Chapter 3

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"Mental Speak"




It was a known fact that life wasn't always easy for a demigod, but then again it usually never was. Despite this, however, Harry Potter felt like he was able to have a pretty good life growing up in Camp Half-Blood. He grew up with his half brothers and sisters in the Aphrodite cabin, and once he was old enough, started training to defend himself against any monster that could potentially try to kill him. He was of course aware that an Aphrodite kid didn't usually fight, on account that everyone at Camp Half-Blood viewed the Aphrodite kids as the weaker demigods, but he wanted to show that even an Aphrodite kid could fight if he needed to. Of course, to say that this line of belief and thought wasn't encouraged by his favorite sister, Silena Beauregard, was completely false. Silena was another Aphrodite kid that was pretty skilled in fighting, she just hid it underneath all of her pretty looks, and allowed everyone else to underestimate her until she was ready to either grab a dagger, or sword and press it against their throats, so she encouraged Harry to be the best warrior that resided in Camp Half-Blood there was.

Harry was exceptionally skilled with a sword, to the point where many believed him to be a prodigy swordsman and his skills at flying on a Pegasus? A complete natural, to the point, that some believed that he was born to fly, and often wondered if he really was a child of Aphrodite and not Zeus. His skills with archery, however, weren't the best, and his chariot driving abilities were essentially nonexistent; if you were to go off the time he was seven years old, and had his leg wrapped by a chariot strap and got dragged behind the chariot. Despite all of this,  however, Harry simply saw himself as another average demigod, if you didn't take into account that he was able to use magic. Harry's abilities with magic were another thing that made him stand out from his brothers and sisters in Cabin Ten and almost made him an outcast had it not been for Silena, who took Harry under her wing ever since he was just one year old.

The reason Harry was almost made an outcast among his siblings, was mostly due to another one of his sisters: Drew Tanaka. She believed that a true child of Aphrodite shouldn't be able to do half the stuff that Harry was capable of doing, and tried to convince the other campers in the Aphrodite cabin to stay away from him; she even went as far as to call Harry the freak child of Aphrodite and wasn't afraid to mock Harry for losing his mortal parents, just to hurt his self-confidence. Fortunately for Harry, Silena was always ready to step in, and protect Harry from Drew, always told her off for the things she said about and against Harry and defended his abilities to use magic. Silena was also never afraid to remind her siblings that a child of Aphrodite was responsible for encouraging compassion and love among everyone, including their own family, and reminded everyone in Cabin ten that Harry was their brother, and that they should love him no matter what.

Of course, there was another reason why Drew didn't like her little brother, and you're about to learn why. As said before, Silena was Harry's favorite sister, especially since she had taken on the role of being Harry's primary caregiver at Camp, and so when he was a little child, he often followed her everywhere she went, unless she specifically said he couldn't (such as the girl's bathroom, the girl's bedroom in the Aphrodite cabin if it was time for bed or the girls were dressing, etc.). One such day, when Harry was three and a half years old, Silena had to go and attend a meeting of the camp counselor with Chiron, and since she was the head counselor for Aphrodite cabin, she was expected to be there.


Silena was hurrying to get everything she needed for the meeting of the head cabin counselors, and as the cabin counselor for the Aphrodite cabin, she was expected to attend. The one drawback was that her three-year-old brother Harry was following her, and while she normally found the gesture adorable, she couldn't give him the attention he deserved at the moment. There was also the fact that she was certain that he wouldn't have a good time at the meeting either if she brought him along. ADHD and dyslexia for a teenage demigod in a boring camp counselor meeting was one thing, but a three-year-old? Not exactly the best combination.

"Sily, up! Up!" Harry begged, his little arms reaching up for her to pick him up.

Silena couldn't help but smile at the silly nickname Harry gave her, but then again he was a three-year-old, and what three-year-old could say their big brother/sister's full name properly? Not possible. Deciding to oblige Harry for a little bit, Silena bent down on one knee and picked up the giggling toddler.

"Now Harry, I need to get ready to go, and I'm afraid you can't go with me." She said gently, a small smile gracing her beautiful face.

Normally Silena was able to get Harry to listen to her, and he would go along with what she said. This time, however, he wasn't very obliging, if the shake of his head was any indication. She couldn't help but laugh at the raven bangs that were swishing in the air until her baby brother's head stopped.

"No Sily, no go!" Harry begged, as his emerald green eyes went big and wide, hoping to entice his big sister to stay with his puppy-dog eyes.

Normally, Silena would turn to butter under the effects of Harry's puppy-dog eyes, but given the seriousness of the meeting, and her need to be there on time, she was able to resist this time. That didn't necessarily mean that it was easy to say no to the three-year-old toddler.

"I'm sorry Harry, but I have to go," She said, as she grabbed the last thing she needed before uneasily putting Harry down. "There's a very important meeting I have to go to. However, I promise that when I get back, I'll spend the rest of the day with you, and do whatever it is you want, okay?"

Silena smiled as Harry's frown turned into a big grinning smile, as he nodded his head. Now all she had to do was find someone to look after him while she was gone. The problem was, she and Harry, as far as she knew, were the only Aphrodite kids still in the cabin. That was at least, until she looked into the main living room of the cabin, and saw Drew Tanaka checking up on her makeup, using a small pink compact mirror. Rolling her eyes at Drew's obsessive need to make sure that her makeup, along with her hair and fashion choice, were all matched and perfect, she was glad that there was someone who could watch Harry while she was gone.

"Hey Drew, can you look after Harry while I'm gone?" She called out, walking towards the door with Harry running behind her as best he could on his little toddler legs. "I need to get to the Big House as quickly as possible because Chiron and Mr. D are expecting the cabin counselors to be there, and I can't take Harry there with me, nor can I afford to be late, lest I get in trouble."

"Uh-huh, sure thing." Drew replied, applying red lipstick onto her lips, before smacking them to make sure it was on properly.

Silena rolled her eyes again, before looking at Harry, and bending down on her knees. Gently cupping his little face in her hands, she looked into his watering green eyes.

"Now Harry, I should only be gone for a little bit, but I promise that I'll be back, and until then, I want you to listen to Drew, and do what she says, okay?" She asked kissing him gently on his head.

"Okay Sily." Harry replied, a small smile on his face.

Silena smiled, before getting back up to her full height, opened the door, and went out, closing it again. Harry went over to a small chair that Silena and a few other Aphrodite kids had gotten him one time, and sat in it, watching Drew. She was essentially doing nothing to watch him, as she continued to do her makeup, before checking her top, making sure that it matched her lipstick, before moving her hands to her hair. Feeling bored after what must've been ten minutes, Harry looked towards the door, a mischievous grin growing on his face, before he crawled out of his chair, tip-toed to the door. He looked at Drew one last time, grinning that she still wasn't paying attention to him, and looked up at the doorknob. Closing his eyes, he focused on his magic and willed it to turn the knob, which it did, allowing the three-year-old toddler to open the door, and sneak out without Drew seeing it.

Running out into the fields of Camp Half-Blood, Harry went past the nice girl at the camp's central hearth (who Silena told him once was Hestia, the Goddess of the Hearth), who he yelled hello to quickly, before running towards the stables. He decided to go there because he thought the meeting that Silena was going to could be there. It was one of his favorite places to go to with his big sister, so he decided to go there.

'Maybe I'll get to ride one of the flying horses this time.' Harry thought to himself, as he hoped to ride with his sister on one of the horses with wings (Pegasus, but again, how can a three-year-old know the proper name?).

After getting to the stables, Harry went in and looked around, but there wasn't anyone in there, except for the Pegasi that were in their stalls, looking at the young toddler. There was an assortment of Pegasus colors, ranging from white to black, dapple gray to chestnut brown, and somewhere in between. Harry went over to his sister's favorite Pegasus, a pure white female Pegasus with soft blue eyes named Angel, who neighed gently at him, before reaching its head over the stall door, and nuzzled Harry, eliciting a giggle from the young child of Aphrodite who hugged her muzzle in return.

'Sily not here, but where is she?' Harry thought to himself, as he looked around again.

As he looked, his eyes fell on a male dappled gray Pegasus, and an idea popped into his head. Running up to the stall door, Harry opened the door, before going up to the Pegasus, and used his magic to get up onto the back of the dapple gray Pegasus. The other Pegasi, including Angel, neighed loudly, as though they were trying to discourage the young toddler from doing what he was about to do, but since Harry couldn't speak horse, he didn't understand what they were doing. Harry reached his little hands into the mane of the Pegasus he was on, and held on tight, as he flicked the hair, causing the Pegasus to rear up and neigh loudly, before running out of the stall, and towards the open stable doors.

Because of the loud neighing of the assorted Pegasi, other campers were running towards the stables to find out what was going on, only to scramble back in panic, as the dapple gray Pegasus that Harry was riding bolted out, and took to the sky. As the campers regained their composures, some of them ran into the stables to calm down the other Pegasi, while the ones who stayed outside watched the Pegasus that was flying. It wasn't until one of the campers, a son of Athena, noticed Harry, and yelled out in panic.


Needless to say, this caused a stir and panic, as another camper, a girl from Aphrodite cabin no less named Lacey, ran to the Big House to warn Chiron and Silena. The other campers meanwhile, ran and did their best but watch as Harry flew on the Pegasus, hoping that they wouldn't have to catch him, should he fall off the flying horse. Every so often, however, the wind would bring the sound of laughter down to them, suggesting that Harry was having a grand time. They watched in fear, whenever the Pegasus would spin and twirled, and performed a barrel roll, but to their surprise and amazement, Harry never once fell off, and simply stayed on the Pegasus' back. A daughter of Ares had brought out a pair of binoculars, used them to watch Harry, and was simply stunned when she saw that he had a huge smile on his face as if the three-year-old son of Aphrodite was enjoying himself.

Eventually, everyone turned their heads, when the sound of hooves clopping over attracted their attention. It was Chiron, with Silena riding on his back, running (or rather clopping, since he was half horse) as fast as he could to get to the stables. As soon as he came to a halt, Silena dropped down, and looked frantically around, looking for Harry, until the Ares girl with the binoculars, Clarisse La Rue, pointed up at the sky, which Silena and Chiron followed, much to their surprise (or in Silena's case, horror).

"HADRIAN JAMES POTTER, GET BACK DOWN HERE, NOW!" Silena yelled, her fear evident in her voice.

"I'm afraid it's no good Silena, Harry is too far up there to hear us," Chiron said, as he carefully watched the youngest demigod fly about in the sky on the back of a dapple gray Pegasus. "And even if he could, I doubt he could get the Pegasus to come down."

As she tried to fight off the panic of seeing her baby brother flying about without a supervisor (which was admittedly impossible), a thought popped into her head. Turning towards the stables, Silena quickly opened the stall for Angel, hopped onto the back of her Pegasus, and flicked her mane, taking off into the air. She guided and angled Angel over to the dapple gray Pegasus, who flew gently to allow the white mare to come up alongside parallel, and Silena carefully got up from Angel's back and jumped into the back of Harry's Pegasus.

"Sily, this fun!" Harry said as he giggled in enjoyment.

Any other time, Silena would enjoy Harry's little laugh and take pleasure in his enjoyment, but she barely took notice of her little brother's laugh, took hold of and used the stallion Pegasus' mane to direct him back to the ground, and landed in front of Chiron. Taking hold of the still giggling three-year old, Silena jumped down to the ground, a look of relaxation now taking place of the previous look of panic as she held Harry in her arms. The centaur immediately started looking Harry over, trying to find any injuries, none of which were thankfully found, but the damage had already been done. Chiron looked at Silena, a look of strictness taking place on his normally calm face.

Before Chiron could say anything, however, a bright flash of pink light appeared, and before them all, stood Aphrodite. She must've been awoken from bed at the time, because she was wearing a dragon printed kimono, and her normally well-kept hair was like a rat's nest, almost mirroring Harry's hair. Silena wasn't normally used to seeing her mother like that, but Harry giggled at the sight of their mother and reached out for her. Aphrodite, however, took her own time to look Harry over, frantically looking for any injuries.

"It's okay mom," Silena said, giving Harry over to their shared mother, who accepted him. " Chiron already looked him over, and declared him to be injury-free."

"It doesn't matter, Silena Belle Beauregard," Aphrodite scolded, as she looked up from her son, and stared into her favorite demigod daughter's blue eyes. "Your little brother could've been hurt, or worse killed, especially when no one was keeping an eye on him! You should've known better than to leave a three-year-old by himself!"

Everyone in Camp Half-Blood watched the affair take place, not wanting to risk the anger of the Goddess of Love. Especially when said Goddess was in protective mother mode, so no one wanted to get in her way.

"But mom, I would never leave Harry alone," Silena argued, knowing that her mother would be stubborn when she was in her protective mode. "I did have someone keep an eye on Harry, while I was at the camp counselor meeting!"

"Who did you assign to watch Harry while you were at the meeting Silena?" Chiron asked, his calm demeanor taking over.

"It was... Drew," Silena answered, as a frown began to take place on her face. "I asked Drew to look after Harry until I got back. She was doing her makeup, making sure that it was perfect, as well her hair, while also making sure that her makeup and clothes matched!"

Silena looked up at her mother, and for the first time, she felt afraid to be near her. Aphrodite's eyes glowed in a dark pink shade, while a very angry scowl was plastered on her normally pleasing face. Even though she didn't get to see her mother that much, she knew that Aphrodite normally wasn't like this.

"Is that so?" She asked ominously, while Harry cuddled in her arms, almost fast asleep, as the events with the Pegasus seemed to have tired him out. "Well then, I believe that Drew deserves some punishment for not paying attention to her little brother."

End of flashback

Silena, Chiron, and even Aphrodite herself had personally chastised Drew for not paying better attention to Harry, and all three had punished Drew in their ways. Silena's punishment was arguably the softest of the three, as Drew had to clean around the Aphrodite cabin, picking up any trash or stray appliances left by the other Aphrodite campers, for nearly two weeks. Chiron's punishment, on the other hand, was pretty hard, but not as harsh as Aphrodite's: Chiron had justifiably punished Drew to clean out the Pegasus stables for a whole month and also assigned her to wash the dishes after every meal in the same time. Aphrodite, however, gave Drew what EVERYONE at Camp Half-Blood agreed was the harshest (and considering the circumstances, perhaps the most deserving) punishment for a child of the Goddess of Beauty to receive: Aphrodite had made it so that no matter what Drew did, she would be unable to get her makeup, hair, and clothing choices to match or apply perfectly, for an entire year; something that drove Drew crazy.

After that day, three things became permanent: Silena never again trusted Drew to take care of Harry if she couldn't, Drew blamed Harry for her punishments and made it her mission to make the young Aphrodite demigod's life miserable, and Harry's natural flying skills were realized on that day. Nevertheless, Harry kept his distance from Drew, and hardly ever interacted with her, but she did end up becoming his least favorite sister. Of course, this also led Drew to become his favorite target for pranks, especially whenever he teamed up with the Stoll twins from the Hermes cabin.

"Of course, this relationship between Harry and Hermes' twin sons, will easily transition to another pair of twins that he'll meet at Hogwarts." Said Apollo, who literally paused everything around him.

"Hey Apollo, stop pausing the story and get back to Olympus!" Shouted the narrator, who kicked the God of Prophecy back to Mt. Olympus.

"YAHOOOEY!" Apollo yelled, sounding like Goofy from Mickey Mouse as he soared back to Olympus.

"Sorry about that, now where were we? Oh yeah!" Said the narrator, addressing the audience, before continuing the story.

Of course, there were a few other campers that Harry didn't get along with, among which included another one of Hermes' children who was also the head counselor of the Hermes cabin: Luke Castellan, who had arrived at Camp Half-Blood with Grover, a Satyr, and a girl named Annabeth Chase, a daughter of Athena who was a year older than him. Harry's dislike for

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