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Chapter 110

Neon The decisions made by the country’s top leaders are so bizarre that one wonders whether these elderly guys are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

The most typical example is that Jiang Wang's port mafia has already reached the door of the government. The ace in the hands of the government and the military and the most powerful force is Sakura Fukuchi, the captain of the special forces named "Hound". Crazy, he was called back from the battlefield abroad.

Prior to this, Sakurachi Fukuchi, Japan's strongest superpower, had been active on foreign battlefields, with a very impressive record: he participated in the battle to annihilate 100,000 "werewolf" superpower experimental subjects in the Republic of Genia. Prevent the African Amir regime from massacre of refugees, engage in a fifteen-day, sleepless duel with the American immortal superpower "WASP", and prevent the outbreak of vampire infection in Northern Europe (note).

As a trump card played by the government, his deeds have been made into movies three times by the government. He has a famous name like "Hero of the Far East" and is very famous in China.

Well, it’s limited to Neon’s domestic fame.

In Yokohama, adjacent to Tokyo, the political center of Neon, the Port Mafia, a large unofficial organization with supernatural powers, is home to hundreds of people with supernatural powers who are not under the official jurisdiction. It is indeed a very unstable factor, and the official needs it. While the reliable combat power was monitoring and alerting, he just sent his trump card abroad to gain reputation...

The trick in this was obvious to those familiar with it. Fukuchi Sakura was obsessed with the "Hero of the Far East".

Moreover, even Fudi Yingchi's reputation in Neon Country is very vain.

After all, he is the only one with special powers who has appeared in the public eye. The other superpowers are either living under the official's nose, or they don't care about these false names at all.

Closer to home, as the official forces are retreating at the hands of the Port Mafia, the people of the Port Mafia are about to break through the last line of defense, rush into the highest central hub of the country, and gather senior officials inside to discuss how to deal with the Port Mafia. At the critical moment when all the dignitaries were captured, a dark red figure descended from the sky like a ghost, riding like a thousand, blocking the way of the heavily armed elite of the Port Mafia!

The man's dark red cloak, the same color as the uniform he wore, moved automatically without wind, and exploded violently. One hand was pressing the hat, and the other hand was on the saber at the waist. The face under the brim was cold and solemn, and the whole body was full of aura, as if a head was preparing for power. The ferocious beast was ready to attack, and he could ride it as fast as a thousand, shocking everyone for a moment.

The leader of the Port Mafia recognized his identity, immediately became alert, and immediately called out his name to alert his companions.

"Be careful, he is Fudi Yingchi!"

"Yes, it is me!"

Fudi Yingchi's hand on the hat fell, and he gently stroked his beard, and his sharp eyes scanned the group of armed heads opposite. The mafiosi, who had all the high-tech and sophisticated equipment that he had coveted for a long time, couldn't help but scold the stingy officials in the military budget first, and then said to the mafia: "I'm just a I haven't been back for a few months. I didn't expect that the country has changed so much. "

"You are so useless, you were beaten at the door of your house like this!" He said this to his own people who were knocked to the ground.

Although the people on the ground are still alive, they have lost their fighting power and have no strength to even refute.

No one responded to Fudi Yingchi, and he didn't feel embarrassed. He looked at the group of people in front of him, touched his beard and said: "But it's not surprising. I also find it a bit tricky to deal with you."

After hearing his words, The team leader did not dare to relax at all.

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

The official propaganda is that Fudi Yingchi is very powerful. Everyone knows that he is very strong. No one knows exactly how strong he is, but it is inevitable that he will compare himself with the strong ones on his side.

When it comes to the most powerful person in the Port Mafia, it is undoubtedly Gojo Satoru. Almost all the members of the supernatural department were pressed to the ground and rubbed by Gojo Satoru. If he was an enemy, his overwhelming power would be despairing.

Even if they all go together and cooperate well enough not to hold each other back, it will only delay the defeat a little bit...

The leader stared at Fukuchi Sakura and gritted his teeth, his heart hardened, the order given by the leader will never allow failure, even if I risk my life -


Suddenly, the team leader heard an explosion of gold and iron colliding in his ears. His pupils tightened for a moment, and then he hastily reacted. It was Ying Chi Fukuchi who made an unexpected move. He launched an attack and pulled out the famous supernatural weapon on his waist - the magic sword "Ame Gozen"!

Enhanced by Fukuchi Sakurachi's special ability "Mirror Lion", the sharp tachi blade that could teleport him to other directions was placed next to his ear, almost splitting his head open!

The leader of the surviving team quickly looked around and saw that the person who blocked the fatal blow for him was actually two slender white fingers.


Fudi Yingchi let out a light sigh. He was not surprised that the sudden decapitation strike failed. He had known for a long time that someone would stop him, but...

Fudi Yingchi narrowed his eyes and stared. The white-haired man who suddenly appeared next to the leader and easily intercepted him with just two fingers could not help but murmur secretly in his heart.

This was the first time he saw Gojo Satoru with his own eyes. His iconic white hair and blue eyes, and his mysterious and powerful strength made him immediately match it up with the information in the intelligence.

He is worthy of being the person with the greatest threat determined by the Special Agents Division.

Fudi Yingchi turned her wrist, intending to take back Yugozen. Unexpectedly, a huge force came from the other end and firmly held Yugozen.

It's Gojo Satoru!

I saw a relaxed smile on Gojo Satoru's face, and his voice sounded brisk and without any killing intent: "Now that you are here, don't leave."

The teleportation between the user and the target is actually omitted. Distance is not a real space teleportation. Gojo Satoru grabbed the blade of Amagozen, and Fukuchi Sakura wanted to take the knife back. If he didn't get close, he could only win in the wrestling between the two sides.

But -

Fudi Yingchi's heart tightened: What kind of strange power is this? !

After successful superpower transformation, his terrifying physical quality has increased several times, and it is already in the inhuman realm, but he actually loses in a simple competition of strength?

Then he completely faced this opponent in his heart. He was definitely an unprecedentedly powerful enemy!


, the headquarters of the Port Mafia.

There is no difference from the past several major operations. Jiang Wang is still sitting at the headquarters to calm people's hearts.

Everyone under him was performing their duties and working diligently. Jiang Wang, who was sitting in the leader's office, was rarely busy. He was just sitting in an office that was dark because the floor-to-ceiling windows were closed and the lights were not turned on. , sitting quietly alone.

The more critical the moment, the less we can let our guard down.

The core brain that is essential for the operation of this huge machine of the Port Mafia naturally cannot lack guards. Therefore, as soon as the attacker broke the window and entered, she was pressed to the ground by the terrible gravity of the oncoming force.


After the dull sound of human bodies colliding, the uniformed woman with beautiful pink hair was bleeding from all her orifices. She had no power to fight back and could only fall to the ground in a state of embarrassment.

Da, da, da...

The gentle sound of leather shoes hitting the ground came from far to near. Finally, the shoes came in front of her. The sunlight shining in from the gap in the window she broke behind her made her feel the owner of those shoes. When he turned over with a kick, she saw the rough outline of the opponent in her blurry vision.

blond hair……

Why does this face look familiar...


Wei——! !


After a muffled sound, the woman on the ground lost consciousness.

Verlaine raised his hand and used gravity to restore the broken window glass fragments one by one. Unfortunately, some fragments were scattered outside, and the window was incompletely repaired and was full of pits.

He looked at the incomplete window with some melancholy, and couldn't help but glance down at the hound deputy captain Okura Yoko on the ground. Finally, he endured the murderous intention in his heart, controlled gravity and pulled the curtain over, out of sight. To be pure.

Chapter 111

The reason why Okura Yoshiko and Fukuchi Sakura Chibing split up in two groups was originally to take advantage of the port mafia's elite raid on Tokyo when all the elites were out and the base camp guards were empty to sneak in, capture the thieves first and capture the king first, and capture the port mafia in one fell swoop. The idea of ​​the party leader.

Before departure, Sakurachi Fukuchi had already calculated based on the intelligence coming from Neon's country that the ace superpower of the Port Mafia, Gojo Satoru, would definitely be sent out to act with the main team.

Yokohama is run like an iron barrel by Jiang Wang. It is difficult for the official intelligence system to penetrate into it. It is difficult to get any useful information even if you barely sneak in. You can't even figure out the number of enemy superpowers. This makes Fukuchi Sakura crazy. While angrily cursing waste, he could only make the decision to take a gamble.

Okura Yoshiko's execution of this plan was very risky. For example, she did not expect the appearance of Verlaine, and even without Verlaine, there was a team of superpowers secretly hiding to protect Jiang Wang - the cautious Jiang Wang never trusted anyone. What's more, it is not impossible for the opponent to counterattack when he is desperate.

As the head of an organization, his safety must be given top priority so that the people below can move forward without any worries.

Okura Yeko was taken away, and the mess in front of the window was quickly cleaned up. Verlaine, who returned to the sofa, looked at Jiang Wang, who had not moved behind the desk, and then turned his attention to the air in front of him. In a quiet daze.

There will be no surprises in the results of this operation, it can be said to be stable and stable.

Because the official trump card in Neon's hand is the Fudi Ying Chi, and they have spent countless resources on him and failed to produce a transcendent. This is doomed to win for Jiang Wang, who does not want to waste time and directly seizes power by force.

Verlaine, whose identity was cleared by Rimbaud, is now a free man. Jiang Wang has not invited him to join the port mafia so far, just like Jiang Wang has never asked Nakahara Chuuya and Osamu Dazai to join the port mafia in the future.

Jiang Wang has decided to let go of the two of them. He is only responsible for protecting them from wind and rain before they grow up, so that the young seedlings can get enough nutrients to grow up safely. When they really grow up, they should face the wind and rain on their own. No matter whether the decision they make is good or bad, it is their own business.

Verlaine, who was silent, rarely thought about his future life. Rimbaud brought back all his remaining savings in France, which was an astronomical amount of money for ordinary people. But if we had to support him and his younger brother in the future, it would not be enough, no, it would not be enough for Verlaine, a man who had no concept of money and was always spending money lavishly.

Verlaine, who is studying hard and integrating into ordinary human life, has no resistance to the rhetoric of merchants in order to sell goods. He already understands how important the college entrance examination in neighboring countries is for students. After buying a car of test papers for Zhongyuan Zhongye , and placed an order for a bunch of "good things" that are said to be useful for students to improve their grades.

Zhongyuan Zhongya, who had been receiving express delivery not long ago, was too disturbed and had to ask Jiang Wang to stop Verlaine - after all, the large number of supplements alone were enough for his classmates to eat, and it was too much. It was a waste of money.

Verlaine was learning to find a job recently, because he was spending money like water and suddenly found that there was a lot less money in his account. This was obviously not good for his adopted brother's future life plan. So Verlaine, who decided not to make ends meet, began to look for a job. However, due to various reasons of his own, he was currently running into obstacles, forcing Verlaine to try to find a factory recruiting assembly line workers.

It's unbelievable that a dignified transcendent can't find a job. This kind of highest combat power, which can demonstrate the strength of a country and can influence the situation of the war when necessary, will be received with the highest courtesy and worship no matter where it is placed. For the guests.

But in Verlaine's view, there was nothing ridiculous about this, and his friend Rimbaud was also very pleased with it and expressed considerable support.

Because this means that Verlaine has begun to truly integrate into human society, and he no longer continues to be lonely in front of an alien who is very different from all living beings and is not accepted.


the time the news came to Zhongyuan, who was in a foreign country, the dust had completely settled on Neon's side.

No matter how shocked the world is, this island country has quietly changed its political power, and what is incredible is that the new ruler directly deposed the emperor who has never been in this country from ancient times to the present. The past decrees are under his hands. It was constantly being overturned or revised...

What's even more amazing is that the newly established government was very efficient in its work. In just a few months, it calmed the citizens who were a little uneasy due to the change of rulers, and the entire country was completely stabilized. .

Zhongyuan Zhongya kept searching for news published on the Internet, but his brows furrowed more and more tightly because he couldn't find any information about Jiang Wang at all.

——The person who led all this has completely disappeared, as if he had been modified with correction fluid. No matter in the official announcement or other media reports, there are no relevant words, only a few words. A spokesperson with a familiar face.

Although Jiang Wang behaves in a low-key manner on weekdays, he will not erase all sense of his existence like this.


It's like...it never happened.

He urgently contacted Dazai Osamu in Yokohama, but the answer Dazai Osamu could give was silence.

"What's going on, Dazai?!"

Nakahara Chuuya had no choice but to say: "If you don't say anything, I will go back by myself!"

"...I don't know what you are thinking, sir."

Dazai Osamu's voice Somewhat erratic: "But judging from his behavior, Chuuya..."

"Sir, it seems that he doesn't want us anymore."

Even his own existence has to be hidden and erased, let alone them?

Zhongyuan Zhongya only felt a splitting headache. He tried his best to suppress his emotions, which were getting worse and worse since he found out that Jiang Wang could not be found in the news: "Don't cause trouble at this time, you bastard!"

"Didn't you ask Mr. ?!"

Dazai Osamu's miserable laughter came from the loudspeaker: "I can't even see you."

"He has disappeared from me!"


I want to ask Verlaine! "

After saying this, Zhongyuan Zhongye hung up the phone.

Dazai Osamu threw away his phone and let himself be buried in the quilt.

Is this what being abandoned feels like?

...It's like falling from heaven to hell.

Silent tears soaked the quilt, but unfortunately no one could see it.

Until someone rang the doorbell of the rental apartment, Dazai Osamu, who was standing upright on the bed as if he was dead, jumped up instantly. He quickly ran over and opened the door. Outside the door was a courier in uniform.

"Is this Mr. Dazai Osamu? There is a letter for you here, please sign for it."

Dazai Osamu took the envelope with slightly trembling hands. When he saw the line signed by the sender, his gray eyes suddenly lit up - -

Before deciding to leave this world, Jiang Wang had tried his best to arrange everything.

On the national side, there were cadres such as Ozaki Momiji. He gave them a few months to get used to the change in responsibilities. Ozaki Momiji lived up to his trust and grew particularly quickly. He successfully took over the heavy responsibility before he left.

There are many talents in the superpower department. Even without Gojo Satoru, although most of the products from Jiang Wang's original superpower laboratory that cooperated with neighboring countries have gone to neighboring countries, the rest have gone to the country. Blessed Land People with powers like Ying Chi are no longer a threat...

No matter how good or bad the country develops in the future, it has nothing to do with Jiang Wang at this moment, it is the business of Ozaki Momiji and others.

Jiang Wang delegated power very simply. He was not a person who was greedy for power. He said he wanted to leave, but there was no news the next day, and Verlaine could not find him.

Nakahara Chuuya later returned to Yokohama and found Osamu Dazai, who was in surprisingly good mental condition.

Osamu Dazai took out the letter and said that he was just too tired these years and wanted to go out for some relaxation and rest for a while. When he misses them, he will come back to see them.

Nakahara Chuuya believed that the letters sent from all over the world every once in a while were indeed Jiang Wang's tone. After Dazai Osamu graduated, he began to follow Jiang Wang's footsteps around the world, and he would sometimes follow...

When you have hope, every plant and tree in the world is particularly lovely.

In the future, they will definitely be able to meet their husband again!

——Subversion of political power·End.

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