Year 1.8

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"Rainbow Dash get up!" I wake up to Pinkie jumping on my bed "It's Christmas!" she yells running out of the room "Rainbow look at all these presents!" she yells from the living room "Pinkie Pie we're trying to sleep!" Limestone yells at her from her room I laugh as I walk down the stairs. Pinkie's parents had told them to stay at the castle for Christmas since some long distance family was going to visit and there wouldn't be any room for the girls.

Limestone and Maud walk down the stairs from their room and sit down on the couch as Pinkie Pie puts all the presents into four piles. "I can't believe all the Gryffindors left," I say Maud nods "happens every year," she tells me "wait till you see the great hall!" Limestone laughs "there'll be like two people from the other houses," she tells me I laugh with her a Pinkie throws a present at Maud "It's from me," she says giggling Maud opens the present and it explodes sending little pieces of colorful paper into the air. Maud pulls out a small harness "boulder will love it" she says taking her pet rock from her pocket she puts the lead on him. "It fits perfectly," she says smiling down at her rock.

"Here Dash this is from Apple Jack" Pinkie throws me a gift and I open the card first 'Granny sent this for you' I smile at the card as I open the gift "All right!" I exclaim opening a crate of apple cider from her farm Pinkie squeals "I got one too!" she says Maud and Limestone yawn and walk back up to their rooms. "One left," Pinkie says picking up the last present she throws it to me I open the card 'thought this may come in handy' I smile seeing my dad's handwriting. I open the wrapping paper and gaze at the cloak "come in handy?" I whisper to myself "nice cloak!" Pinkie says "try it on!" she says I take the cloak and wrap it around myself. "Woah," Pinkie says "What?" I ask I look down at myself "my bodies gone!" I yell running over to a mirror "an invisibility cloak" Pinkie says I gasp. "We need to tell Apple Jack," Pinkie says running to the portrait I drop the cloak and run after her as we race through the school. "Wait Pinkie!" I yell stopping "what?" she asks "where are we going?" I ask she thinks then takes off in the opposite direction.

We race to the great hall where we find Apple Jack and Fluttershy sitting with their brothers. I sit down next to Apple Jack "you'll never believe it" I pant "what?" she asks "is it about the dog?" she asks "no but I have news on that too" I tell her "my dad gave me an invisibility cloak!" I tell her she gasps "those are really rare" Fluttershy's brother Zephyr says I nod "only one in the world" I say Apple Jack grabs my arm "what about the dog?" she whispers "Halloween night when that troll was in the school Sombra came into the bathroom I saw his was leg bleed" I inform her she thinks for a second "but what does that have to do-" I cut her off "don't you think it could have been him who let the troll out?" I let her she thinks for a second "what if he wants what every that dog's guarding?" I ask she nods thinking "right but who would know about that dog?" she asks

"Twilight!" I say "She knows everything I bet she knows how to get past it!" I tell her "get past it!" Apple Jack exclaims "why would you want to do that?" she asks I smile "don't you see! Whatever that dog is guarding Sombra wants it so we have to get it first!" I tell her she shakes her head "Rainbow that's dangerous!" she tells me I nod "right but think whatever it's guard must be evil Sombra can't get it before us!" I tell her determinedly. She shakes her head "no we can't" she says I nod my head "of course we can" I say standing up "where are you going?" she asks as I walk to the doors of the great hall "to the library I've got to figure out how to tame a dog" I tell her Fluttershy and Pinkie follow me Apple Jack follows more hesitantly.

"Twilight would know" I say picking up yet another book on magical creatures "here" Fluttershy says handing me a book with a page opened I read the page quickly "three-headed dogs have one none weakness" I read aloud "music" Apple Jack says reading over my shoulder "are you trying to tell me to get past that dog all we've got to do is sing to it?" Pinkie asks Fluttershy nods "that's what it says," she says taking the book from my hand for Pinkie to read. "Twilight needs to hear this" Apple Jack says rereading the page again "and Rarity tell them when they get back we're going after that dog," I say

"but Rainbow it's-" I cut Apple Jack off "dangerous you said!"

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