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Harry Crow by robst
 Books » Harry Potter Rated: T, English, [Harry P., Hermione G.], Words: 737k+, Favs: 15k+, Follows: 12k+, Published: Jun 5, 2012 Updated: Jun 8, 2014
 25,651 Chapter 88: He's Back Too!
Harry Crow

Disclaimer - JKR owns Harry Potter, I'm just delighted she allows all of us to have some fun playing within the world she created. Since none of us are being paid for the hours we spent writing these stories, while reading, could you please remember that this really is written just for a bit of fun.

Chapter 88

There were a fair number of students who could now see the thestrals pulling the carriages to Hogwarts. Simply because they had attended the quidditch world cup final, they had found themselves sucked into the horror that followed. With so much death around, very few who had been in those woods that night had not witnessed at least one person die. The prefects and marauder trainers started work early, comforting those who were upset and ensuring everyone made it up to the castle. Since Padma was sticking to Parvati like glue tonight, Harry, Hermione, Draco, Pansy and the Weasley twins were on the last carriage heading up to the castle.

George wasn't going to let a little thing like having part of his ear bitten off get him down. The jokes were coming thick and fast but Harry and Hermione had the last laugh. The Slitheren couple and the Gryffindor twins froze as they entered the great hall, four pairs of eyes were now fixed on a certain individual sitting at the staff table. They were not by any means the only students staring in that direction, they were the ones Harry and Hermione were laughing at though. This saw the focus of their four friends switch to them, a smiling Harry answered their unasked questions.

"Yes, Fred and George, we will still have our potions lessons from Master Pitslay. No, Draco and Pansy, the wards were not altered to accommodate Professor Snape."

"But, how..."

"There's a very simple answer, Draco. You can't enter Hogwarts bearing a dark mark, therefore Professor Snape doesn't have one. No dark mark means he's not a death eater." The smirk on Hermione's face as she said that gave the game away, at least to the Slytherins.

"You knew, and didn't tell us!"

Harry was smiling to as they made their way into the hall and toward their tables. "Sorry Draco, your godfather wanted to surprise you."

Hermione couldn't help but channel her inner Padma. "I think he surprised a lot more people than his godson."

Such was the esteem Harry and Hermione were held inside Hogwarts, seeing them smiling and laughing about this instantly put the message out that Snape's return was not a problem.

The first years were led in, taking Hermione's thoughts back to her own sorting. She hoped tonight's passed off with a bit less drama than theirs had, they were all hoping for a quiet year.

The hat surprised everyone by singing this year's message, watching Sirius and Remus almost choking with laughter answered the question of where the ancient Hogwarts artefact had heard Johnny Cash songs. Hermione recognised the tune at once, 'I Walk the Line' being one of her father's favourite songs. A certain muggle studies professor would appear to have gotten the first prank of the year in, if you didn't count Professor Snape sitting at the staff table as a prank.

With his surname being Abercrombie, Euan was first to be sorted. He couldn't hide his delight at 'Hufflepuff' being shouted and shot off the stool to join a loudly cheering Natalie, forgetting to take the hat off his head.

Denis was every bit as pleased to be joining Colin in Gryffindor while Orla couldn't help but smile at the warm welcome she received when the hat shouted 'Ravenclaw'. She was quiet throughout the feast until Morag called out to her.

"Dinna fash yirsel, Orla, ye'r amongst mukkers noo. Ye'll find yer accent wull soon even oot, mines ainlie kicks in noo whin ah git pure crabbit."

All Morag's friends knew her accent was never as thick as that, they had barely understood one word in three there, but the smile of pure joy on Orla's face meant nothing would be getting said. The hat put Orla in Ravenclaw and they would be doing their best to help any Claw that needed it, irrespective of her being a Potter Scholar.

When Madam Longbottom stood to announce the Tri-wizard Tournament would be held in Hogwarts this year, she received a muted response. Even mentioning the other two schools who would be competing didn't generate any excitement, to most of the hall they were just a pair of names. Mentioning that quidditch would be cancelled this year certainly upped the ante, just not in the way the staff might have hoped. The no quidditch declaration created quite an uproar. When it quietened down, only one person was left standing.

Ron had of course read the papers and knew about the tournament that would be held in Hogwarts. Since this was going to be the year he made his play to join the quidditch team, he'd asked his father how the school was going to run both. Ron had known quidditch was going to be cancelled and had come prepared, this was his dream they were messing with and he was ready to fight for it. Between asking his father questions and even reading the relevant chapters in a few books, Ron had for once done his homework

"Madam Longbottom, I must protest that decision. There are students in this school hoping to make a career from quidditch, cancelling a year so only one person from Hogwarts can compete in this tournament is unfair on the rest of us. Between the Baron's Fayre and the World Cup Final, quidditch has never had such a high profile. Contacts have been made, contacts that will soon be forgotten about if there is no quidditch this year. The last game a lot of us watched ended up with some of us fighting for our lives. I love quidditch and don't want that to be our memory of the sport."

Even Ron's own siblings were looking at him and wondering where their real brother was, the rest of the school were too surprised to even comment. It was well known he was obsessed with the sport, that he'd just put forward a reasoned defence of why quidditch shouldn't be cancelled was the surprise.

Augusta was going to have to disappoint him though. "I'm sorry, Mr Weasley, we simply won't have the time to organise both."

Ron then turned to the last person the great hall expected him to go to for aid. "Harry, mate. You managed to organise an entire fayre - including two quidditch matches with professional teams. Could you help us out here?"

Harry was just about to say he wouldn't even know where to start when the decision was taken out of his hands.

Dolores had watched this brat challenge things she'd soon be arranging and wasn't best pleased. When the carrot then tried to involve the Crow cretin, she exploded. "Sit down, boy. There are things happening here that are a lot more important than some school quidditch games. The ministry are backing the Tri-wizard tournament, and it has absolutely nothing to do with Crow."

To be fair to Ron, he stood his ground. "Hogwarts has anatomy… atoynamy…the ministry has no say in Hogwarts business - it can't cancel quidditch. Harry, please…"

"Sit down when you're told, boy…" Delores was halted in her rant by another boy standing, this one was an entirely different matter.

Harry slowly stood, his new dragonhide robe emphasising not only his height but his broad shoulders too. With his long black hair, imposing green eyes, badges of rank on his shoulders and sword at his hip, Centurion Crow appeared every inch the Hogwarts Champion he was.

Even Dolores didn't interrupt him when he spoke, especially since he was staring straight at her. "Three years ago, this very night, Hogwarts appointed me her champion. I was asked many times what that meant, and I had to honestly answer that I hadn't a clue. I have since learned however, and I'll give all of you that answer now. Hogwarts isn't a castle, it isn't a particular headmaster or person, Hogwarts is an idea. An idea that witches and wizards of whatever background can come together to learn magic."

The hall was silent now, Even Hermione hadn't heard this from Harry before. "Hogwarts was sick of people abusing that idea for their own ends, be that certain groups or even individuals, trying to twist those ideals to prop up their own agenda. She made me her champion in the hope I could put a stop to that, I'm doing my best…"

This actually started a few people clapping, the applause soon becoming thunderous. Harry eventually had to hold his hand up for quiet, he had more to say. "This here is who I champion, the students of Hogwarts - one of whom was just given short shrift. People who know me will understand I'm not a fan of quidditch, nor could Ronald and I be considered friends. He stood though and made some very good points, points that should not see him being shouted down by someone who is merely a visitor in the castle. Hogwarts doesn't recognise Madam Umbridge as having any authority over the students inside this castle, she is here as a ministerial advisor to this tournament - nothing more."

Augusta was glaring daggers at Dolores and couldn't miss seeing Harry's barb hit home. Madam high and mighty Umbridge would simply hate being put in her place by Harry Crow.

"Madam Longbottom, I think the reactions shown here tonight indicate that the vast majority of the students want to continue with the quidditch matches. What would you need for that to happen?"

Again Dolores exploded. "I will not have some school quidditch matches overshadowing my tournament…"

Harry was on her before anyone else got the chance. "Your tournament? Well that certainly ends my interest in it. It can't be much of a tournament if Hufflepuff playing Ravenclaw overshadows it."

He once more turned his attention back to Augusta. "I'm assuming these two schools will bring more than one student with them? What if we invited them to put up quidditch teams too? We could have four house teams plus one from each school competing in a friendly tournament, I'm pretty sure I could convince Gringotts to come up with some prizes - if Hogwarts or the ministry didn't want that honour."

Watching Umbridge's complexion turn puce actually brought a smile to Augusta's face. "That sounds like a wonderful suggestion, Centurion, but it doesn't solve the problem of the staff being too busy to administer the thing."

"Ma'am, we have four quidditch captains who could organise the schedules, ensuring the dates didn't clash with any you wanted kept clear. We used professional referees at the fayre, that arrangement could stand again. The students on duty at the fayre did a wonderful job of directing the crowds where they needed to go, they too could easily do the same for these matches. It would also be easy to ensure they got the day off those duties when their house is playing. The prefects and marauder trainers could organise schedules for that as part of their duties. The fayre at Kingussie proved that when Hogwarts works together - anything is possible. We can do this, Madam Longbottom."

"Centurion, I want you to meet with the quidditch captains and sort a plan out. They will then present it to the staff at our meeting on Friday evening. This is not a yes, but it's not a no either."

That was good enough for Hogwarts, the cheering this time was everything a now livid Umbridge was hoping to hear for the Tri-wizard Tournament. She stormed back to her rooms, Dolores had a report to write. When little shits like that gained power, it was time to take some action to restore the natural balance back to where it should be.

Orla was sitting with her jaw hanging open. Luna was beside her so the new first year asked her blonde friend a question. "Is it aye lik' this at Hogwarts?"

Luna, resplendent in her new black dragonhide robes, could only smile at the awestruck little witch. "When any of our four are involved, I would have to say that would usually be a yes."

Orla's answer of 'Stoatin' may have confused Luna, her meaning was clear though from the wide smile she wore. It looked like they were in for another interesting year at Hogwarts.

Harry was talking with Roger, the reason why his friend wasn't appointed quidditch captain this year now clear. "I'm gonna need your help again, I still know nothing about quidditch - except Hermione looks good in a Harpies jersey. Then again, Hermione looks good in anything."

"Nice save there, Harry. I'll talk to the people involved, and see what we can come up with."

"Roger, could you include Ron in that? It was kinda his idea, and it took a lot of guts to get up and say what he did."

"Sure, Harry. Without him, there wouldn't be any quidditch this year. By the way, is that the same Umbridge who challenged you to a duel at the Ministry Ball a couple of years ago?"

"The very same, Roger. That was why I referred to her as a visitor. She will have some say in whoever enters the tournament, but none whatsoever in the day to day running of Hogwarts. I get the feeling Madam Longbotom and Professor McGonagall will soon be pointing that out to her."

They found themselves then being joined by Cedric. "Harry, they obviously knew there would be no quidditch this year. I'm the only quidditch captain currently in Hogwarts, since the other three all left at the summer and the Hogwarts staff didn't appoint new ones."

It was actually Hermione who offered up a simple solution, from a non-quidditch perspective. "Since this won't be an official Hogwarts Tournament, couldn't the players just get together and pick their own captain?"

Fred and George had arrived by that time and thought that was a great idea - except for one thing. Both of their girlfriends would be up for the job. People were dropping over to say goodnight before they headed off to their own houses. Harry was having a quick word with a happy Euan when Susan supplied the twins with a solution to their problem.

"Well, McGonagall set the precedent when she made the both of you prefects, why not have Angelina and Alicia as joint captains? Gryffindor are only looking to fill one position anyway."

"That's a great idea, Susan, thanks. We think that's what got Ron so riled up, he's hoping to try out for keeper this year."

The now excited students headed off to their dorms, very few of them were talking about the Tri-wizard Tournament. Eternal glory didn't really wash, since none of them had heard of the tournament before - far less the names of any previous winners. The thousand galleon prize had generated a fair degree of enthusiasm, until they discovered that only those of age could enter. Since that didn't apply to over eighty percent of the students, what was there left about this tournament to get excited about.


Parvati was excited to discover she had her own room, one that was placed between Padma and Hermione's. However, she was more excited about the welcome she had received in Ravenclaw. She had simply been accepted into their house without any fuss whatsoever.

"How are you settling in?"

"Oh Padma, it's great. A bit quieter than I'm used to…"

"Yeah, that's us Ravenclaws for you, quiet and reserved." This got both of them giggling, the number of scrapes a certain Ravenclaw trio got themselves into could hardly be classed as quiet or reserved.

"With our timetable being the same as last year, I was wondering if we could keep Tuesday evenings free, for just some Patil girl time?"

"That would be great, what about Hermione?"

"Oh, she's planning on using that to have some Harry time, the advantage of having a boyfriend who's in the same house as you." After a goodnight hug, it was time for bed. They had classes in the morning.


They started the year off with double transfiguration, Professor McGonagall telling them that this year would be the last that the current O.W.L. exam would be in operation. Their exam would be considerably different the following year. It would be seventy percent practical, but those practical levels would be nearer the current N.E.W.T. standard. They were working on what type of questions to ask for the written part and they would mainly consist of essays.

There were no groans from anyone in the class as they were given an essay to write as homework, this was easily their lightest subject for that particular activity. Professor McGonagall saying their essays would be sent away to the examination board to assist them with producing their final exam, and a marking system, put slightly more pressure on. They still spent most of the double period with their wands in their hands.

They were holding back at the end of the class, McGonagall wanting a quick word with Parvati, when Ron approached the group.

"Harry, I just wanted to say thanks for your support last night. Without it, I was gonna be on to a hiding. You're a decent bloke, Harry." Having said his piece, Ron left the four friends and Blaise rather stunned.

"Are we sure that's Ronald Weasley? What are the chances of that being someone else polyjuiced to fool us all."

Neville had to disagree with his betrothed. "Sorry love, he still snores exactly like Ron. You would need something better than polyjuice to pull that off."

Padma then asked the question she wanted to ask Neville, just not while Parvati was around. "How did Gryffindor react to Lavender?"

"For a Gryffindor to drop a fellow housemate into trouble, purely so they could protect themselves, is not behaviour becoming of Godric's house. She kept quiet while her father pushed all the blame onto Parvati, Lavender will now have to get used to that quiet. Very few in Gryffindor wanted anything to do with her, she certainly stayed well away from me, Colin and Ginny."

Blaise could understand that reaction, in Slytherin their treatment would probably be a lot worse. "Parvati said she enjoyed her first night in Ravenclaw, it's time for all of us to put this behind us. Lavender made her bed, let her lie in it."

At that, Parvati came out and Blaise offered his arm, the three couples made their way to lunch.

An excited Draco was waiting on them in the great hall, he had some news to share. "My godfather has offered to be staff sponsor for our marauders tonight. Sirius is gonna stick with the Crows while Remus wants to work with the new first year. Henrica has her hands full with Astrid and wanted to give the marauders a miss this year."

Padma just couldn't resist. "That's brilliant, Draco, you get to tell Fred and George though." Watching Draco's face fall had all of them laughing, that should be a good meeting tonight.

The four oldest trainers actually cornered Harry later for a quick word.

"We know you know more than you're saying..."

"We don't need to know what you know..."

"We just need to know Snape can be trusted..."

Harry was left with his usual feeling when faced with the twins, only this time it was slightly different. "You know guys, that whole twin-speak thing you do is a lot less effective now we can tell you apart."

It was Roger who attempted to get things back on course. "Seriously Harry, we just need to know if Snape has another agenda for volunteering. We've no intention of letting anyone spoil something we all consider to be one of the best things that's happened in Hogwarts for generations."

"If I'm reading this right, and I'm sure I am, it's simply a

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