gryffindor!" I let out the breath I was holding in as she walks over to my table and sits next to me.

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