The battle of Hogwarts: Hermione Granger

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Y/n pov:

Today was the day of the battle of Hogwarts. I wasn't ready at all. Sure I knew spells to help me fight but I guarantee they are way stronger than I am. I was worried not about myself of course but about my Lovely girlfriend Hermione Granger. At first I didnt want to help, but if it meant losing my girlfriend the love of my life I was going to fight for her and with her.

"They're coming" i heard Professor McGonagall say.

"Y/n I dont think its safe for you to be here please go I dont want to lose you" Hermione spoke softly.

"No!" "I am not leaving you here I will never do that I'm here because I want to be here with you" you spoke.

"Ok, ok you can stay" said Hermione.

I was ready to fight with the love of my life along with everyone else who was fighting with me.

It had begun. I threw spell after spell. Any spell you name it I wasn't going to die. "Hermione!" "Watch out!" I shout. I race over to her throwing spells at the Death eaters. "Thanks Love" she smiled. "No problem."

I saw Hermione get crowded by Death eaters. I jumped by her and shot spell after spell at them. I saw one of them cast Avada Kedavra I knew she wouldn't be able to move in time. So I quickly went infront of her and let it hit me. She was mad at this point she threw all the spells she could think of at them. Once she finished she came to me.

"Y/n no please don't leave me i love you" she cried.

"Hey, hey don't cry im right here I'm not dead yet" you joked.

"Hey don't say that I'm sorry this happened to you, I should've been the one protecting you not you protecting me!" She sobed.

"Hey its alright I'll see you soon my love."

She watched as you took your last breath she screamed and cried. Till she had the strength to get back up. She soon got up and used all her anger to defeat the Death eaters for you.

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