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Chapter 16


As time went by, Jiarujiazi began to chat boredly with his mount, the cursed spirit.

"Have you not been able to sense where your master is?"

When he was first separated from his peers, the family leader was still full of vigilance, holding the magic tool tightly and guarding the surroundings.

After all, she is a powerful spell spirit with quasi-super-level strength. She is a pure healer and has no offensive means. In the past, she was mostly protected by two powerful contemporaries when she went out on missions. If the curse spirit really targeted her, there was nothing she could do except try to delay the time until her classmates came to rescue her.

Fortunately, she still has a helper - the mount Curse Spirit given to her by Xia Youjie.

Although sometimes I feel that Xia Youjie is a little too protective of her (protective treatment engraved into DNA), but only in critical moments can I discover his foresight. At least with the help of the magic spirit, she can be more convenient Delay time to save your life.

However, no curse spirit has appeared to attack. It seems that the family is fighting wits and courage with the air, which is a waste of emotions.

Ieru Glass had reasonable suspicion that the cursed spirit had been lured away because her two contemporaries were too arrogant and had forgotten about her.

After all, we are in the realm of cursed spirits. Although we don’t have to completely relax our vigilance, there is nothing else to do for the homely glass owner who has nothing to do but have some fun by herself and chat with her mount, the cursed spirit, who is dedicated and dedicated to protecting her. Time has its way.


The cursed spirit, which looked somewhat similar to a creature like an alpaca, was a bit harsh on the eyes, but a bit ugly after looking at it for a long time.

Kairi Nijia couldn't understand the words of the curse spirit, but she had a tacit understanding with the alpaca that Xia Youjie often released as her mount, so at least she could understand that it was telling her that she hadn't noticed.

"Sigh... I hope they can solve it soon."

Jiajiazi patted the alpaca's head and sighed.

The other side is not as peaceful as home.

"Boom - boom!"

A dazzling blue light exploded all around, and the damp, moss-covered walls and ceiling shattered to the ground, then slowly recovered.

With an unhappy and irritable look on his face, Gojo Satoru transformed into a demolition office, leaving a mess behind him. He demolished everything wherever he went, trying to carve out a prosperous road.

Except for a few slaves created by the curse spirit when he was brought here, he had never seen any moving creatures. The unfinished birth field of the curse spirit has many flaws in his six eyes. As long as he attacks with enough power in an instant, he can destroy this half-finished field from the inside.

But the problem is that the maximum output of his reversal technique cannot reach the level that can destroy the cursed spirit field. During this period, he can regenerate no matter how much he destroys the field in the field. This makes Gojo Satoru, who has not yet mastered the reversal technique, Very annoyed.

This was the first time Gojo Satoru encountered such a situation.

Facing an enemy with a field that expands—a half-finished product is barely considered. In addition to fighting the opponent's field, there are also ways to break the field from the inside and kill the owner of the field directly.

It’s not like Gojo Satoru has never faced a quasi-special-level or even special-level cursed spirit before. Although the Gojo family wanted to put him on the altar to worship him, they never neglected Gojo Satoru’s growth and strength. He once accompanied the family magician I have eliminated the super-level curse spirit!

Even if the cursed spirit expands its territory, it will not leave him aside like now. Even if he wants to exorcise him, he will not be able to find where the cursed spirit is!

Damn, hate, hate, hate! ! ! !

If you don't come to him, you must go to Jie! How dare you underestimate him Gojo Satoru! !

If a curse spirit bumps into him now, Gojo Satoru, who has an anger level of max, will definitely enthusiastically give the opponent an "Eighteen Ways to Die Gift Pack".

Just when Gojo Satoru was using spells to carry out demolition in order to vent his anger, he suddenly noticed changes in the spell power around him.

The curse power belonging to the curse spirit suddenly stagnated!

Gojo Satoru's heart moved, but the spell in his hand had already been released, and then directly and vigorously swallowed the wall attached to the lifeless field in front.



The cement and bricks were blown to pieces and splashed everywhere, and then a familiar female voice came from the opposite side!

"...Ahem, do you want to kill me, Gojo?"


Gojo Satoru was surprised and jumped along the hole in the wall. Ieiri Shoko, who was riding on the alpaca, kept fanning him with his hands. Dust, when he saw him coming over, he rolled his eyes at him, "If it weren't for Xiayou's curse spirit being alert just now, we both wouldn't have died in the hands of the curse spirit, and we would have almost died in your hands."

Gojo Satoru pressed his head angrily, "I'm not It was intentional, who made this field suddenly disappear..."

"Let's go find Jie, he must have taken care of the cursed spirit! Damn it, Jie got the better of him this time, I will be faster than Jiaru next time

! Glass glanced at him lightly, showing no interest in the boring competition between male high school students. He just patted the alpaca and said, "Let's go, take us to find your master."


The alpaca raised its head and shouted. , the long tail flicked, and then ran in one direction and spread its legs.

Of course Gojo Satoru refused to leave behind. He set off before the alpaca and arrived at Xia Youjie's side faster than the alpaca.

"Jie! We're here!"

"Well, you're here just in time, Wu."


As soon as he came over, he saw Xia Youjie holding a woman's back and waist with his magical hands, killing her. Gojo Satoru, who was pressed against the wall, opened his eyes slightly, and even pulled his sunglasses down. His beautiful big eyes looked at this scene in disbelief.

"I didn't expect Wang that you still have this kind of hobby, tsk tsk tsk... the world is going downhill..."

Jiang Wang, who temporarily took control of his body because Xia Youjie's control was not as strong as his, "...don't do this..." It’s time to be clever, and it’s time for you to revise your Chinese language! Your idioms are terrible!”

“That’s not the point, is it?” Gojo Satoru walked over with a tilt of his head.

He glanced at the people lying scattered on the floor next to him, and then focused his attention on Jiang Wang.

There is an extremely subtle difference between Jiang Wang's spell power and Xia Youjie's. Even Tianyuan's barrier cannot tell the difference, and not even Gojo Satoru can detect it when he is not fighting.

Jiang Wang rarely came out to fight. Usually when he came out to get some air, he was either playing games, or when Xia Youjie had eaten something delicious and wanted him to try it too, or when he was giving Xia You outstanding exam questions.

It was also by chance that Gojo Satoru discovered that Jiang Wang wanted to stretch his muscles on a whim, so Xia Youjie gave his body to him. Only then did Gojo Satoru have the opportunity to discover the subtle differences between Jiang Wang's spell power and Xia Youjie's. .

Jiang Wang and Xia Youjie are of the same body, and there should not be any abnormality in the spell power of both parties. However, the reality goes against common sense. After Gojo Satoru's exploration, he found that Jiang Wang's spell power is stronger.

To put it simply, with the same spell output, Jiang Wang's damage is higher.

In addition, the enchantment of the cursed spirit by the cursed spirit manipulation technique is also dominated by Jiang Wang's cursed power. That is to say, the reason why the cursed spirit absorbed by Xia Youjie becomes stronger is Jiang Wang. In addition to causing greater damage to the cursed spirit, his cursed power The damage can also make the curse spirit stronger.

How to use it should all depend on Jiang Wang's own intention, but neither Jiang Wang nor Xia Youjie seemed to notice this...

"Wang, why don't you solve it?"

After looking at Jiang Wang, Gojo Satoru finally noticed the existence of the curse spirit, and then he condescendingly gave Kimura Kaoru, who was struggling desperately under Jiang Wang, a look.

"It's hard to solve. The problem now is how to separate the curse spirit from this lady. Wu, do you have any idea?" Jiang Wang was helpless. If he had a way, he wouldn't be in a stalemate with the curse spirit here.

"I -" "

What are you doing?" The arrival of Ieiri Glass interrupted what Gojo Satoru was about to say.

Ieiri Glass, who was riding on the back of an alpaca, looked around and then stared condescendingly at his two contemporaries, as if he were looking at scum.

Jiang Wang realized that his current posture could easily be misunderstood, and couldn't help but said hurriedly, "Glass, don't misunderstand me! It's not what you think!"

Gojo Satoru didn't get the idea at all, and he said carelessly, "There's nothing to misunderstand." , Glass is different

from a woman.” Ieru Glass glanced at Gojo Satoru indifferently, and decided to release Gojo Satoru three times in the next mission to let him take care of himself. Experience what it means not to offend treatment!

Jiang Wang was a little speechless, "Shut up, Wu, don't cause trouble."

He explained to the family member, "The curse spirit is attached to this lady. Now Wu and I are trying to figure out how to separate them. Glass, please go first." Look at the condition of the unconscious people on the ground. I didn't have time to check on their condition after I controlled the curse spirit."

Ieruji nodded, then jumped off the alpaca neatly and walked to the side of the unconscious people to start working.

The alpaca walked to Jiang Wang's side. The ugly and terrifying curse spirit crouched on the ground and rubbed its head docilely against Jiang Wang's calf. Its dark eyes also showed a look of intimacy, and its final figure It dissipated and turned into magic power and returned to Jiang Wang's body.

Gojo Satoru, who saw the cursed spirit actively returning for the first time, once again became more enlightened. He burst out laughing with interest, "Look, did the cursed spirit just think of you as a mother?!"

"So you and Jay have a boyfriend. I can't see my mother's potential at all! Hahahaha..."

Wu Jiaowu laughed arrogantly, causing veins to appear on Jiang Wang's forehead. After enduring for a while, Jiang Wang couldn't bear to see this guy shut up, and he couldn't bear it and raised a hand. Punch him on the head!

"Hey! Wang, why did you hit me?!" Gojo Satoru's laughter stopped suddenly and he asked Jiang Wang confidently.

Xia Youjie controlled and punched Gojo Satoru again, "You're the one I'm going to hit!"


Gojo Satoru yelled, "Here he comes again?! Don't blame me for being rude!"

He said and was about to pounce on him. Jiang Wang and Xia Youjie looked at each other, but Jiang Wang quickly stopped them.

"Wait a minute! Let's take a look at the current situation first, Satoru!"

"Do you have any idea about what I just said?"

Gojo Satoru gave up for the time being. He pondered for a while and seemed more reliable and serious.

"There have been no cases of separation in the past. Usually, the possessed person and the cursed spirit were executed directly together." Gojo Satoru's voice was as usual, but it sounded a bit cold.

"What?" Jiang Wang and Xia Youjie were both surprised.

"Because even if great efforts are made to separate people from the cursed spirit, those who have been possessed by the cursed spirit will not survive long, so it is a waste of effort."

"And in a situation like this, even if the cursed spirit wants to be exorcised, they will not take the initiative . There is only one reason for being separated from others." Wu Jiao Satoru didn't give in. "The human body turned into a container for the cursed spirit."

Jiang Wang couldn't help but frowned. "So that's the reason?"

"That's right!" Satoru gave him a thumbs up, "Killing the container is equivalent to solving the cursed spirit. This is much simpler than exorcising the cursed spirit alone."

"That's why I said that examples like this are direct executions. This is This is the usual style in the magic world.”

Chapter 17


The more he learned about the world of magic, the more disappointed Jiang Wang became.

The uninterrupted inheritance that has continued for thousands of years sounds nice, but in fact, the magicians living today still abide by the rules set by the ancients, their minds are numb and do not know how to adapt, and they do not think about adapting to the changes of the times.

Even, resisting the arrival of all new things, stubbornly clinging to the so-called "ancient precepts".

Gojo Satoru was keenly aware of Jiang Wang's emotional changes. He glanced at Jiang Wang secretly and changed the topic, "Do you want to save her, Wang?"

"...Of course." Jiang Wang increased the control on his hands and said softly. said.

Gojo Satoru didn't think too much. Jiang Wang said so and he gave Jiang Wang an idea. "Since Wang wants to save her, there is nothing we can do."

"Tell me about it, Satoru."

"This person's body and the curse spirit have been fused. Once they are together, that is to say, the container has been completely "incarnated", and she is the curse spirit itself, and it is impossible to separate it from the outside. But if this person's consciousness can be awakened, then there is still some hope for the Gojo family to come forward for her. If you are under bond supervision, you can survive, but you may be trapped in one place for the rest of your life and never want to get out."

Then Gojo Satoru said frankly, "But don't hold out too much hope, if she does. His consciousness can overcome the curse spirit and his body will not be snatched away. "


Jiang Wang was silent for a moment and thanked Gojo Satoru. "Thank you, Wujo."

Gojo Satoru shook his head nonchalantly and patted his chest. "Why are you being polite to me? If you need help, just ask!"

"No need for now." After Jiang Wang said, Xia Youjie's eyes instantly turned as dark as ink.

His spell power also surged in an instant, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, and the biting coldness spread like a tide with Xia Youjie as the center!

The hair on Kairi Nishi's hair suddenly stood up. The inexplicable sense of crisis made her instinctively protect her whole body with magic power. At the same time, she subconsciously looked up at her two male classmates, "Gojo Natsume——"


The moment he caught his eye, Jiajiajia's pupils suddenly tightened!

Because she saw that Xia Youjie, one of her contemporaries, was covered in a black curse that was as if it were real, and his whole body was immersed in the black curse. Moreover, in her perception, the other person's aura at this moment was even more evil and creepy than the curse spirits she had seen before!

"What's going on?!"

It was difficult for the always calm Iaru Glass to stay calm at this time. She couldn't understand that her good life suddenly turned into a cursed spirit.

As for the person she was questioning, one was gathering his strength and could not be distracted, while the other was completely distracted by Jiang Wang's changes and did not even bother to answer her.

Gojo Satoru directly took off his sunglasses, which had become very obstructive at this time. His blue eyes were astonishingly bright. He stared intently at Jiang Wang's changes, and his brain was running at full speed!

He tried to analyze Jiang Wang's current situation. There were many red bloodshot eyes in his excited eyes, and his expression was a bit crazy.

Jiang Wang's current form is more similar to a cursed spirit, but he is by no means a cursed spirit. His transformation happened almost instantaneously. It was incredibly smooth and without any warning. At least Gojo Satoru didn't notice it.

"Jie, I'm going to try to use magic to extract the curse spirit directly from her body." Xia Youjie in his body heard Jiang Wang's words.

The spell manipulation technique has a very powerful control over the spell spirits whose master has lower strength. Xia Youjie is now a first-level spell master, so when he subdues the spell spirits below the first level, he does not need to defeat them first and then use the spell. Instead of subduing it, you can directly use spells to transform it into a cursed jade.

But this only works for curse spirits that are weaker than Xia Youjie. But now the object that Jiang Wang wants to conquer is only a special-level curse spirit. He is worried about the living people that the other party will parasitize. Xia Youjie does not dare to kill the curse spirit first like before. He was half dead, and was probably counterattacked by the curse spirit that still had the power to resist during the process of subjugation.

"Okay." Xia Youjie supported Jiang Wang without hesitation.

He and Jiang Wang are one, and Jiang Wang's thoughts are his thoughts, not to mention that Jiang Wang needs his support now.

Even if they are injured, the two of them will bear it together, share weal and woe, and hit the wall together!


Jiang Wang didn't say anything. He just kept silent and with the majestic momentum he had accumulated, he reached out and strangled Kimura Kaoru's neck.

Jiang Wang is the curse spirit technique itself. If Xia Youjie's current strength cannot make the curse spirit surrender, then let him do it.

According to the classification of the strength of curses in this world, then, as the chief culprit who destroyed a world, and burdened with the curse of the world he destroyed before its demise, Jiang Wang should be regarded as the worst curse in the world.

There was no trace of light in the dark pupils of the black-haired boy, and his skin was so pale that it was almost transparent. The curse spirit wanted to resist but was suddenly hit by a chill. The curse spirit, which was not very intelligent, felt a great threat from the other party - —As

if anyone who dares to resist will be instantly destroyed!

That is the instinct that can only tremble and kneel at the opponent's feet to worship, and it is also the most primitive fear - never resist him! !

So, when Jiang Wang used the spell, he successfully extracted the curse spirit from Kimura Kaoru's body without any resistance. He looked at the curse spirit jade in his hand with some disbelief and asked Xia Youjie, "Jie, what are you doing?" "Did you become stronger?"

Xia Youjie was also confused, "I don't know?"

"Then why didn't this curse spirit resist me?" It can even be said that he was very obedient.

Jiang Wang stared at the Curse Spirit Jade with a complicated

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