Sirius X Bellatrix

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Me: I'm just gonna go over there. *Points in some direction* , and walks off*

Puff of smoke

Bellatrix: hello every- *dies from the title, and Apple*

Apple: *looks innocent*

Ron: ummmm

James: no

Tom: *laughing*

Snape: ...

Harry: What the fuck!? No!

Snape: look here Mr. Potter-

James and Harry: yes?

Snape: *facepalmes*

Hermione: no

Luna and Ginny: no

Lily: nope

Blaise: no~~


Draco: Nooooooooooooosssssss

Pansy: um no

Fred: no

George: no thanks

Sirius: nope *walks out of the room* nope *gets in car and drives off* nope *gets out off car and walks away* nooooooope *pushes button and car blows up in background* nope *puts sunglasses on* deal with it

Me, Tom, and Moaning Myrtle: *claps*

Moaning Myrtle: *sees Tom and leaves the room*

Me: plus my birthday was on the seventeenth.... So happy late birthday to me

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