Chapter 23

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Leno's POV.

"Yo shut the fuck up pussy" I told the stud in front of me.

"Fuck you let me go mother fucker" they said to me spitting on the ground.

I heard C chuckle in the background.

"Ha you really fucked up now"  he said.

I pistol whipped her.

"Answer my damn question" I said.

"Look all I know is someone named Dee said she would pay me 5k if I drugged that girl and brought her back to her" she said coughing up blood.

"Where" i said.

She didn't reply so I pistol whipped her again signaling C to do his thing. He grabbed the knife and a Trey and put it under her tied up hand, placing the knife on top of her index finger.

"I said where can I find her" I growled.

"Motel 6 on C street" she panted.

"That's all you had to do" I chuckled.

"Look if you let me go I won't say anything I promise" she said pleading.

I just looked at her and shook my head.

Do it C.

"Wait please I can tell you more info about Dee" she said.

"Stop" I told C before he pulled the trigger.

I walked over to her.

"Spit it out" I said irritated.

"She's from Jersey, she's 26 and she said that this girl was her girlfriend or ex something like that. She said she tried to run away from her but she found her anyways and that she was going to kill her once she found her" she rambled on.

"Why does she want to kill her" I asked.

"She said because Ky is my property or something like that" she replied to me.

"Ky?" I said curiously.

"Yes Ky, that's the girls name no?" She asked.

"Do it" I told C walking away.

"WAI-" she was cut off by a gunshot. I walked out of the abandoned building and walked to my car.

I called up one of my men to clean up this mess and headed back home.

The whole ride I thought about how the stud said that renaes name was Ky.

Why would she lie to me about it? Is she in danger? Is she the danger? Many thoughts ran through my mind but I then thought about how genuine she seemed to be. Her energy was very familiar to me but I couldn't recall from where.

It was 12:30 when I pulled into my parking lot. I got out locking the doors and went into my house. I instantly walked up to my room and looked out the window beside me.

My neighbor was laid out on her bed in a blue lit room. She must have put those lights up today. Her hair was spread out and she looked so peaceful. All I yearned for was to be laying next to her but I needed to give her space since she said she only wanted to be friends. I don't want to come off like a weirdo but one day I will make her mine.

Ky. I like that better then Renae. I chuckled to myself.

I need to find this Dee person because there is no way she's going to be touching this girl.

I will be her protector.

I laid my head down and soon fell asleep.

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