"So cissy? What do you think of my new dress?" Bellatrix asked her younger sister, Narcissa black. Narcissa wasn't paying attention due to her crushing on this beautiful (your house) girl. "Bella, can't you see Narcissa is in love!" Andromeda yelled at older sister. "Oh, so you do have feelings for me don't you cissy?" Lucius came over. Narcissa snapped out of her daze as she realized that Lucius was trying to kiss her and smack him across the face. Lucius got the hint and went to sit down by Severus. On the other hand y/n, the beautiful (your house) was dreaming about Narcissa Black. In fact, y/n was so beautiful that almost everyone wanted her. Y/n couldn't help that she was half veela, it just happened. "Hey y/n! What are you doing? Dreaming of Narcissa?" Your best friend Sirius said teasingly. Sirius was the only boy that didn't ask you out, he knew you were a lesbian and liked Narcissa so instead, he became your best friend. "Hey, y/n! I think I might know away to get Narcissa to be your date for the Yule ball!" You head instantly shot up and you looked at Sirius with pleading eyes. He tried so hard to resist your puppy dog eyes but couldn't and told you what to do. You and Sirius walked to potions where you found Narcissa sitting alone and sat next her to. She was too busy dreaming about you to notice you were sitting beside her until you whispered "hey pretty girl" Narcissa shot up and turned to give a glare at who she thought was Lucius until she realized it was you and blushed heavily. Slughorn told everyone what kind of potion they would be making and paired everyone up to the person who were sitting next to. You and Narcissa were paired up and started making the draught of the living death potions where you noticed Narcissa was about to put in the wrong ingredient and said "baby, that's the wrong ingredient. Here's the correct one my beautiful flower" she blushed and grabbed the right ingredient from your hands. Once you two were finished with the potion, Slughorn allowed the two of you to leave early. You smiled the transfigured a flower and said "you, me, the Yule ball?" Narcissa smiled and accepted. The two of you kissed in front of everyone and linked hands together while walking out of class
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