Chapter 10 | first meeting

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Harry replied :"oh , sure i'd be glad to see them" his uncle nodded with a smile "now we need to sleep , their plane will arrive at 9:00 AM" Harry replied :"great , good night uncle".He turned off the lights and laid on the bed.

He couldn't sleep from thinking , he was thinking that maybe his uncle's family wouldn't love him . They maybe refuse him , refuse his existence among them , maybe his wife would be an evil woman.

He started to think about Ginny and the Weasleys , they will always be his beloved new family. They saved his heart and soul , their existence in his life had changed a lot of things. He couldn't leave them after all what they have done , this is not how he will repay them.

He fell asleep for only 4 hours . Suddenly the very distracting sound of the alarm woke him up , his heart was pounding very hard in his chest battling his thoracic cage , his hair all over his face as he sat on the bed .

The uncle went out of the bathroom apologizing to Harry for leaving the alarm to ring all this time . Harry said :" it's fine .. i was going to get up anyways" looking very sleepy and his eyes were red from lack of sleep.

He got up from the bed and putted his glasses on and headed to the bathroom , his uncle said : " go get ready !" With excitement and a wide smile on his white face. Harry didn't say anything and went to the bathroom silently.

He washed his face and looked at his red eyes with an annoyed look at his face , he brushed his teeth and tried to style his hair although he doesn't like to. He always like it messy but since he was going to meet people for the first time he had to look nice and neat.

Then he got out of the bathroom and headed to the wardrobe. He opened it and decided to choose something new from what his uncle had got for him . Since it was spring he picked a jeans , a belt , a shirt and t-shirt . He got dressed and he looked so good in this outfit.

The outfit photo

They got out of the room . The uncle went to reserve a suite for his wife and daughters , and decided to keep Harry in the room with him . His daughters would be shy from a new guy. Then they headed to the car and drove to the airport.

They arrived at the airport waiting for them. Harry was very worried and anxious he couldn't stop thinking til suddenly his uncle said :" here they are ! Finally !!" After about 25 minutes. Harry looked but he couldn't recognize them , he doesn't know how they look.

He found a very pretty woman and 3 ladies looking his age walking towards him . The woman had a very blond short hair , blue eyes , round shaped face and plumbed lips. Her daughters were very beautiful too . Each one has her own beauty . One was brunette the second was blonde and the third had a black hair and rectangular shaped glasses .

They hugged their father and then looked at him with amusement , the black haired girl said :" OH MY GOD ! is that really you ?? Harry Potter !!" . He smiled at her a weak smile. And he was surprised that he was known to them too although they lived abroad. And the woman suddenly hugged him tightly and he hugged her back.

She said :" hey Harry ! I'm very happy to see you !". He replied :" it's my pleasure ma'am , i'm very happy to see you either" she said :" oh you look so shy aren't you , don't be shy dear .. please call me auntie if is it fine for you" Harry replied :"yeah ! It's totally fine auntie!" With a cute smile.

He was very confused at how they treated him , how did they loved him so early . He had spent his whole early childhood trying to make the Dursley's love him or even accept him.

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