Celebrity life

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Eric Potter walked up the stairs in Potter Manor after supper and sighed as he walked along the corridors of the Manor. Since his elder brother's departure, the house had become quieter than usual and he would sometimes hear his mother weeping softly whenever he got up to use the restroom in the middle of the night.

It did not take a genius to figure out who his mother was crying for and for the first time in his life, Eric Potter had no ill feelings for his elder sibling; he had slain a Basilisk to protect him in his second year despite everything. It was then at the Hospital Wing when he awoke did he decide to put his stupid, pointless feud with Harry aside. He knew his older brother still hated his guts more than anything in the world but hoped that he will eventually come around.

After the Basilisk attack, which he kept quiet, Eric befriended Neville Longbottom and surprisingly to himself, Hermione Granger. It was a welcoming change to have other friends. The bright Gryffindor witch was skeptical at first due to the fact that he was associated with one Ronald Weasley, who always made fun of her. However that changed when Eric apologized for his misdemeanors and himself for not doing anything.

Eric was feeling the nervousness threatening to engulf him whole as he saw the person he wanted to apologize to. "Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?" He asked timidly, another surprising change.

Hermione Granger, who was concentrating deeply on her Transfiguration essay looked up and replied with a skeptical look, "Why? I'm sure there are others who will be honored to have the Boy-Who-Lived sitting at their tables."

"Ouch! That sort of hurt…" Eric thought to himself but in a more coherent voice said truthfully, "I don't think I'm as big as you painted me right there and I also want to apologize for the behaviors of myself and Ronald Weasley."

Hermione, who was only half concentrated on the messy black haired boy dropped her quill to the floor but left it unattended as her brown eyes scrutinized his emerald green ones, as if deducting whether he was speaking the truth or was merely instigating another deception.

She nodded and Eric, relieved continued, "I'm very sorry we got off at the wrong foot, I'm Eric, Eric Potter." He then stuck out a hand, hoping that she would take it.

"Hermione, Hermione Granger." Hermione replied, shaking his hand with a small smile hanging off the edge of her lips.

Meanwhile, in Southern Kensington, Harry James Potter was staring at his supposed agent and godfather who was having the time of his life in Harry's pool with a bunch of bikini clad young women surrounding him.

"I thought he was just joking about the whole thing…." Harry thought but Sirius was all-serious when it came down to women or rather to getting laid, honestly speaking.

"Hey Harry, loosen that tie and come join us." Sirius had the audacity to shout out at him.

"Can't, have someone to meet." Harry replied tersely, he was wearing an all black, skinny Armani suit with a white button up shirt and a long narrow black tie.

"Lemme guess, something to do with the fair Ms. Delacour?" Sirius pretended to look pensive.

"You would be correct and please, do not get water on the floors in the house please and stay the hell away from my private study and bedroom…and clean up after you're done!" Harry said dryly and walked off, shaking his head when he heard Sirius exclaim rather loudly, "I can't believe it, he's not like that before I swear ladies…"

Returning back into the house, Harry smiled widely as he saw Rina in a dozing state on her perch.

"You're going to be okay my girl?" Harry asked.

"Fine fine, just go after your Ms. Delacour." Rina said bitterly, if a phoenix could be bitter, that would be her tone right now.

"Are you upset because of it?" Harry asked, he was a superstar when it came to Quidditch but on the subject of woman he was a flop. When Rina didn't reply, Harry sighed and taking several steps towards his familiar, began stroking the bird's magnificent feathers.

"I'll be back real soon…I promise." Rina let out a musical trill and after locking eyes with her partner, nodded, before dozing off again. T

ouching the silver ring on his right ring finger, Harry disappeared with a blur. He took a deep breath as he was slowly assembled back into pieces as the effects of the portkey wore off.

Immediately, a small silver bullet slammed into him and he had to steady himself from falling onto his rear.

"Hello, Angel, how are you?" He asked. Gabrielle gave a squeal and only hugged his legs even tighter.

"Great, and your fan club at Beauxbatons is growing big too." The small Veela giggled, whilst Harry groaned.

"I knew this was so a bad idea." He thought to himself and very much wanted to bash his head to the nearest wall available but allowed Gabrielle to drag him into the living room.

"Where does this girl get her strength?" Harry asked himself, amazed that his sister and Gabrielle could literally drag him willing or not.

"Ah, Harry how good to see you again. Have a seat, this will take some time as my wife is occupying herself with what my daughter should wear." Alain Delacour greeted the superstar chaser with a firm handshake and invited him over to the sofas.

"I have a younger sister myself sir, I can understand." Harry replied politely, sitting with a straight posture on the sofa.

"Women… wait until you have children of your own. I have two daughters, along with my wife and I must say I have very little to say in decisions." Alan chuckled but immediately cleared his throat rather loudly when his wife floated down the stairs.

"Oh Fleur…there's a dashing young man here for you." Apolline said melodiously as she walked down the stairs and gave Harry a wink, which he smiled in a response to.

That soon changed as Harry found himself gawking at the goddess that descended from the stairs. Fleur was wearing a deep blue spaghetti strapped dress that ended just a bit above her ankles, showing off her irresistible long tanned legs. Her hair was tied into a bun and the ever present sapphire necklace Harry had given to her in their first Christmas together was hanging perfectly off her flawless swan like neck.

Calming himself down with clearing his mind, Harry regained his coolness when he stood up. Fleur took in Harry's clothes: a black suit, white button up shirt with a narrow straight black tie.

"He looks good in everything I swear." She thought to herself. Taking her hand and kissing it in proper greeting, Harry smiled his one smile he'd only reserved for her and her only.

"You look….wow, I don't think there is word that can describe how divine you look."

"Why Harry, do you talk to all your women fans like that?" Fleur teased and grinned widely, showing her ever-perfect white teeth when she saw her boyfriend looking slightly surprised.

"Fleur…I'd never do that to you." Harry said, a bit hurt that she would even think that but quickly masked it. Fleur immediately regretted teasing him in such a way and cupped his face and gave his lips a quick but memorable peck. Harry smiled back and took her hand and the two left for their date after bidding an amused Mr. and Mrs. Delacour and a pouting Gabrielle an au revoir.

"Have you learnt how to apparate yet?" Harry asked as the couple left the manor. Fleur nodded, "Okay, that would make things so much better."

Without a warning and a mischievous smile on his face, Harry suddenly grabbed his girlfriend on the waist and the two disappeared in a whirl of wind.

"Now look what you did, my hair is messed up." Fleur mock glared at Harry as they felt that familiar feeling of being squeezed out of a tub. However, she blushed when she felt Harry's fingers running through her long silvery blonde hair in the middle of a public street.

"All fixed." Harry said and grabbing her hand, led Fleur away from amidst all the mindless staring and drooling of muggle men.

"I really hate it when people do that." Fleur whispered as she leaned her head on Harry's shoulder as they walked and a small smile graced her lips when she felt Harry brushing his lips on the side of her head. Neither of them noticed the clicks of cameras that were focused on them.

Fleur was left speechless when Harry stopped at what seemed to be a fairly romantic high-class restaurant with a great view of the canal and the busy streets and radiant lights of buildings and traffic lights across from it. She allowed her self to be lead by Harry into the establishment and her heart fluttered when she saw the table with a great window view of the bustling city.

Harry was relieved that Fleur seemed to show no signs of negativity in the location he chose, Sirius actually did rather well when Harry asked him if there were any notable romantic restaurants in Paris.

Fleur was slightly annoyed when the waitress couldn't stop making less than discreet glances at Harry when he ordered from the menu, but relaxed when she felt his big, warm hand massaging hers across the table.

"Are you coming to the World Cup?" Harry asked as their first order, Basil Salmon Terrin came up.

With a nod of her head Fleur responded, "Papa has already gotten the tickets. I do hope you put up a good show." She winked.

"Well then, I'll do the best to not disappoint you my dear lady." Harry retorted with his signature superstar smile. Dinner continued on as the couple chatted and teased each other, Fleur giggled when she saw Harry having trouble with the Escargot and resulted in using his hands.

"Harry, not so barbaric…let me show you." Fleur said with an amused smile and taking the snail tongs, held the snail's shell, using the snail fork, she extracted the meat out with a smug smirk on her face.

"You're brilliant." Harry said with a chuckle.

Fleur rolled her eyes but it quickly turned mischievous as she said, "Open wide…"

Realizing what she was about to do, Harry's eyes widened as he whispered, "Fleur, you're not really gonna…"

A glare quickly shut him up as he leaned forward, opened his mouth and quickly eat the snail that was on Fleur's fork. "Good boy, now that wasn't so bad was it?" Fleur said as if talking to a child. Harry rolled his eyes but smiled nevertheless.

"So what do you want to be when you get out of school?" Harry asked when their main courses came.

"I do not know yet, probably Healer or Cursebreaker. What about you?" Fleur asked.

"Well, my Quidditch career just kicked off and I'm not even twenty yet…I could probably play for another twenty years. Everything is opened really since I've got twelve O.W.L.S…" Harry explained with a small smile, and chuckled rather loudly when he saw Fleur's gobsmacked expression.

"It isn't easy, I'm not really a genius even though people seem to call me that…most stuff is okay but I still need to review like everybody else." He said with a shrug.

The couple then chatted some more before dessert came in the form of a slice of Mille-feuille, a cake that was layered in vanilla, cream and custard. Then Harry paid the bill and the two left, hand in hand.

"That was quite fun…maybe I should let you take me out more often non?" Fleur said, looking up from her resting spot on Harry's arm with an adorable, innocent look on her beautiful and angelic face.

"If you'll have me, that is my lady…" Harry replied with a small smile on the edge of his lips and felt his heart going a hundred beats a minute when Fleur pecked his cheek gently. The couple found a quiet alley before disappearing with a pop.

"It's about time you two returned, your father was about to send a legion of Aurors after you two." Apolline said while rolling her eyes. Fleur just huffed indignantly whilst Harry was trying to stop himself from laughing at his girlfriend's expression.

"Oh wow, its getting late…" Harry stated as he looked at his watch, it was nearly ten thirty.

"Do you really have to go now?" Fleur asked in a small voice, it was obvious that she was upset that he had to leave so early.

"Oh crap." Harry thought as he saw Fleur tearing up. Cupping her smooth, flawless cheeks, he wiped the tear away with his thumb.

"Don't cry…angels don't cry." Harry whispered, even with tears running down her cheeks he thought she still looked ethereally beautiful. Fleur looked deep into Harry's brilliantly glowing green eyes, filled with pure concern and something else that made her feel all warm and relaxed and without warning, pulled his tie rather hard making Harry jerk forward and their lips met each other with crushing force. All logic in Harry's mind was long gone as he felt Fleur's tongue sucking on his. He wrapped his arms around her waist and slowly returned her kiss. After who knows how long, Harry broke the kiss because he knew that he was a goner if he didn't do anything soon.

"Be safe…" Harry whispered, taking in Fleur's ethereal features before retracting his arms from around Fleur's waist. Watching melancholically, Fleur felt something was torn away from her as saw Harry disappear in a whirl after she heard him mutter a soft 'activate'. At that moment, she realized, she needed him… she loved him.

Apolline Delacour watched as her daughter placed her hand over her heart and smiled knowingly.

"How'd it go?" Sirius asked, a glass of white wine in his hand as Harry appeared via portkey.

"Great…really awesome." Harry said tiredly but happily, taking off his suit jacket, loosening his tie, and went to grab a can of Fanta from the fridge.

"Is…um, everything finished and done here?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow. At his godfather's confirmation, Harry sighed out in relief. Then after a quick wave of good-bye, Harry walked out the immensely spacious living room and up the wide stairs, through a short hallway and arrived his room. Opening the door, he smiled as everything was moved in; tossing his suit jacket onto his fluffy king sized bed, rolled up his shirt and began unpacking and putting his things from the moving boxes. It was kind of sad in a way that starting from tomorrow, he would have little time to spend with Fleur due to the World Cup matches starting.

The winds blew furiously at him as Harry sped towards the hoops, pulling back his arm the young superstar chaser unleashed a power shot which was beyond the reach of the Scottish team's keeper as it flew straight through the right hoop.

The referee then blew his loudly enchanted whistle, signaling the end of the match, England winning 780-190. The English fans were cheering madly as their national team descended onto the ground. Coach Ray Anderson clapped calmly as he watched his team celebrating wildly together for qualifying the knock out rounds with three wins in three.

After exchanging handshakes with the other team, the English filed out into the tunnel and to the locker rooms.

"We did it, we qualified!" Roger yelled as they entered the changing room.

"Party, my place tonight!" Elan cried out and was answered with cheers from the other players.

"Coming Harry?" The blonde haired chaser asked as they changed into their casual wear.

"Nah… I just want to sleep." Harry replied and ignored his friend's incredulous face. Wearing black faded t-shirt of his favorite football star, George Best and long black jeans. Harry bade his teammates farewell before disappearing in a whirl via his ring portkey.

"Ah, here is he…" Sirius declared as soon as Harry appeared in the Manor's living room with a whirl. Harry rolled his eyes before giving his godfather a quick man hug.

"You might want to see this…I've tried to do everything I could to get this off the papers…" Sirius said in a quiet tone as he handed his godson the latest issue of Witch Weekly. Harry's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when he saw himself with Fleur, walking together on the cover, his hand entwined with hers. He rapidly flipped the pages of the magazine and his grip was so tight that it had turned white.

Harry could barely believe his eyes, his secret date with Fleur had been revealed to everyone on the planet. He groaned before plopping onto the long sofa like a dead fish.

"Yo pup, its not like people will never find out about this…" Sirius said in what a person might interpret as a comforting tone. Harry threw a glare at him, he did not feel very comforted.

"What about Fleur? She doesn't deserve to have someone watching her every movement she leaves her home." Harry said, more to himself than his godfather.

"If she really is serious about this relationship, she won't mind. Sure it might be irritating but I know when love's in the air." Sirius tried lamely and smiled when Harry chuckled a bit.

"God, that was the worst line you've ever said. No wonder you still can't get Professor Vector." Harry replied and yelped when his godfather pulled him into a knuckle sandwich.

Meanwhile, Fleur Delacour and her family had finished watching the match between England and Scotland but that was when a rather large mob of reporters cornered her along with her family, taking snapshots and asking impossibly comprehendible questions due to the amount of voices that were speaking. Alain, being an Auror Captain waved his wand and people nearest to them were repelled backwards. Taking this advantage, Alain fished out their emergency portkey and the whole Delacour family disappeared in a large whirl of wind.

"It would seem that the cat is out of the bag." Alain stated dryly as he picked up a magazine after arriving back at Delacour Manor, Gabrielle just yawned on the sofa, exhausted for the cheering she did for her hero and curled up on the sofa like a small cat.

"England Chaser dating French Auror Captain's daughter." He read out loud. Fleur sighed as her father handed her the magazine, she knew one day that her relationship with Harry would be exposed but she never thought it'd be this early.

"Alain, take Gabby to her room please." Apolline said and her husband obeyed, carrying the small sleeping Veela up the stairs.

"What's wrong, flower?" Apolline asked.

"I don't know mama, this is not what I wanted…I hate all this attention." Fleur replied, she knew this wasn't Harry's fault but he was used to all the attention.

"So what are you going to do? This is Harry's job, do you think that something like this won't ever happen? I can see it in your eyes, you have strong feelings for Harry and as your mother I do not want to see you unhappy. And so I ask you, what will you do?" Apolline said softly.

"I care for him mama, and all I want is to be with him." Fleur answered back quietly, a silent tear rolling down her cheek, she mentally bashed herself for even thinking about re-thinking the relationship she had with Harry, he was the best thing that has ever happened to her since the birth of Gabrielle.

"Mama, can I go speak with someone very important?" Fleur asked with a determined expression on her face. Apolline merely raised an amused eyebrow, nodded and watched as her eldest daughter walked into the empty fireplace and disappeared in a burst of green flames.

"She takes after you too much…" Alain said.

"And is that good or bad?" Apolline said with a glare at her husband, who cringed at the look and gulped.

"I thought so."

Harry was listening to Beethoven through his hi-fi and reading Shakespeare's Macbeth when suddenly his floo was activated, revealing a stunning as ever Fleur Delacour. However, Harry's face became one of concern when he saw that his girlfriend had been crying.

"Fleur-" He had never finished asking what was

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