Chapter 22 Stinchcombe visit

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Harry searched for Stinchcombe Manor House and finally saw an old fashioned house. He walked up to the door and knocked on the door. A man said "Yes what do you want?" Harry replied "Sir, my name is Harry Potter, I believe you are my ancestor." The man said "Wow it's an honour to meet you, please come inside I am Hadrian, I believe you are looking for my Dad." Harry couldn't believe that he was still alive. Harry went inside and looked around the place. It looked really old he saw a living room and inside there was an old man sitting on the sofa. Harry walked over and sat down on the sofa, he said "Good morning Sir, I am Harry Potter." The old man asked "Great to meet you I am Linfred Potter, who was your father?" Harry replied  "That would be James Potter, people call me the boy who lived." Linfred said "Wow you are my current grandson, you must be about five or six generations younger." Harry said "I believe it is six my dad was the fifth. I have the family tree to show you." Linfred looked at the long parchment and saw his name and his son's name and his future generations and asked "Why have you come to visit me?" Harry answered "Because you are the only living Potter and I believe we have something in common." Linfred was curious and asked "What do we have in common?" Harry replied bravely "I have the disability Autism sir." Linfred smiled and said "Wow finally a Potter with my gift, my good friend Nicolas didn't believe me." Harry asked "You don't mean Nicolas Flamel but isn't he dead?" Linfred said  "Yeah the one and only, yeah it was a shame he died, but life goes on I guess he didn't want my Philosopher's Stone to keep him alive a little bit longer." Harry's mouth went wide open and asked "There's two Philosopher Stone's but shouldn't wizards be hunting you down?" Linfred replied "Only true Gryffindor Potter's can find me or my home." Harry asked "Does every Potter from Gryffindor have a deer as an animagus?" Linfred answered "Yes I don't know why. Are you a deer?" Harry blushed and said "Yeah, I am a fawn that grows up to be a red deer stag." Hadrian couldn't believe his ears, he said "You are the Potter that gets red deer, that's odd, I wonder why you have the red stag." Harry was more curious and asked "What so important about a red stag?" Hadrian said "It's a family legacy that the red stag will get a doe pregnant and the doe had to stay in animagus form until the child is born." Harry blushed slightly and said "Oh great, I just hope my Potion's teacher doesn't go into heat or I am going to have an awkward conversation." Linfred asked "I guess your Potion's Professor is male?" Harry nodded. Hadrian couldn't believe it and said "Well your kid is going to be super special because learning animagus as a child is very rare." The time went fast and it was dinner time. Harry left the house and went to the middle of the town. His cousins were already there so he went in the car and asked "Did you have a good day?" Vernon replied "It went amazing, I love this city, I might need to to find a house later on."

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