Ministry Clean Out - Chapter 18

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So we have been at Hogwarts for a week now, Headmistress McGonagall has ensured everyone goes outside for at least an hour daily. We provided copies of books we picked up in America that had been banned here in Great Britain. Classes will be offered for those who wished to attend. Several classes like: Alchemy, Spell Creation, Warding, Cursebreaker, Healing, Politics and Wand Lore and Creation just to name a few.

Students will be allowed to visit Hogsmead in small groups a little at a time starting in about a month, this time provides residents of Hogsmead the time needed to return home from Hogwarts and settle back into their homes and businesses.

The Potter, Peverell and Black family elves have quite a few strong young elves that have already wented through training to help were they are needed, whether it's at Hogwarts, Hogsmead or else where. Small groups of House elves and several people from Harriets group have started making trips to multiple Magical suppliers to check for survivors, food, clothing, school supplies, everyday supplies, animal feed, etcetera. The majority of the groups have come back with supplies and good news of survivors but not all have good news. Several locations were completely empty of people, however, the supplies remained in stasis and no walkers were found, even if no survivors were found it was still some good news.

Areas that had walkers were cleared out and wards were activated and added on to. While survivors were looked for only some were found. Those survivors found were asked if they wanted to come back to Hogwarts but everyone had refused not wanting the leave their family property or business, so we assisted them in what ever way we could and setup a way to contact Hogwarts if they needed help, even offered an elf for assistance. Some accepted an elf while others didn't. After all the suppliers were reached out to, all groups returned to Hogwarts.

Upon returning to Hogwarts everyone learned Albus Dumbledore had passed in his sleep, a funeral was given in a far back plot of Hogwarts that had been turned into a graveyard since the outbreak had began.

We started talking about visiting both the Ministry and St Mungos soon to determine their status. We decided to visit St Mungos first thing in the morning. Come morning after breakfast we flooed into St Mungos ready for anything. We weren't expecting what we found, everything was still running normally as far as we could tell.

Harriet asked for the person in charge and we waited, the head healer told us that they lost a lot of people during the outbreak. Once someone had died they were immediately sent to be cremated to prevent an out break in the hospital. They learned their lesson the hard way, after the first couple cases. Neville asked about his parents to find them still alive, thankfully.

We gave them books on healing from America in hopes they maybe of use. One nurse saw one of the titles and started yelling about them being illegal here. I (Harriet) turned to her and said, "Over 95 percent of the World's population has been turned into walkers, I couldn't care less about what was once illegal if it helps us survive NOW! If you don't want to use these methods asks someone else who does, we are trying to save as many lives as possible. Plus we don't know the status of the Ministry yet and will more than likely have to start over. I do know Hogsmead and all the Alleys are safe because we cleared them out already. Hogwarts was turned into a safe zone for Hogsmead when it became infected.

Neville go see your parents, we will move them to Peverell Castle for further treatment. We have a couple of healers that have been studying those books for awhile now. Do you want the books, if not I'll take them back, they maybe just copies but Hogwarts is going to start Healer classes, I'll give these copies to Headmistress McGonagall for use. Oh, just to let you know both Voldomort and Dumbledore have passed on. Well I killed Voldomort but Dumbledore passed in his sleep recently." They took the copies, needless to say. We got a list of items they needed, so we can possibly help. We left after an hour, but not before moving the Longbottoms to Peverell Castle for more advanced treatment.

We went the following day to the Ministry to find it in utter chaos, it seems they have been allowing travel to the Ministry instead of only using owls. So we started clearing walkers and setting up rooms for screenings, separating out those who are not infected. It took three hours to do the top five floors. To our greatest horror Madame Delores Umbridge is still alive, somehow! She of course started yelling attracting walkers and alot of them. We started fighting walkers and I (Harriet) used a silence spell on Umbridge because good grief does she need to shut up already. Once the walkers are gone, we made sure all entrances are blocked before removing the spell I placed on her.

Boy am I glad we blocked those entrances because she started yelling again, so I yelled back, "WILL YOU SHUT IT ALREADY, YOU ARE CAUSING MORE ATTACKS. Good grief you are annoying and why are you yelling anyway? You attract walkers with your yelling, as if you didn't notice already!" I wait for a response and then continue, "We came to help clear the walkers from the Ministry but if you don't want our help we will gladly leave, there are other areas needing our assistance." Umbridge starts screaming at me again, I put my hand up and tell her, "If you are going to yell and scream at me, we'll leave, I don't have the time nor patience for your ignorance today. I'll warn everyone to stay clear of the Ministry and let you deal with the walkers yourself. So what will it be?" She stares at me and justs nods with a heavy sigh. We opened up only one elevator and went back to work, it took another four hours to completely clear out the Ministry. We shut down all entrances from the street and made only two floo networks available. I told everyone if they leave that the Alleys have been cleared and some businesses have reopened but don't go home unless your absolutely 100% sure it's clear.

What nobody realized is Harriet added precautionary measures to all Magical areas. If you have been bitten, scratched or infected by a walker in anyway, you will be bared entrance into the Ministry, St Mungos, The Leaky Cauldron, Hogsmead and Hogwarts for everyones safety. It doesn't matter the mode of transportation you try using either.


The next day, we decided to go check on the Royal Family. We clear out all the walkers we find as we approach the castle gate which we find it broken down. We continue clearing out any walkers we come across. We check floor by floor, clearing out walkers as we go and take pictures of dead walkers or the dead bodies so we can inform the Royal Family, so they don't have to try searching for individuals. Some of the group go repair the gate while the rest of us search for the Royal Family. I (Harriet) know the Royal Family is here in the castle, I can feel them but haven't found their location yet, so I stand in the middle of the throne room to think.

I get notified that Hermione Granger has been roaming the castle taking items of value, but the problem with that is they are worthless now just fancy decorations that can be used to tell our history prior to civilizations downfall caused by the walker pandemic. However they do belong to the Royal Family and that is punishable by whatever the Queen deems fitting, that is if I can find her! I sit in her throne to see if there is a switch of any kind or something but didn't find anything, so I slide to the floor infront of the throne cause well I'm not the Queen (Duh, haha). While sitting in front of the throne I must have fallen asleep, cause not long after I was startled awake by the Queens Guard and a couple of walkers. We kill the walkers and remove their bodies from the throne room.

My group have all returned to the throne room along with an angry and struggling Miss Granger, who is surrounded by the Queens Guard awaiting the Queens arrival. While waiting for the Queen, I snatch Miss Grangers bag and hand it to the Guard. The Queen walks in with the rest of her family, we all bow/curtsy except Granger, who it seems has lost what little mind she had left. The Guards are mad and force Granger to her knees. The Queen walks to Miss Granger and is about to slap her but I (Harriet) say while I curtsy, "Your Majesty please don't sully your hands on someone of noclass, please allow me to punish her for you." The Queen looks at me says, "Rise, whom might you be?" I reply, "I'm Lady Harriet Lillian Potter, Peverell, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Emrys, Pendragon, Hogwarts, Gaunt and Evanson, your Majesty. (With a curtsy) I'm sorry for interrupting your punishment your Majesty but I didn't want you to hurt your hand on such a think headed child. Miss Granger was raised as a British citizen and I'm quite sure her parents would be absolutely ashamed and appalled by her actions. She believes she is smarter than most and everything written in books are completely true, no argument."

The Queen laughs at my statement saying, "I knew people like her in my youth, thinking because you have read a book your smarter than everyone else. Miss Granger, I see you decided to help yourself to the Crown's property as well. Such a pity to be so book smart yet so dumb as how the world truly works. I wonder have you read any books on survival or strategy of any kind?" I (Harriet) comment, "Our school library doesn't have many books of that type. I once had a friend named Ronald, who was an excellent chess player, beat me every time but was abysmal to lifes every day lessons. He hated doing school work, he tried distracting me with chess or sports instead. I let him but still found time to do my school work. Miss Granger was infamous for taking whatever book I was reading so she could read it first to also distract me. Miss Granger and Ronald didn't like that I scored better than them. They believed everything came natural to me and I never worked for my grades but they were wrong. I hid my work from them to avoid it being destroyed. I changed book covers after the first few times of Miss Granger taking my books, changed them to something they both hated. I also replaced my school trunk after second year only using it for storage, it was funny watching them continuously try and steal my belongings, to only find my old school books and the rags that my supposed relatives considered as clothes. I mean did you both never wonder where my clothes were or my current school books that I wasn't using that day, seriously and you call yourself the smartest student of our year but if you looked at the overall scores for the year you would have noticed I was ranked number one not you."

The Queen stated, "Oh you must be speaking about Hogwarts, such an interesting school, I remember Headmaster Dippet fondly. Do they not teach Mundane classes anymore, such a shame?" I (Harriet) just start laughing hysterically, once I compose myself I say, "I apologize your Majesty it was the look on everyone's faces, I couldn't contain my laughter. I mean she is the Queen what made you think she didn't know what was going on. Our Ministry was required to report any issues, which I'm sure they haven't been doing for many years."

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