A winter affair

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Lying motionlessly in his bed in the Ravenclaw Boys Dormitory was a dark haired young man, deep in sleep with his body curled up in a relaxing position. However, the image was only the calm in contrast to the machinations that were occurring inside his mind.

"Where am I?" Harry muttered to himself as he surveyed his surroundings, he was standing on what to seem to be a roof of a muggle skyscraper. It seemed to be nighttime as the dark skies above him suggested as he noted the mist around him.

"Oh, it's you…strange, you're not suppose to be here." A small voice made him jump as he quickly turned around to see a boy, no older than six or seven, peering at him with wide, green eyes. His hair was dark and messy and Harry saw that he was dressed in a white shirt and dark slacks.

"Who…who are you?...and what's this place?" Harry asked as the boy tilted his head, as if he were asked a preposterous question.

"You don't know?" The boy seemed surprise for a moment, making him…it more childlike.

"This is your mind or if more accurately, the depths below your consciousness." The child said with a hint of amusement as he gestured to their surrounding.

"Seriously?" Harry spoke as he peered down the edge of the skyscraper they were standing on, it was a long way down.

"Do you see me laughing?" The boy retorted, a serious expression on his face.

"Fair enough…but you still haven't answered my question." Harry turned back to face the child.

"If this is my mind…who are you and what are you doing here?" He asked. The child frowned and was on the process of answering when he turned his head to the dark mist that was gathering between them. Before Harry could register what was happening, his head started to ached with immense pain and before he knew it, he felt a shove and he was sent over the edge of the skyscraper and was plummeting.

"Awwhhh…why did you have to do that?" A chillingly cold voice protested as a figure formed from the dark mist.

"I was planning to introduce myself." A tall young man, clad in dark trousers, shirt and a long coat said.

"You and I both know you intend to do more than that." The young boy stared stonily into the newcomer's lightly red tinted emerald eyes.

"Am I that transparent? Tch...Though you do know that you can't keep me away forever." The young man clad in all black laughed, the air surrounding him grew colder.

"Only one can live."

Harry shot up from his bed, as if he were being electrocuted. Noting that he did not literally fall to his death was a small measure of comfort for the young man as he held his throbbing head in his hands. However, it was disconcerting on how real the dream was.

Such as the surroundings in his dream, the young boy that appeared to be older than he actually was and the dreaded sensation that made the hair on the back of his neck snap straight just before he fell.

Since the beginning of this year, he had not been feeling at his best as he would have liked but had chalked it up to physical and mental fatigue. With a sigh, he got up from bed and changed into his uniform. The common room was void of people, as he had expected as it was still early.

Plopping to one of the armed chairs near the flickering fire, Harry could only hold his head and hope that the jabbing pain would subside. Gradually and to his credit, the headache subsided as he leaned back.

"Harry?" Elena's voice made him open his eyes as he saw the concerned look on the young woman's face.

"Morning, Elena…" Harry replied with a small smile as she approached him.

"Are you alright?" Before he could respond, she had placed a hand on his forehead.

"Hmm…seems normal." Elena muttered as Harry stood up.

"Where are you going? There's still time till classes start." She said.

"A stroll…" Harry said before turning his head to the young woman that had undeniably wormed herself into his heart. Even in her current state, the look that gave away the fact that she had just woken up, she was stunning.

"Give me five minutes…I'm coming with you." Elena had a determined expression on her face.

"Oh? Getting protective are we?" He jested good naturedly.

"We wouldn't want the representative of Hogwarts to miss his step and tumbled down the Ravenclaw Tower now could we?" Elena bit back before heading back to the Girl's dorm to change though Harry did catch the not so subtle teasing smile she had sent him.

True to her word, the young woman reappeared five minutes later, dressed in her uniform with her hair smoothed out and was that lipstick and eyeliner? Harry did not dare prod his companion on quickly she was done but merely accept it as one of those things about woman that he would never comprehend.

Not much was said between them as Harry's legs led them to wherever they were heading but Elena's companionship had a calming effect as they stopped at the Astronomy Tower. The fresh, cold air did wonders to his throbbing head as Harry breathed and exhaled deeply. The snow was always so beautiful and mystical to him, even though he had seen it literally every year. There was a sense of purity to the white blankets covering everywhere it fell.

"Feeling better?" Elena asked.

"Much…thank you Elena." Harry responded, leaning on the railing.

"Anytime." The brunette witch replied as the two savored the rare time they had together. The day went on smoothly afterwards as Harry returned to his normal state of mind though Roger did inquiry brashly why he was smiling a lot more during lunch as suppose to his usual nonchalant attitude. Cho promptly told Harry to ignore him as it was a healthy thing to do which caused a subsequent mouth off as the two bantered against each other.

"What are we even doing here?" Roger whispered to his best friend's ear as Professor Flitwick had ushered all the Ravenclaw students to an empty classroom.

"I don't know but I have a bad feeling about this." Harry shrugged as the brunette shifted tirelessly next to him with a groan in response.

Sometimes, his friend could be a little childish, scratch that, it should be very childish and it was not just sometimes.

"Is everyone here?" Little Flitwick squeaked before clapping his hands together.

"Good, now as some of you may know, the Triwizard Tournament has always included a Yule Ball since the tournament's inception…"

At this point, pretty much everyone got the general gist of what was going on and the reactions were divided between the excited giggles coming from the girls side and the exasperated groans from the guy's side.

Although Harry knew what was going to happen, the sight of so many girls eyeing him in a not so innocent manner were still a bit hard to take in. Damn Sirius for making him pose in those shirtless adverts for those Gossip Magazines and the Daily Prophet.

Immediately, miles away from Hogwarts

In the newly refurnished kitchen of No. 12 Grimmauld Place, one Sirius Black had the urge to laugh and sneeze at the same time as Kreacher could only shake his head at the obscurities his master was displaying.

"That was fun." Roger commented as he, Harry and Elena walked out of the rowdy classroom.

"That's because you're a manwhore." Harry muttered as his friend made it his point to show off his quote "sexy dance moves."

"Agreed." Elena said in a deadpanned voice.

Harry had to roll his eyes as Roger then pretended that he was shot as he clutched in chest in agony, which caused Elena to kick him, hard at his shin.

"Elan! They're bullying me again." The brunette cried as as he hurled himself into the oncoming blonde young man's arms.

"There, there…it'll be okay soon." The older Malfoy shushed him.

"I assume Flitwick's told you about the Yule Ball?" He then asked the two Ravenclaws.

"Yep. Though I am curious how Snape addressed the news to you all." Harry nodded.

"It was strange." Draco Malfoy piped in before he walked past the four older students.

"Yeah, I would rather not talk about how that went." Elan said, still stroking Roger's hair as he garnered the giggles of many girls around them from Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang all the same.

Harry had to facepalm as Elan flashed his brilliant smile and caused his fangirls around them to squeal. Luckily, his rescue came in the form of his favorite silver blonde haired woman as an obviously elated Fleur Delacour floated towards them. The Beauxbatons champion was wearing her usual blue school uniform.

"Bonjour 'arry" The quarter Veela kissed him gently on the cheek.

"Ah, Fleur…excuse me gentlemen, Elena." Harry grabbed his girlfriend's hand and rushed off.

"What's with ze rush?" Fleur asked with a laugh.

"Wanted to get away…I love my friends but they are too much sometimes." Harry responded as gave her a quick, chaste kiss.

"Non, zat would not do." Fleur responded and before Harry could reacted, she grabbed him by his tie and gave him the equivalent of a Dementor's kiss except instead of having his soul being sucked out it was the opposite as Harry felt he was floating with euphoria.

Fleur giggled as she noted the smile on Harry's face as she pulled back.

"…"Harry flashed her one of his rarer smiles as she grabbed his hand and dragged him to wherever she had in mind.

"Hey Fleur…" He started as the silver haired beauty turned her head to face him with a curious expression on her face. Well, wasn't he romantic?

To be fair to the raven haired boy's credit, they were walking into an empty courtyard. Fleur steered the both of them towards a bench and she sighed when she was able to rest her head on his shoulder while she watched their entwined hands.

"What iz eet zat you wanted to say, mon cher?" Fleur said softly.

"Would you do me the honor of being my partner at the Yule Ball?" Harry asked simply. Looking up to meet the emerald eyes that she loved so much, Fleur gave him a smile that could lit up a whole room.

"Oui." Touching his cheek with her right gloved hand, she gave him a light kiss.

"You're not unhappy the way I asked you?" Harry asked as Fleur shook her head.

"Eet wouldn't be you eef you did eet any ozzer way…besides, when did I say zis isn't romantic?" Just as she finished her sentence, snow began to descend on the pair.

"Touché…" Harry whispered as he looked up in wonderment. After a moment Fleur got up and Harry could swear he had never seen anything more beautiful as the quarter-Veela spun herself in a rare carefree manner as snow slowly drifted down around her.

"'Arry?" Harry then looked wearily at his girlfriend as he recognized that tone.

His instinct was correct as a snowball promptly smashed into his face.

"Really Fleur?...But I suppose someone in this relationship has to be the mature one…" The Quidditch star muttered to himself as he wiped the snow off his face. As a response, Fleur stuck out her tongue at him. However her victory was short lived as her boyfriend stood up, his dark hair covering his eyes while a ball of snow formed in his right hand.

"Holy hell…what in the…" Roger's eyes nearly shot out of their sockets as his best friend emerged back in the Common Room, body covered in thick snow in a manner that made him look like a snowman save his face.

"I don't want to talk about it." Harry murmured. Luckily for him, the rest of their house were still on their quest to find dates for the Yule Ball therefore the Common Room was empty.

"Oh no you don't…come talk to Dr. Davies." Roger stood in front of the 'snowman' and each time Harry wanted to move in one way, Roger would do the same and it was causing a migraine to form in Harry's head.

"Faster you tell me, faster you can go hide…unless you want to end up on the cover of the the next issue of Gossip Weekly. Harry's face paled and knew he was beat as he sighed. He mumbled something incoherent and Roger's smile widened.

"What? I couldn't hear you." He said obnoxiously causing Harry to glare at him.

"Fleur used a sticking charm and freezing charm on her snowballs! I can't reach for my wand!" It was too much as Roger started to laugh as he fell to the ground, tears running down his cheeks.

Harry had to close his eyes and count to ten to avoid swearing. Waddling with much difficulty, the dark haired reached his sanctuary.

"Having fun…aren't we?" Harry gave his familiar a fake glare as he met the eyes of Rina.

"No thanks to you, you could have teleported me back without me having to explain myself to that clown." Harry vented with displeasure.

"Where's the fun in that? Besides…you made it up here without anyone seeing you… well almost." His familiar chuckled.

"I got lucky…that's all there is to it, now can you please get rid of this?" Harry said tersely as his familiar leapt from her perch to his shoulder. Instantly, his shoulders were free from the burden he was carrying as the snow melted from his body. With a scowl, he flicked his wand and the pool of water at his feet disappeared.

Tossing his robe on his bed, leaving him in dark slacks, white shirt, tie and vest, Harry sat down behind his desk and pulled out the assignment given out by good ol' Snape. Little did anyone know, despite the embarrassment he had suffered, Harry smiled at the ridiculousness at his ordeal.

Meanwhile in her room from within the Beauxbatons Carriage, Fleur was laying on her back from her bed as she kicked the air absently with her legs. She was clad only in a set of white bra and panties as she had turned up the heating in her room. Additionally, her hair was out of its bun as the silver haired young woman let it flow down he back.

The clearly disgruntled expression on her boyfriend's face while he was in his snowman form brought a smile to her face. It was his punishment for not trying against her as he purposely allowed her to hit him. He did change his attitude half-way through but alas, her veela abilities made her impervious, to which he called foul play.

Feeling a bit sorry for her poor boyfriend, she did cast a not-notice-me charm on him as he complained about how he couldn't do it himself as his arms were cast solid. She had struggled to not laugh as the figure of her boyfriend waddling away, cursing under his breath replayed itself in her mind.

She loved Harry very much, all of him but he could be rather serious at times…too serious.

Fleur knew Harry did not choose to enter the Triwizard Tournament out of his own will which was made very clear and he still refused to talk to her with regards to the subject, claiming that he knew what he had to do. Fleur did not like that one bit but swore she would get it out of him. She would not allow anything, anyone to take him from her.

"I see…thank you Sirius." Harry said to his godfather through a small pocket mirror.

"No problem, pup…if it hadn't been for my naiveté, you wouldn't have to suffer so much." Sirius Black was not his usual jesting self.

"On a lighter note…" Sirius raised a charred, ruined barely recognizable green locket. "I found the damned thing…had to make a call to get rid of it properly…but it's gone now."

"The diary, the locket…that's two." Harry muttered quietly to himself, he felt bad that he had left his godfather on his own to deal with his matter.

"We have time Harry…keep it up with the tournament, stall and we'll work on it from our side." Sirius responded as Harry nodded as the call ended.

"Ready to roll, laddie?" Sirius said at the tall slender figure leaning by the kitchen door.

"It would seem that there are only two things is infinite, the universe…and your immaturity" Amber eyes shined sarcastically from under his dark hood as Sirius started to protest.

Nine years ago

"This'll be your new home, my dearest lad…what do you think?" Sirius Black made a dramatic pose as he displayed #12 Grimmauld Place to the young boy who stared at it with curious amber colored eyes.

"Do be careful, hag incoming." Sirius pointed dramatically at the veiled curtain as the boy smiled.

"Kreacher!" Sirius bellowed as the house elf appeared before the two with a pop.

"The master calls?" Kreacher muttered but quickly turned its attention to the boy who was staring at it with interest and the elf returned the gaze. Sirius grinned as his charge looked up at him with a glare before his eyes softened as he turned to the elf, "I'm Yuri, Yuri Dolohov…please to meet you."…

"What school are you planning to go to?" Sirius said as he chewed his food with reckless abandon as his cousin sat across from him with a small wistful smile on his face.

"Salem…I hear magic is quite progressive there compared to Hogwarts and I will be able to reach my highest potential with no distractions." The dark haired boy responded, neatly cutting his steak. Sirius stopped chewing as he observed his charge, there was absolutely no emotion on the kid's face but Sirius felt as if the temperature in the kitchen had suddenly dropped below zero.

"Sure, no problem...I'll get it sorted out." He said.

"Just like that?" Yuri responded.

"Why not? I'm not gonna be like my parents and tell you have to do things my way…your mother entrust you to me so you could become your own person." Sirius said with a hint of bitterness and anger as he was reminded of how his parents, uncle and aunt had torn apart the relationships he had with Regulus, Andromeda and…Bella.

"Thank you…uncle." Sirius smiled as he ruffled the hair of the boy who acted more like his nephew than anything else. They were then interrupted when the fireplace of Grimmauld Place blazed alight and a dark haired, green eyed boy stepped out.

"Ah, Harry…what brings you to my humble abode?" Sirius asked as he beckoned his godson over.

"Felt like leaving the house for a bit…they won't notice anyways." Harry said with a shrug as he took a seat and found himself at the gaze of a boy with amber eyes and aristocratic facial features, sitting across from him. The two merely stared at each other, neither knew exactly what to do in this rather alien situation.

That was, until, Sirius cleared his breath and broke the ice for them.

"Hadrian Potter, meet my 'nephew', Yuri Dolohov…Yuri, meet my godson, Hadrian." Sirius said with a wave of his hand.

"Ah, nice to meet you." Harry said as he stuck out a hand.

"You're an odd one..." Yuri shook the offered hand with perfectly accent-less English.

"How's that?" The green eyed boy asked as Kreacher placed a plate of mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables and steak in front of him.

"Most people either flinch, wet their pants or give me looks of disgus-." The amber eyed boy responded.

"Wait, someone really pissed themselves, you're joking?" Harry eyes wide with amazement.

"I kid you not." Yuri replied, not knowing what to make out of the younger kid sitting across him.

"You have to tell me who and where." Harry laughed.

"Very well, it was…"

Sirius had to smile, the two had got along well much to his surprise but he guessed that for children it was different when it came to not judging a person by their family name. A crash brought him back to the present as his baby cousin slamming the door open, her hair a vibrant pink as ever.

"Stunning entrance as ever, Nymphadora…" Sirius's guest said with his back turned towards the junior auror, eyes gazed on a worn parchment depicting a small golden cup with two finely-wrought handles with a badger engraved on the side and a few jewels.

"You!" Nymphadora Tonks recognized the teasing voice and immediately shot a red beam of light at him

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