Chapter 6

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Y/n's P.O.V

I swung my sword at anyone who came at me with my shadow helping me out. Looking over my shoulder I see Jay and Harry fighting.

Harry's P.O.V

Jay and I started to fight. Swinging our swords clashing together. I really would like to beat his arse this guy was going down. 

"Well you and Y/n huh?"  I asked in a teasing manner, he just glared at me. It just made me smile even more.

"Ohh Jay you still really have lost your touch" I looked over my shoulder and saw Y/n watching us but still fighting the crew off her she was making her way up here. Interesting. 

"Ahh Y/n your here, hold on to this for me would you love" I threw her my hat which she caught. My crew was coming up and Y/n defend herself and us at the same time, how adorable I thought to myself but then brushed it aside when I had Jay pinned against the railing but he was able to get out of the hold. He kicked me which caused me to let go of my hook. Shit! Jay just smiled , I got up and threw done my sword putting my hand out very concerned now waiting for him to hand it over but he didn't he threw it into the sea. That son of bi... I ran and jumped into the water to get it. 

Y/n's P.O.V

Jay took my hand and we ran back to the rest of the group. We helped fight off some of them and manged. Harry was up out of the water attacking Ben.

"Go and distract Harry while I get Ben out of there" Jay whisperer into my ear. He kissed me on the cheek  and then I made my way over to Harry. Tapping him on the shoulder with my sword, Harry turned around smirking at me. 

"Miss me already love" He smiled if I wasn't so angry I so am sure I would have melted at the sight but I pushed that feeling aside. I swung my sword at him but he was able to stop it, the tension was there I could feel it and I hope he could feel it to. He was able to push me up against a wall. Smiling.

"Now did you miss me love" I squirmmed in his grip but I could feel something on my leg. I grinned.

"No but I think you did" This caught him off guard and was able to run after the group and made it to the limo. I went to go jump in the front with Jay but Lonnie beat me to it, I knew that there was heaps of room for me but I just felt like I shouldn't. Once we left the Isle the tension in the car was insane with Mal and Ben. I felt my shadow taking something off my head it was Harry hat. I smile to my self as I hold it in my hands, he had just got it back too how sad.

"We're here" I heard Jay say, wow how could it be that I kinda missed this place a bit. Getting we walk through Auradon to be stopped by Jane. Me, Jay, Carlos and Evie had quick talk. Soon Evie went over to Mal and started to walk away but Carlos stopped saying how we were sick of them sneaking around not telling us what is happening. Me and Jay disagree but stay anyway to know what is going. Evie and I go back to our dorms together. We went into her's then Dough busted in really upset. I couldn't help but giggled as Evie explained what really happened and that she wasn't seeing Happy's son. 

"I'll see you guys later"

"Wait it is cotillion tonight do you have a dress?" Evie asked. 

"Ummm well I am not going not my thing" I gave her a half hearted smile. One I don't like stuff like that but second I don't have a date nor a dress but I wasn't going to tell Evie that.

"Y/n I have known you to long to know that you are so lying to me" I smiled at her.

"Now which one don't you have the dress or the date" she stared at me for a couple of seconds then her face dropped.

"Oh my both, Dough you take these to the girls while I find something for Y/n to wear" well there goes not trying to tell her.

She looked through her closet to find something while I went into my room to take off my shoes and Harry's hat then went back to Evie's room.

"I found this but I think we need to add a bit of you in there." she came back from my room with some of my clothes and Harry's hat.

"Y/n why do still have this hat?" she had grin on her face, a knowing smile.

"We have 5 hours to get this done so lets do this"

-Time Skip-

Wow I never knew how good Evie was at dong this she was able to do my dress, both our hair and make up in 5 hours.

"Now Y/n lets put on our dresses shall we" I giggled a reply as she wriggled her eyebrows at me. I went into the bathroom and came out in 10 mins.

"So how do I look"

"Oh my lord you are so beautiful Y/n, wait there is something missing she looked around the room and her eyes lit up when she spotted Harry's hat. Putting it on my head she smiles.

"Even though he is the enemy your secret is safe we me don't stop liking him because we don't like him okay" I nodded. She moved her hands from my shoulders and then she gasped.

"Y/n is that a tattoo" my eyes widened crap. I mentally slapped myself. She turned me around to get a better look at it.

"It is so cool and it matches your outfit now come on lets go" grabbing my hand she pulled me out the door and we meet Dough at the front of the dorms and all went together to the cotillion.

(This is for the cotillion I know it does't look super but I did this really late at night)

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