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Sunday September 05, 2021: Father's Day

Rhea stared at her phone, teeth chewing on her nail as she watched the door dash driver approach. Stealthily she slipped out of the bed, clad only in Dominik’s shirt and boxers, then snuck out the room. She poked her head into the nursery to check on DJ. Kanga and Scrappy were curled together on the rug beside his crib, fast asleep, forcing her to take extra care as she crept towards the crib. Like his father Jr was laying on his back with one hand in his pants and the other behind his head.

We really need to thank Ticona for all those onesies.

With a chuckle she made her way out the room and down the stairs. Again Rhea glanced at her phone, smile brightening when she saw the dasher was only three minutes away. Exiting the house she waited for him, the cool morning air caressing her warm skin.

“Hey girl, you come out for a run?”

Rhea turned to find Naomi, the twins, Sasha, Bayley, Titus, Raquel, Natalya, Truth, Becky, Damian, and Finn. She smiled with a shake of her head.

“I’m waiting for a Doordash. I wanted to do something special for Dom cause it’s Father’s Day, where I’m from.”

“Awww. That’s super sweet.” Jey said earnestly.

A red mustang pulled up right in front of her and rolled down the window. The driver held two large brown paper bags out the window for her to take.

“Thanks.” Rhea said while taking them.

“My pleasure, have a nice breakfast.” He said before speeding off.

“Enjoy your run.” She offered while making her way back into the house.

“Thanks girly.” Sasha chuckled.

“Enjoy your Father’s day.” Naomi added.

“Tell Dom we said what’s up.” Jimmy offered.

“Don’t forget about the Labor Day Bash tomorrow at the park. Bring the baby, I still haven’t met him.” Natalya piped.

Rhea simply nodded with a smile and thumbs up as everyone jogged by. Chuckling she entered her home then locked the door and walked to her kitchen. Setting the bag down she went to the cabinet to get a large bed tray, a few paper plates, and a tall glass. After unpacking the food she made her way to the fridge to grab the jar of salted caramel sauce, Liv dropped off the night before, and the half gallon of milk. Setting them on the counter she opened the fridge to retrieve the vanilla ice cream.

I really hope he likes this.


Of course he will.


A smirk played on her face as she combined ice cream, Sea Salt Caramel Sauce, and milk into her blender. Pausing she went to her cabinet to retrieve a bag of pretzels, then threw some in as well. Setting a two minute timer Rhea put the lid on then started the blender. While it mixed up the contents she neatly put the food on the plates. Once she was done, Rhea poured the smooth shake into the cup. She even took the time to garnish it with whipped cream, more caramel sauce and pretzel pieces.


Taking a deep breath she picked up the tray and carried it all the way back to her room. Dominik was still fast asleep so she set the tray on the nightstand and took off her clothes. Pulling the covers off of him, Rhea crawled onto the bed, stopping at his manhood. He began to stir as the scent of food and feel of her kissing his cock tickled his brain.

“What’s happening?” He inquired, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

“Father’s day gift for my Papi.”

“It’s Father’s Day?”

“It is down under.” She chuckled before her tongue ran up his shaft.

Dominik was too groggy to understand what she meant. So instead he sat up, just enough to look at the food on the nightstand beside him.

“This for me?”

“Of course Papi, today is all about you.”

Smiling he ate while Rhea sucked his cock. By the time he finished His cock was rock hard, so she sat on it. Hands pressed against his shoulders, Rhea began to ride Dominik while he just sat back and watched. They both new it had to be quick as DJ wouldn’t be asleep for long, but that didn’t mean they didn’t enjoy the pleasure while it lasted. Her walls clenched around him, nails digging into the back of his neck.

“Fuck I’m gunna cum.” Dominik hissed, sitting up to wrap his wife in a tight embrace.

She held him just as tight before connecting there lips. Groaning Dominik spilled his seed inside of Rhea.

“I love you.” She whispered between kisses.

Dominik just held her tight, hips bucking into her as he sucked on her neck. Rhea’s fingers massaged his scalp, as they both came down from their high.

“I’m gunna take a shower, can you bring the tray down stairs. I’ll do the dishes later."

“Yeah I got it.”

They kissed once more then Rhea got off him. Dominik pulled his boxers up before picking up the tray and carrying it downstairs. After setting it on the counter by the sink, he noticed that there was really only one dish to clean. Though she told him not to Dominik washed it and the tray, tossing out the paper plates and plastic utensils. With a content sigh he returned to the bedroom, stopping at the Linen closet to grab a clean set of sheets.

“I got a bath in there for ya, have a soak. I’ll take care of that.” Rhea announced when he entered.

Dominik turned to Rhea with a smile, watching as she dried her hair. He approached her then leaned down to press their lips together. The smell of peppermint burned his nose but it tasted sweet.

“Thank you, mi amor.”

They parted, him entering the bathroom as she placed the clean bedding on the dresser. Gathering the soiled sheets, Rhea carried them downstairs to the laundry room for a wash. On her way back to the room she stopped at DJ's to make his morning bottle then put it in the warmer.

“🎶Yeah, I'm thankful

Scratch that, baby, I'm grateful

Gotta say it's really been a while

But now I got back that smile

I'm so thankful

Scratch that, baby, I'm grateful

Now you see me shine from a mile

Finally got back that smile🎶”

As she sang the woman danced to one of the dressers, so she could pick a new outfit for her son. His eyes opened, arms and legs stretching while his body wiggled around. Rhea’s voice wasn’t as beautiful as Dominik’s but DJ appreciated it all the same.

“🎶Every day, Groundhog Day

Goin' through motions felt so fake

Not myself, not my best

Felt like I failed the test

But every tear has been a lesson

Rejection can be God's protection

Long hard road to get that redemption

But no shortcuts to a blessin'🎶”

She picked out a Los Mysterios onesie then grabbed a fresh diaper.

“🎶Yeah, I'm thankful

Scratch that, baby, I'm grateful

Gotta say it's really been a while

But now I got back that smile

I'm so thankful

Scratch that, baby, I'm grateful

Now you see me shine from a mile

Finally got back that smile🎶”

Setting the items on the changing table, Rhea danced her way to the crib then peered inside. Sleep crusted hazel eyes met clear blues, causing the baby to smile.

“🎶I'm 2.0, remodeled

Used to be dull, now I sparkle

Had a piece of humble pie

That ego check saved my life

Now I got a smile like Lionel Richie

Big and bright, need shades just to see me

Tryna stay alive just like I'm the Bee Gees

A Mona Lisa masterpiece🎶”

His mouth fell open as Rhea picked him up, tongue poking out as she laughed and kissed his chubby cheeks.

“🎶Yeah, I'm thankful

Scratch that, baby, I'm grateful

Gotta say it's really been a while

But now I got back that smile

I'm so thankful

Scratch that, baby, I'm grateful

Now you see me shine from a mile

Finally got back that smile🎶”

She danced with him back to the table, laying him down gently before taking off his onesie. Rhea used it to wipe away the sleep then discarded it and leaned down to kiss his cheek then blow into his neck.

“🎶Ooh I'm thankful

Scratch that, baby, I'm grateful

Gotta say it's really been a while

But now I got back that smile🎶”

Putting on a pair of gloves, she checked his diaper. Rhea was happy it wasn’t blown out but she could tell it was full on both sides.

“🎶I'm so thankful

Scratch that, baby, I'm grateful

Now you see me shine from a mile

Finally got back that smile

I'm so grateful

'Cause I finally, 'cause I finally, ohh

I'm so grateful

'Cause I finally, 'cause I finally, ohh.🎶”

After expertly changing him she tossed out the soiled pamper and took off her gloves. Blowing into his belly button earned her more laughs and a side to side wiggle. She put him in the black and yellow onesie, then picked him up and carried him to the master bedroom. Along the way she stopped to grab his warmed bottle.

“You ready to eat papito?”

He babbled and cooed, arms going wild as he was carried to the bedroom. The dogs happily followed Rhea out the room but instead of going to the bedroom they went downstairs to have their own breakfast. By the time she reached the room Dominik was back in bed, having changed the forgotten sheets, with his special movies queued up.

“I'll feed him, you get dressed.” He chuckled.

With a smile and one last kiss she handed their son over and kissed her husband. Dominik smiled as he took the bottle.

“Have you spoken to your father today?”

“I sent him and gramps a text before I got the doordash. I’ll send some pics later.” She replied, slipping on one of his Los Mysterios shirts to match DJ.

Instead of putting on panties, Rhea put on a pair of basketball shorts.

“I’m gunna do the dishes real quick.”

“I handled it, I know you said not to but it was only one cup.”

“Fair enough, I still gotta add his stuff to the wash.”

With a nod Dominik looked down at his son, greedily drinking his bottle. They had to switch to long wide bottles to satisfy their hungry little gremlin. He never spit up but he was a very aggressive eater, who liked to fight for his bottle. So when it was halfway gone Dominik pulled it away as fast as he could. DJ was ready for this tactic, gums clamping down as an annoyed grumble left him.

“Come on Papito, I’ll give it right back. I just need to burp you really quick.”

He slapped his father’s wrist and shook his head. With a sigh Dominik tickled his side, causing DJ to let go. His eyes immediately began to water just before the whaling.

“I know Papito, you’re a hungry little gremlin, but we gotta get the burpies out.”

Shifting his position, so the boy was over his shoulder, Dominik began rubbing and patting his back. After a few moments the cries were replaced by a big belch then a fart. Checking his diaper  Dominik was relieved to find it still clean, so he continued the feeding. By the time it was empty Rhea returned with a second bottle. This time DJ let go easy, because there was nothing left inside the first. He was burped a second time then took his next bottle.

“Everything good?”

“Yeah. The pups are in the back yard. When they come back in I’ll check and see if they pooped.” She said, taking a few pictures to send to her family.

He nodded, watching her lay beside them.  This time Dominik just let him suck down the bottle, as it was smaller than the first. Again he burped quick causing both Rhea and Dom to smile. Setting Jr up so he was sitting between them Dominik started the movies.


Monday September 6, 2021: Labor Day

Dominik sat on the couch with DJ, while Rhea gathered the pups.

“Alright are you lot ready?” She asked, leading the two dogs on black leashes.

All three were all wearing black Los Mysterios shirts with khaki pants and classic chucks. Dominik’s shirt was sleeveless, while Rhea’s was tied up in the back to show off her midriff.

Ding-dong! Ding-dong! Ding-ding-dong!

Dominik put DJ in his stroller and followed Rhea to the door. The couldesac was waiting for them with coolers and happy kids. DJ's eyes were wide as he tried to take in all the new sights and people. Smiling Dominik picked up the stroller to carry it down the steps. Natalya and the girls swarmed them.

“Oh my god he's so precious!” Natalya praised.

“What a handsome little munchkin.” Sasha added.

“Look at those squishy cheeks.” Naomi piped.

“God he’s a total cutie.” Becky chuckled.

“Kid gets that from Dom. His abuela showed me pictures and they’re clones.” Rhea stated.

“He's a lot bigger than I was but yeah, he my twin.”

“Just a perfect little bundle of joy.” Damien sighed.

“Oye the boy’s angelic! Hard ta believe his father’s this demon.” Finn chuckled.

Dominik rolled his eyes and kept walking while everyone laughed.

“Give me that little bundle of joy.” Raquel ordered as she stepped in front of Dominik.

He stopped so she could pick up her godson.

“You have the sweetest smile. Yes you do! Yes you do.” She cheered causing Dj to laugh.

“You are so adorable!” Alexa joined.

Rhea and Dominik looked at each other then their son.

“God he’s gunna be such an attention whore when he grows up.”

Rhea shoulder checked Dominik but they both laughed.

“At least his first Labor day is a hit.”

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