I woke up before Rey did and quickly got dressed. I wrote down my number and name, putting it on her nightstand before leaving.
I drove straight home to shower and change. I had a meeting in two hours that I could NOT be late for.
Im closing a Beverly Hills mansion today and if everything goes well I'll be partnering with another agency and potentially will be holding shares for it.
I parked in the drive way and got out quickly walking to the front door.
My head was spinning but I didn't mind it im used to working under chaos.
I looked at Lenos house and noticed her car was there still. Maybe I'll see her on my way out.
After showering I dressed in my black and white suit with my Gucci loafers. I pulled my dreads back and put on my Rolex along with a slim gold chain.
I looked in the mirror checking my presentability then proceeded on my way out.
As I walked out I saw that Lenos car was no longer there. Even though I was suspicious of her, she still gained a place in my life by doing what she did for me. She's true and it'd be a shame to not keep someone like that around. She just reminded me too much of..
I shook my head. Today is business only not feelings. I need to better control my emotions I can't keep living like this, having constant flashbacks, getting no sleep and smoking heavily when I can.
I drove off blasting some west coast to get my mood up. I knew exactly what to say today and how to persuade this luxury contracting business.
If today goes well, I will have a sky rise, luxury hotel and casino by the end of next year.
Once I got to the building of the company owner I was escorted by two body guards that were standing out front.
The elevator ride was very silent and awkward but I kept my gaze on the beautiful architecture and view from the glass elevator. I'm very excited to meet the owner of the company, I've heard many great things.
"The boss will be at the end of the hall, behind the two doors" the body guards said as they stood near the elevator. I walked down and was greeted by a light skin receptionist. She smiled and opened the door for me. I thanked her and walked in to the meeting room.
I saw the boss staring at the city through the glass, there were some people sitting at their desks but I'm guessing more were coming since this will be an investment on their part, I will become a new partner and shareholder and I'm sure there are many more since this is a multi million franchise. Soon it will become a billion dollar franchise mark my words.
"You are early, I like you already" the boss said as they turned around revealing a familiar face but new as well.
"Good morning Mrs. Reyes" I smiled.
She looked shocked but then smiled along with me.
"Before we start this meeting I would like to have a private conversation with our new potential client, please excuse us" she said as everyone nodded and continued sorting through papers. She walked me out of the room and we were escorted to a private office.
"I am surprised" she laughed shutting the door behind her.
"I had no idea that you would be the boss of this franchise, I understand if what happened between us will change things" I said disappointed but honestly.
I know better than to mix business with pleasure and im sure she felt the same.
"I understand, I am careful about where I put my name so it comes to no surprise that you did not know who I am" Rey said.
"Nothing will change Ky, however our relationship will need to remain strictly as partners of business and nothing more, the position that I am in means I cannot get feelings involved and neither should you" she continued.
"I understand I will maintain a business relationship with you and nothing more" I replied and put my hand out for her to shake.
She stared into my eyes as we shook hands and I did the same. It will be sad to not be able to see where a relationship could take us. We are both powerful business women.. something amazing could've come out of this.
"Alright well let's head back, the meeting will begin soon" she patted my back and opened the door for me.
We walked into the hall and were met with another familiar face.
"Ahh this is my right hand man and one of our partners as well" Rey said to me.
"Ky, this is Leno, Leno this is Ky" she introduced us.
"Hi" I smiled and held out my hand.
"Hello" she had a worried expression on her face.
"Leno of today goes well, she will be a partner and we will be working to build a multi million dollar franchise, a hotel" she whispered the last part as if it was top secret.
Leno nodded and we continued to the meeting room.
"Good morning everyone" Rey said.
"As all of us know we will be discussing a new business plan and strategy as well as welcoming a new partner once we all make our decisions, however I believe most of you will agree that this plan will leave us all with more than we've ever seen" she said.
"This is Ky Moreno here with us today" I nodded to everyone with a closed smile. "And she will be presenting her business plan along with several details and things we need to all decide on. There is not much explaining need for we have done this several times so let us get started" she finished and guided her hand to the board where I plugged my computer in and popped up the google slide.
"Hello everyone I am pleased to meet with you all and I am excited to start the process of turning my dream into a reality. To tell you a few things about me, I am self made, I am originally from New Jersey and come from a family who had close to nothing but I worked hard, studied and now have a masters in business, I've owned several thriving business and properties which have all succeeded which is why I believe I will be an asset to this company" I continued with my speech then moved on to the Google slide where I explained my business plan, blueprints, and predicted profits that were analyzed by a statistics professional.
Once my presentation was done I was asked to exit the room so that all partners and shareholders could put it to a vote.
I was pretty sure I had it in the bag because I saw a lot of faces lighten up once I got to the profit section. Business profits of the entire company are expected to increase by 10% if they get into business with me.
I kept my fingers crossed the entire time awaiting their decision.
"Mrs. Moreno you may come back inside" the receptionist told me.
I walked in with my head high and took a seat.
"Welcome back Mrs. Moreno, the board has decided
To be continued....
Sorry for the long wait for an update I had writers block for a minute on this story but I have a good plot ready for y'all.
Let me know what you guys think and if you have any suggestions for the book lmk!!
Thanks for fw me💙
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