Separate yet whole

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To say the English Supporters were ecstatic was a large understatement. Throughout the entire camp, the joyful singing of the English anthem could be heard.

"They seem like a happy bunch. I hope they don't go over the top, I'm tired" Harry remarked in a half asleep state as he snuggled closer to his girlfriend on a rather large bed in his room from the tent he and Sirius had rented.

Fleur giggled as she buried her face in the crook of Harry's neck, "I love you Harry."

"Love you too, flower." Harry murmured back, lazily wrapping an arm around her waist, eliciting a contented sigh from the quarter Veela. She'd always cherished moments like these, with just the two of them together, in their own little universe. The first thing Harry did after the match was to find her, which had touched her immensely. He even turned down the offer of joining in with his teammates in what would undoubtedly be a rowdy, wild celebration party, knowing that she was uncomfortable with being in the center of attention. Gently, Fleur leaned her face close to her boyfriend's and lovingly rubbed her nose against his perfectly sculpted one. She smiled when Harry mumbling incoherently, slowly her eyelids closed to Harry's steady, quiet breathing.

Harry jerked up with a start, eyes wide, as he slept he felt dread. An uneasy, nagging feeling had wormed its way to his gut even as the World Cup ended.

"You can't sleep?" A melodious voice asked to his left. Harry turned his head sideways, smiling as he saw Fleur rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she looked cute and gorgeous even in this state.

"No, I just feel like that something bad will happen soon." Harry replied and leaned down, gently kissing her, caressing her flawless cherry red lips gently with his own. Fleur moaned into the kiss as Harry's tongue did wonders with hers, suddenly Harry stopped.

"What's wrong?" Fleur asked through her swollen lips.

"Did you hear that?" Harry asked. Very faintly, screams, and shrieks of terrors could be heard from a far yet discouraging distance.

"We should go." Harry said as he jumped out of the bed and with a swish of his wand, his belongings flew into his suitcase and the lid closed over it with a sounding thump and an audible click of a lock. With a flick of his wand, suitcase was shrunk and placed inside his shorts pocket. Fleur did the same with hers, both she and Harry raised their wands when the flaps of their room were opened revealing a white faced Sirius Black.

"Thank Merlin you two are alright! I've been looking for you two everywhere." Sirius said, hugging his godson, despite his protests.

"What's happening Sirius?" Harry asked, his spine shivered as the screams and shrieks became louder.

"We need to leave now, Death Eaters are attacking the camp." Sirius said and pulled out a silver ring.

"Wait, what about my maman, papa and Gabrielle?" Fleur exclaimed.

"They already portkeyed back to Harry's house already. I left them an emergency portkey." Sirius explained. "Now take my hand."

"What about the people out there? Elan, Roger and Cedric are still out there." Harry inquired, prompting Fleur to tighten her hold on his hand.

"There's too many out there pup. We have to leave NOW!" Sirius grabbed his godson's open hand and before he could protest, the three of them disappeared in a spinning blur.

"Ooomph." Harry exhaled as he felt himself falling onto the fluffy carpeted floor in the living room of his house as he reappeared with a swirl and Fleur falling on top of him.

"Though I understand that you have just been crowned Quidditch World Champion, will you please save your displays of affection towards my daughter in a more private setting." Alain Delacour said with a smirk, causing the couple to immediately separate. When Fleur saw her father's teasing smile, she huffed and crossed her arms.

"Fleur!" Fleur had to grab onto Harry's arm as a silver blur slammed into her and hugged her fiercely around the waist. Fleur simply laughed at her baby sister as the small Veela blurted out her worries.

"I was so worried about you…" Gabrielle sniffed into Fleur's shirt.

Patting her baby sister on the head Fleur smiled and said, "I'm alright Gabby, my shining knight was with me the whole time." Gabrielle laughed as all of them went to sit on the sofas.

"Harry" Harry turned to his godfather. "I'm going to the Ministry and see what's happening. You're good here?" Sirius asked, at Harry's nod, the Grim animagus walked into the empty fireplace and green flames engulfed him.

"You have a beautiful house, Harry." Apolline Delacour praised, obviously liking the Victorian style that was around her.

"Thanks, Mrs. Delacour." Harry replied.

"Harry, please call me Apolline or maman…" Fleur's mother said, or ordered with a wink. Catching the subtle hint, both Harry and Fleur blushed bright red.

"And they blush at the same time, aren't they cute Alain?" Apolline exclaimed with a giggle.

Seeing the two flushed young adults, Alain palmed his face and said, "I know you're extremely happy for them but there's no need rush things yet."

"Why not?" Apolline asked her husband then turned onto the blushing couple, both wishing the Earth would just open up and swallow them up.

"Harry dear, do you love my daughter?" Apolline asked, expertly ignoring said daughter's shrieks of protests.

"Yes, Mrs. De-, Apolline…I love your daughter, ever since our first meeting. She is always in my thoughts…and has ruined me for any other woman." Harry said quietly and was rewarded with a not so innocent kiss from his girlfriend, he squeezed Fleur's hand gently, caressing it gently with his thumb.

"And Fleur? Do you love Harry?" Fleur stiffened at her mother's question and turned towards the man who held her affection. "Oui…Very much." Fleur whispered as she turned and blue eyes met green and snuggled closer to Harry. Then they all chuckled as Gabrielle shamelessly let out a loud yawn and rubbed her eyes.

"I assume you want to stay the night." Alain asked with a raised eyebrow at his daughter, who nodded. No words were needed as Alain shared a look with Harry as he, Apolline and a half asleep Gabrielle disappeared in the empty fireplace.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back home with your family Fleur?" Harry asked concernedly.

Fleur flashed him a dazzling smile and without any warning, crushed her lips to his. Harry immediately staggered as he wrapped his arms around Fleur's perfect waist, he gasped when he felt Fleur's tongue snaking into his mouth and entangling with his own. They never broke the kiss as Fleur lifted herself and wrapped her legs around Harry's waist. Harry didn't need to be told to know that it was late and they both needed rest. Feeling a little frisky, he placed both his hands on his beautiful girlfriend's behind as he carried her to his bedroom. Fleur, feeling Harry's hands on her ass groaned sultrily into his mouth as she continued to kiss him. Gritting his teeth, Harry was having a difficult time of clearing his mind as Fleur continued to wreck wondrous things on his body. He laid Fleur on his bed and broke the kiss, much to her displeasure.

"Fleur…how do I say this…" Harry's voice was drowned out as Fleur took it upon herself to capture his lips again.

"I really need a cold shower now…" His mind shrieked as he inhaled the pleasurable scent from Fleur's creamy skin and felt her breasts crushing mashed against his chest. Reluctantly, Harry placed his hands on Fleur's shoulders and halted her sensational administrations.

"What's wrong Harry?" Fleur asked with a pout, deliberately accenting his name in the way that she knew that drove him insane.

"Umm… Fleur, I really hate to be the voice of reason here but I think we should turn in now." Harry said, shaking and groaned when Fleur captured his bottom lip with her cherry red lips and began sucking on it sensually.

"Fleur, if you continued this torture, I can't be held responsible for what's to come." Harry groaned.

Fleur smirked against his lips and finally with a final peck at his cheek, stopped and simply lay next to him, her head resting on his chest.

"I love you." Fleur's heart fluttered as Harry murmured the three words and kissed her forehead. She looked up from her comfortable spot on his chest and saw Harry with his eyes closed and a smile on his lips, she truly felt that she was the luckiest girl on the planet with someone like Harry by her side. "I love you too Harry." She murmured back before again resting her head on Harry's chest.

The next few days were calm and peaceful for the two lovers, well, as peaceful as it could get as soon as Gabby came through the floo, shouting that Fleur would need a new dress for a formal occasion during sometime this upcoming school year at Beauxbatons. It resulted with the little Veela dragging her sister and Harry across ten shops, two shopping centers.

"What do you think Harry?" Fleur asked as she drew the curtain to a side, revealing the man she loved who was smirking at her.

"It's perfect."

"That's what you said about all the dresses I've tried on today…should I be worried?" Fleur retorted in a mock-annoyed tone.

"What can I say, you look great in everything, flower." Harry said, smiling when she blushed. Fleur smiled, she knew she was beautiful, many boys and men had made it clear to her but it hadn't mean a single thing when they said it, however whenever Harry complimented her, happiness and joy always filled her.

"Well, I'm not a woman but I think silver matches your hair flawlessly." Harry said, eliciting a beautiful laugh from his girlfriend.

Despite her protests, Harry bought the silver satin dress for her but when he explained his reason, she felt her heart melt again. "I won't be able to touch and hold you again soon when school starts, consider it a gift."

Gabrielle was watching when her eyes widened as tears slid down from the eyes of her older sister and launched herself into Harry's arms and kissed him in a way that might be a little inappropriate for the little Veela to see.

After their trip, the three of them retired back to Harry's house but not before having a great lunch and a movie, which Fleur and Gabrielle both enjoyed immensely.

There was a definite end-of-the-holidays gloom in the air when Harry awoke next morning, he can't believe that it was already the last day of summer holidays already. With a sigh, he rested on one arm as he watched Fleur who was sleeping on top of him, she'd look even more beautiful in this state, which he thought was impossible since she was already the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. She even made wearing his clothes incredibly sexy. He felt so lucky that she had agreed to be his girlfriend, he didn't know what he did to deserve her.

Slowly and carefully, as to not wake Fleur from her slumber, Harry extracted himself from underneath her and silently left his bedroom and down the stairs, changed into sporting shorts and a plain grey sleeveless shirt. Sirius was already up, eating bowl of cereal with a glass of orange juice on the table just outside the kitchen.

"Morning, pup." "Hey Sirius." Harry greeted as he opened his ridiculously large, double door refrigerator and fishing out a cartoon of orange juice and pouring himself a glass of the orange liquid, along with it a copy of The Daily Prophet was present on the table as well. He could feel Sirius' eyes boring into the back of his head and irritation crept in.

"Is there a problem?"

"Didn't say anything…" Sirius replied, digging into his cereal.

"No but you're giving me that look, like that." Harry said as he went into the direction towards the living room.

"No I wasn't." Sirius said and smirked as he saw his godson glaring at him.

"Fleur and I didn't do anything but sleep together, with our clothes on, Sirius...Merlin. Where's your mind at." Harry asked crossly, shaking his head as he drank his juice. Sirius was about to answer but was cut off, "On the second thought, maybe its best you don't answer it. Not that I don't know where it is already." With that, Harry went on his routine run.

Fleur sleepily opened her eyes and sighed when she couldn't feel Harry anywhere in the large bed. "That idiot. At least he's my idiot." Fleur joked in her mind with a smile as she spotted a note written on a small note card on a bedside table on her side of the bed.

Hey Fleur, Almost didn't want to get out of bed…you look like an angel when you sleep, not that you aren't one already.

I hope you're dreaming of me with that smile. –H.J.P.

Humming happily, the silver blonde went inside Harry's bathroom, which was adjacent to his bedroom and sighed as she felt the warm water massaging her bare skin in the rather large shower. She was initially amazed at how organized Harry was with his bathroom; body lotion, aftershave, toothbrush, shaver and other items were all placed accordingly and neatly, which surprised and pleased her.

As she thought about Harry, she trailed her hands down her breasts, stopping at her pink nipples eliciting a sigh from her throat. Fleur unknowingly lowered her hand until it reached the erogenous spot between her legs.

"Mmmm…Harry." Fleur moaned as she plunged two fingers inside of her wet, aroused womanhood. It thrilled her that Harry always placed her opinion above his when it came to the physical aspects of their love life, she was touched that he cared that much about her. It made him all that much more special, he was looking for a serious relationship with her; he had said it several times when they were both close to losing control of themselves. However, the Veela side in Fleur wasn't happy at all, often urging her to mark him as hers before anyone else could. Though they were in a relationship for a quite some time, Fleur wanted more, even since he kissed her, she wanted more of him. Harry was like a drug that she couldn't get enough.

Her breath became more labored as she felt her climax approaching. Her legs shook, eyes widening as she bit back her scream, moaning Harry's name softly. It was a while before Fleur regained her senses and flushed at what just happened. She quickly washed herself and donned on some clothes, a pair of tight shorts, a white tank top and Harry's gray hoodie, which she had commandeered much to Harry's amusement.

She gasped as she opened the bathroom door, revealing a sweat drenched Harry. Fleur swallowed, she had never felt this embarrassing in her life before.

"Did he hear everything?" She thought rapidly, face pinking. In addition, his musky scent was simply intoxicating as it overloaded her senses. She felt that she had died and gone to heaven when she felt Harry touch and caress her cheek lovingly and proceeded to capture her lips in a gentle yet exhilarating kiss. Her Veela side sang for her to make him hers right at this moment as she wrapped her arms lazily around his sweaty neck, deepening the kiss. She smirked inwardly with victory when she forced a groan from Harry as she sucked on his tongue slowly and sensually. But she gasped when she felt his hands snaking down from her waist down to her perfect round derrière. Closing her eyes, Fleur groaned as Harry worked his masterful touching on her behind.

With immense reluctance, she broke the kiss between them. Looking into Harry's questioning and loving eyes, she nibbled his earlobe before whispering, "Take a shower Harry, you stink…"

"Really? You certainly weren't complaining a few moments ago." Harry asked, grinning as he saw Fleur blush madly.

Fleur merely slapped his arm and winked, "No, I didn't."

With that she walked out of the bathroom, swaying her hips on purpose. Harry shook his head furiously, "I need a shower…a really cold one." He thought as he closed the bathroom door behind him.

"Where's Sirius?" Harry asked as he came down the stairs and hugged Fleur from behind as she expertly cracked some eggs into the frying pan.

"He said something about meeting somebody over a couple of advertisement deals." Fleur said and shivered as Harry 's tongue made contact with her earlobe.

"You know, I could have fixed breakfast." Harry murmured in her ear.

"I know." Fleur pecked Harry on the cheek. "You're fantastic at it but I want to do it this time. Think of it as payback for spoiling me so much."

True to her word, Fleur's cooking was sublime just as she said and she took great pleasure in giggling as Harry tore into his omelet. After breakfast was done and plates have been washed and dried, which included a water fight that Harry lost heavily in, the lovers rested on the sofas, listening to some music when a loud pop could be heard.

Rising to his feet, Harry slid the glass door open and chuckled as a red blur slammed into him.

"You promised you'd visit…you liar." Rosy said accusingly, the tears that were threatening to spill out of the edges of her big green eyes made Harry feel like he was the world's biggest asshole.

Kneeling on one knee, he embraced the small redhead while she cried, occasionally hitting his chest with her small fists. "I'm so so sorry princess. I've been such a idiot and stupid lately…" At this, Rosy giggled through her sobs.

"What do I have to do to be forgiven?" Little Rosy bit her lip, her eyebrows narrowed as she thought deeply. Then her eyes brightened as a large smile appeared on the girl's face.

"Broom racing!" She cried with delight but her eyes narrowed when she saw Fleur. Rosy was young but she certainly wasn't stupid, she knew her favorite and dearest brother stopped seeing her as much as he was always with this girl.

Harry shook his head as his little sister simply glared at Fleur, ignoring her as she rushed to where Rina, Harry's phoenix who trilled happily at the sight of the little girl.

"I don't think your sister likes me very much…" Fleur observed.

"It'll be okay." Harry said reassuringly as he squeezed her hand and kissed her on the lips before joining his sister, who was glaring at them.

"Ready?" Harry asked as they both mounted Harry's Firebolt.

"Yeah!" Rosy chirped and squealed when Harry kicked the broom and it launched towards the sky, bringing the both of them towards the clear blue sky. Rosy heard her brother whispering something and turned her head back to look at him with confusion.

"Just a disillusionment charm. It's not everyday you see a flying broom in broad daylight." He explained, causing the little redhead to giggle childishly. Harry smiled as he heard his sister gasp and exclaim about the unbelievable beauty beneath them.

"Rosy?" Harry asked gently.


"Why do you not like Fleur?" Rosy was silent for a while as they continued to fly then in a small, afraid voice, "Because you like her more than me."

"Rosaline…you are very special to me, it is because of you I am where I'm at now. I don't like Fleur more than you nor do I like you more than her. So can you play nice with her? For me?"

"Okay…for you." Rosy said softly after a while.

"Actually, I do suppose I like you a little more." Harry said slowly.

"Really?" His sister chirped.

"Without you, I wouldn't have met her so yup, I like you more." With that, he ruffled her red

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